Chapter 615
When the conditions for becoming a king came out, the queen and concubine were naturally worried about their son.

For children, this matter is too far away from them.After all, one must reach the crown before considering whether to be crowned king or marquis. Excluding Li Chong, the oldest of the remaining children is only 13 years old, and there are still seven years to slowly prepare.

On the contrary, Li Mei, the eldest daughter of the emperor, was full of complaints, and even went to Li Ming directly to complain: "Father is not fair, why should the younger brothers choose to be crowned king or marquis, while we girls can only be crowned princesses."

"Why, Mei'er still plans to become an official or a general?" Li Ming suddenly became interested when he heard this.It's not that I haven't thought about liberating women, but this is a minefield, and anyone who touches it will be unlucky.The key is to be suppressed by the patrilineal society for so long, and it can be liberated suddenly. God knows how far it will be liberated?
One or two of the later generations insist on equality between men and women, and only want to enjoy rights, but they do not intend to perform their obligations 'equally'.Even in the name of liberating women, Li Ming had a lot of contact with women who planned to turn society back into a matriarchal society.

The concept of equality between men and women cannot be solved even in the civilized society of later generations, the humanistic and humane society. Why should I get involved in it when I live in ancient times, not to mention that if I really want to be liberated, those men will be the first to tear themselves apart.

"Meier followed her mother since she was a child, and learned a lot of swordsmanship, and learned a lot of strategies for governing the country, but she has never had a place to display it. It's fine to become an official or join the army. A man who is a king can do it. A daughter Why not?" Li Mei pouted her waist and said.

She is also eighteen years old this year. According to the general situation, she can already get married.It's just that Li Ming doesn't want his daughter to get married too early, so he said that the princess can only get married when she is 20 years old.The candidate for the husband was actually determined three years ago. It was Zhu Jun's son Zhu Hao. For this reason, Zhu Hao was 30 years old but not married, but the two parties already had a marriage contract.

"I'm going to get married in two years, and I'm still so strong. Then my father asked you, if you become king, will you still get married?" Li Ming asked with a smile, "After you become king, you have to hand over your military power. If you let Zhu Hao abandon martial arts and follow literature, would he be willing? Besides, will the child you give birth to be named Li or Zhu? If the latter, who will inherit your kingdom after the feudal kingdom? If the surname is Li, it is equivalent to Zhu Hao. Will he be willing to marry into our Li family?"

Yes, no matter what happens, the princess has no possibility of becoming king.Among other things, in an era where family inheritance is very important, marrying into a family is looked down upon.Without the support of absolute love, Zhu Hao couldn't ignore the eyes of everyone around Yiyang.But can the love between Zhu Hao and Li Mei really reach that height?

At least not at this stage, they just look at each other so that they don't hate each other, and I'm afraid it's not even love.

Li Mei has never considered the issue of her own feelings, this is the first time she examines her own feelings.However, she hasn't had much contact with men, she doesn't even know what 'love' is, but she at least knows what 'responsibility' is.

Indeed, there was no need to harm Zhu Hao.King Feng is indeed very beautiful, but in order to develop the fiefdom, husband and wife must get together less and get more points. For a couple who get together less and get more points, how much love is left?Besides, Zhu Hao was about to lose his military power, would he blame himself for it?The key point is, what is the last name of the child born? !

"Father, I..." Li Mei found out that the question of 'whether to be crowned king' has turned into such a profound question.For a while, he didn't know how to answer.

"You will think about this question and prove that you are a kind child. Your talents will not be buried. After you get married, use your talents to help the Zhu family get closer. At the same time, maintain the relationship between the Li family and the Zhu family, so that the friendship between the two families can continue from generation to generation. This is a great achievement. It cannot be said that your achievements may not be much worse than your title " Li Ming said lovingly as he stroked Li Mei's head.

"My child understands!" Li Mei nodded obediently when she heard the words, she was still a little bit frustrated that she was not crowned king.

"My daughter is crowned king..." Seeing Li Mei leave, Li Ming really thought about this issue, but the women's sex movement has not yet started, and women's job options are very limited, they have no income, and they are at home. Naturally, he has no right to speak, and eventually becomes a vassal of men.

"Forget it, I can't change it...Leave a thought to give future generations a headache!" Li Ming didn't bother to waste his brainpower, saying that there is no eternal dynasty.Since the surviving of the dynasty is a problem, who the fuck wants to worry about the liberation of women's rights.Besides, there are some things that come naturally and naturally, so there is no need to force them.

However, the status of women can be improved a little bit, after all, they are still the status of concubines.Like goods, this situation is indeed a bit... At least I, a Chinese woman, shouldn't be treated like this.

It was another court meeting, and of course Li Ming also mentioned this issue.The civil and military ministers couldn't help being taken aback when they heard the words. They just wondered if Li Ming had been too busy recently, and he even interfered with the affairs of other people's private houses.

The brain power of human beings is terrible. Many people think that Li Ming should not be so painful to think about such trivial matters, so they naturally think deeply, analyze and understand deeply.

Then he came to a conclusion: Li Ming intends to further win over small and medium-sized aristocratic families!After all, the children of rich and powerful families, many concubines come from these small families, even women from poor families!Of course, the wife must be of the same family, and concubines only need to be good-looking!
However, if the status of concubines is improved, it is natural that small and medium-sized families, even those from poor families, will benefit the most.Of course they will be grateful to Li Ming, although it has no effect on the overall situation, but they will compromise with the court on some small matters.

"Your Majesty thinks, how to improve?" Zhang Zhao stood up.

