Chapter 618

"Jie Jie..." Although the little blood people didn't speak, they made eerie noises when they flapped their wings.Not long after, they broke through the obstruction of the flames and killed Xu Huang and the others.

Soon a lagging soldier was caught by the blood man.The soldier tried to kill them with his long sword, but after the long sword shattered them, they returned to their original shape after a while, and then continued to attack.

One of the blood men directly penetrated into the soldier's body, and after a while, the soldier's whole body swelled up.It inflated rapidly like a balloon, and finally burst with a "bang", turning into a puddle of flesh and blood.The blood man flew out like this, with a brand new blood man behind him, which was formed by the soul of this soldier.

"They will proliferate, let's go!" Seeing this, Xu Huang immediately knew the horror of this kind of blood people, and immediately shouted, and at the same time shot a thunder talisman, hoping to break the evil thunder talisman and be useful to these blood people.

Lightning flashed by, but these blood men seemed to be born afraid of the light, so they quickly avoided it.Only two or three were unable to dodge, were hit by the lightning, and immediately turned into a pool of dried blood.But these two or three were nothing compared to the five hundred blood men.They immediately sped up their speed and rushed towards the large army.

"How many Thunder Talismans are left? Use them all, otherwise none of us will go back alive!" Xu Huang shouted, he still has three Thunder Talismans in his arms, and he doesn't know how many can be killed. Also with this stuff.

"I have two yuan!" Zhao Yun took out the Thunder Talisman. As for Gongsun Zan, he took out a Thunder Talisman. It took a lot of effort to buy it from Xi Zhicai.Thunder Talismans are more expensive than other jade Talismans, so they are rarely bought.

It can't be said that Xi Zhicai is greedy for money. The power of thunder and lightning is true, which also means that the energy is very unstable. To make a thunder talisman, only one out of three can succeed. I don't know how much energy and jade materials are consumed during the period. Going up will lose money.

"We must let them concentrate and deal with them together, otherwise it would be too wasteful!" Xu Huang gritted his teeth, he knew what his words meant.

He didn't need to be sensational at all, and immediately one soldier started to fall behind, then the second, and the third.They are very clear that someone must sacrifice at this time, otherwise everyone may be finished.

I only hope that their death can create an opportunity for Pao Ze.It is best not to die, if you have to sacrifice, just hope that your death can be meaningful.

When the blood men saw their prey, they gathered over one after another. Seeing this, Xu Huang, Zhao Yun, and Gongsun Zan immediately activated the jade talisman and let Lei Guang display it.As expected, this group of blood men had limited food, so they didn't react at all, and dozens of them were killed by lightning immediately.Even so, there are still more than 400 soldiers who assimilate these three soldiers as their partners.

"Is this going to be endless or something? Generally speaking, spells or curses should lose their effect as long as the energy is exhausted?" Gongsun Zan was a little palpitated, after all, he no longer had the Thunder Talisman in his hand. .

"Is it possible to destroy it by practicing qi?" After Zhao Yun finished speaking, he turned his head and shot out two arrows. The bloody man rushed over.

The two blood men avoided it and were directly penetrated, turning into two pools of blood, but they regrouped after a while.

"Damn it, it seems that there is no other way but Thunder Talisman!" Xu Huang cursed suddenly.

"General, avenge us!" At this moment, two more soldiers fell behind and were surrounded by blood men.

"I will remember you all!" Xu Huang and Zhao Yun immediately took out the Thunder Talisman and punched it out.The difference is that this time these blood men actually knew how to dodge and only killed more than 40 of them.

"I don't have Thunder Talisman anymore!" Zhao Yun said slowly, "Their speed seems to have started to increase!"

Indeed, the blood men might have been completely irritated. They flew over at full speed, which was actually comparable to the speed of a horse galloping at full speed.The question is how long can the horse run at full speed?That is to say, they have three horses per person, so that they can ensure the physical strength of the horses by changing horses, but those bloody people don't seem to know how tired they are.

Sure enough, not long after, the horses were exhausted and fell to the ground, and the soldiers were soon surrounded by blood men.Xu Huang gritted his teeth and played the last Thunder Talisman, killing more than 20 blood men.Even so, he still has lingering fears in the face of about [-] blood men.

Time passed slowly, and the horses gradually lost their strength, so the second, third, and more and more soldiers fell behind, and were surrounded by these blood men.They also tried to resist, but no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't kill these blood men.

At first more than 100 soldiers were killed, and then it quickly became more than 300.On the blood man's side, there were four hundred more partners, and at the same time they were constantly chasing and killing Xu Huang and the others.

"Hurry up, go back and report! Let the military division come to support us!" Xu Huang shouted at Zhao Yun.

"Here!" Under Zhao Yun's seat was the Yuzhaoye Lion Beast, also a real famous BMW horse, running at full speed, and quickly distanced himself from the main force.

"Bogui, let's see who's luckier!" Xu Huang shouted at Gongsun Zan at this time.

"Haha, it's exactly what I want!" Gongsun Zan laughed loudly, and then urged the horses to move forward.

Race, race against death, don't say the two generals know it, the soldiers below know it too.Horses used to run when something happened, and it had to be said that horses seemed to be attracted to them, but it was a pity that they only sucked up the blood of horses, but they would not assimilate horses into their partners.

After consuming a lot of war horses, no matter what, keep a distance from these blood men.At this time, according to the road signs coming over, it was less than twenty miles away from the camp.

"There are still twenty miles left, I just hope our horses can last!" Xu Huang said slowly. At this moment, there are less than 3000 people left in the [-] army, and there are dense blood men behind them.

Are they victories?At least Ke Bineng has been put to death, and the entire eastern Xianbei tribal alliance has completely disintegrated!However, in order to achieve this goal, [-] soldiers were sacrificed, including many elites!

"Bogui!" Xu Huang shouted suddenly, it turned out that at some point, two bright red blood men had rushed towards Gongsun Zan.The more blood these vampires sucked, the brighter their color became, and the faster they moved.The speed of these two bright red blood men has surpassed that of ordinary horses, so they can catch up.

"Take care of my wife and children for me!" Seeing this, Gongsun Zan smiled, then drew his saber and killed the two blood men.

He chopped the two blood men to pieces as much as possible, but he didn't expect the other party to recover in an instant, and then rushed towards him, entering his body not long after.Gongsun Zan smiled, took out a fire talisman, and ignited it directly, but burned him to death.

TOEFL, together with the two blood men in his body, was burned to death directly.

At this time, more than ten blood men have surrounded Xu Huang!
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(End of this chapter)

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