"I can't think of anything else. At first, I just hoped that Huaxia women would not be taken into the home like goods. They would be thrown aside after three days. Even if the wife didn't like it, she could directly kill her without taking any serious responsibility. .

Not to mention that many Yue people and even Japanese women are married as concubines nowadays. The difference in culture and customs makes them easily disgusted by their wives. Over time, these foreigners are afraid of Chinese men and dare not marry them. So for us The national strategy in the future will have a great impact. " Li Ming said slowly, the more he talked, the clearer his thinking became.

"Then what's your majesty's idea?" Zhang Zhao continued to ask.

"I don't intend to change too much. For example, if a big woman abuses a concubine for a long time, the concubine has the right to propose a divorce. The husband's family must provide part of the property to the concubine. We should also help them remarry as soon as possible. For widows or divorced women, we should encourage them to remarry, and at the same time not allow them to be humiliated on the moral level. If the concubines die suddenly and are found to be related to the husband's family, the murderer and accomplices should also bear certain responsibilities. After all, since the beginning If you don’t like others and still refuse to reconcile them, then why did you accept them in the first place? It’s fresh for three days? I’ll just ask all my lovers, what kind of a person can say such a thing?!” Li Ming frowned. a pick.

The courtiers whispered immediately when they heard the words. Li Ming's words would obviously raise the threshold for concubines.In fact, it may not be a bad thing for big families, at least it can prevent many small families from climbing the dragon and the phoenix.

As a result, in the end, the most disadvantaged are the small and medium families who intend to strive for the upper ranks.Those who earn the most are the common people. They don't have to worry about their daughters being forcibly taken as concubines.Another benefit is that they are big families. With this decree, many requests for marriage can be rejected, and at the same time it can prevent some unscrupulous children from indulging in women.

As for the loss of some contacts, they are all rich and powerful, and those who can really enter the door know the rules.As long as the concubines abide by the rules, the big wives will naturally not embarrass them.He Li can't talk about it, after all, they are already enlightened when they marry.At most, it is just to protect them from being abused by their husband's family. This actually has no effect on the overall situation.

"Your Majesty is benevolent and righteous!" Xun Biao took the lead, followed by Zhang Zhao and others.Li Ming is the emperor, as long as their fundamental interests are not affected, then they can make compromises, especially this thing that is not even superficial.

"It's just that women who are widowed at home, or after divorce, can't survive without a job. They can't be supported by the court, right? I plan to open a school in each county to let them learn some means of making a living..." Li Ming expressed his second thought. After all, there are already tens of thousands of military widows waiting for the court's relief.

Many of them are capable, and they have started to make a living. Coupled with pensions and military family benefits, they live well.But it is not only these military members who are widowed at home. Most of them have no means of making a living, or their business fails, and they can only rely on doing rough work to make ends meet. Many of them have to hang an embroidered shoe on the door.

"Your Majesty!" Zhang Zhao finally jumped out, "Nowadays, all industries are flourishing in the Great Chu, and all walks of life can earn a living as long as they are willing to work hard. The pensions of military dependents are set by His Majesty, and it is not easy to change them. As for ordinary widowed women, The point is that you should find a good family to marry, and if you show your face, you will inevitably miss a marriage."

"That's right...that's right..." Many civil servants also responded one after another, and they all knew Li Ming's habits.The first is technical colleges, and there may not be formal colleges in the future, and then should women be allowed to become officials?
Apparently, it is impossible for Li Ming to continue "one move fresh". He has obviously touched the bottom line that cannot be touched.

"Your Majesty is kind, but kindness is obviously too extravagant for those who are willing to degenerate." Xun Biao sighed.

"Cough, okay, I didn't say anything about the latter matter... A few days ago, didn't I hear that Wang Yu was marching towards Ke Bineng's tent? How is the situation now?!" Li Ming coughed lightly Suddenly, he changed the subject.

"This is also the subordinate's plan to report!" Zhu Jun came out. Since Li Ming ascended the throne, Zhu Jun was named the Minister of the Military Department and entered the cabinet. He was in charge of military affairs.By the way, Zhang Zhao will be the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet in the end. After all, his resume and age are there.Relatively speaking, Xun Biao and Gu Yan are still a little younger.

Even Zhang Hong is overwhelming them now, not only in age and experience, but also in ability.Among the rising stars, Gu Yong and Lu Su are still too young. The first goal is to become a minister after the age of 40, and then enter the cabinet.

"Ten days ago, the main force headed by Xu Huang, Zhao Yun, and Gongsun Zan had entered the grassland. They are currently searching for Ke Bineng's tent, but there is no news in the short term. Wuhuan hopes to submit to the Great Chu, but I don't know. What do you think, Your Majesty?" Zhu Jun said slowly, although he was getting older, his aura became more and more vigorous, especially after Li Ming handed over the "Raksha Heart Sutra" to him, many of the "Xue Sha Heart Sutra" brought him The sequelae disappeared.

"I don't accept it! Since they dare to follow Xianbei to beat us, Da Chu won't accept their claim to be a vassal until they get angry!" Li Ming said slowly.

"Then I will give you a reply." Zhu Jun nodded in satisfaction, and then returned to the queue.

 I am not opposed to women's rights, but I don't want to return to the matriarchal society.The right to speak between men and women should depend on their respective economic capabilities, and then compromise and cooperate with each other.Earning more is of course eligible for more power to speak, but since the woman or the man also makes money, they should naturally make appropriate compromises in terms of housework and other aspects.Whether it is marriage or love, it is also necessary to maintain the necessary respect and understanding for each other. Machismo is not acceptable, and of course princess disease is also not acceptable.

  Well, anyway, I don’t think many female readers will read this book...

(End of this chapter)

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