Chapter 613 Conditions for Conferring a King

In the autumn of 205 AD, after the end of the palace examination, a new batch of Jinshi was released one after another.

Lu Xun, grandnephew of Lu Kang from the Lu family of Wu County, won the honor of the champion of the new division; Zhou Yu's brother Zhou Hui was the second; Yuan Ping from Runan County was the candidate.What is surprising is that Yuan Ping has nothing to do with the Yuan Clan, and is actually from a poor family.

Not only that, strictly speaking, among the more than 500 people on the entire list, about 40% are from poor families, which is about 19% more than five years ago, almost double the level.

"Okay! There are more and more people studying in the private sector. In the future, the imperial court will not be hired by the aristocratic family." Li Ming looked at the report and couldn't help but feel relieved.The only regret is that 99% of those who passed the Jinshi examination on the newly added site are descendants of aristocratic families.

In September, the martial arts examination was held as usual. Zhang Zhao's eldest son, Zhang Cheng, became the champion of martial arts with outstanding results;It is worth mentioning that Sun Li, who was Cao Cao's confidant in his early years, went south mainly to protect Xia Houzhi, also known as Cao Zhi.In Li Ming's view, it was quite a surprise that he would take part in martial arts.

The proportion of Wu Jinshi in the poor family high school has reached 35%, and the children of the aristocratic family still have an absolute advantage in martial arts. Even now, "Fighting Battle Judgment", the most trashy Qi training method, has begun to be sold at a cheap price in the Dachu Bookstore.

"The collateral descendants of the aristocratic family have also begun to get a lot of resources. It seems that they have gradually given up on the game on the political level and instead expanded their influence in the military. Your Majesty, if this problem is not resolved, they will be middle-level officers in ten years' time. Yes, I'm afraid they are all descendants of the aristocratic family." Seeing this data, Guo Jia once reminded Li Ming.

So what can I do?Promoting Xuan-level exercises across the country?This is obviously inappropriate. Qi Practitioners are different from ordinary people. They just promote "Fighting Battle". The crime rate in the entire area increases by 5%, and the difficulty of arrest increases by 100%.The heroes of the rivers and lakes robbed the rich and helped the poor for a while, and asked the court to wipe their butts, but in the end they didn't get any benefits.

The common people don't understand so much etiquette, righteousness, honesty and shame, and when they suddenly gain strength, many people will be addicted to it and cannot extricate themselves.When encountering things, I still get used to the previous logic and handling methods. When I see something unpleasant, I just face each other with both fists. As a result, I forget to practice Qi, and my strength is very different from before. The result is similar to "Lu Zhishen beat Zhenguanxi to death with three punches" Come on.

Not to mention those who hate the rich, they just turned to the homes of rich and noble people, intending to 'rob the rich and help the poor'.Unlucky, the next day there was another unlucky guy who failed to steal and was beaten to death by the servant.Fortunately, he took a lot of money and flew away. In the end, the court had to wipe his ass.

The key is that the aristocratic family also used this matter to attack, and the reason was so difficult for Li Ming to refute, that he almost had to stop publishing "Fighting Battle".

The current situation is really bad. If you don’t practice qi, then you will definitely lose in the hegemony with the big man in the future; It is the middle layer.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to worry so much!" When Li Ming was having a headache, Li You stepped forward, "Even if the military has no low-ranking people at the top and no one at the bottom, so what? The military supervision system has been implemented, and we will focus on promoting the poor The juniors are the supervisors of the army! At the same time, the bottom of the army must be well controlled, as long as the bottom is not chaotic, the high-level will naturally not be chaotic!"

"I know!" Li Ming naturally had his own considerations in promoting the military supervision system and the re-education system for low-level officers.In the final analysis, it is to avoid the appearance of "private army". This part has been very successful in recent years, and there is no such thing as "X family army".

Just keep going, seeing that the poor family can only take the deputy position, while the aristocratic families occupy high positions one by one.He was worried that those middle-level military officers would seek refuge in these families for their official careers, which would form a chain of contacts over time.

"Your Majesty, if you want to avoid this problem, I'm afraid you have to work hard in the military academy. How about setting up a scholarship system in the juvenile class, as long as students who study hard and have excellent grades are selected, a group of students who are awarded a mystery-level cheat book From the first floor to the first three floors, is it convenient for them to build a foundation?" Li You reminded.

The juvenile class of the military academy was only established in the last three years. As long as four-year-old children are enrolled, it was initially considered that too many soldiers died in the front line, and it was difficult for orphans and widowed mothers to live. Therefore, if the children were recruited, their mothers would be able to Find a job with peace of mind.

Coupled with the work-study system, children can be self-sufficient if they work hard.The purpose of setting up this juvenile class at the beginning was to let the soldiers have no worries and to better take care of the orphans of martyrs. In fact, not only the juvenile class of the military academy, but also the military juvenile class of Shouchun Academy also recruited military children. annual tuition.

Now it seems that this military academy juvenile class may not be able to take the opportunity to develop.You must know that most of these military children come from poor families, if they can be cultivated...

"Wonderful!" After Li Ming figured this out, he applauded immediately.

Most of the bottom ranks of the army come from humble backgrounds, and officers at the bottom ranks are the most likely to die in battle. After being killed in battle, their sons will enter the military academy, and the outstanding ones can get the method of practicing qi. Coupled with the daily provided medicinal baths and reasonable meals, these children officially enter the Shouchun Military Academy. As long as it is properly cultivated, it will definitely form a force to fight against the children of the aristocratic family in the future.

As time goes by, the children of the aristocratic family want to control the high-level military, but they still have to ask the children of the humble family whether they agree or not!

"There is one more thing!" Li You continued, "Since Your Majesty has already conferred the crown prince, should the other sons and daughters be crowned king or princess?"

"I'm afraid Dong Heng hinted that you asked?" Li Ming smiled lightly. After all, Dong Heng gave birth to his son Li Yu just last year.

"As a mother, who doesn't want their children to live better." Li You sighed, the answer was obvious, and even Li Ming suspected that the other girls had also considered this matter.Especially Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, Da Qiao gave birth to a son Li Kuan just the year before last, while Xiao Qiao gave birth to a son Li Long three months ago.

Before he knew it, he had ten children. Mi Zhen gave birth to a daughter, Li Jiao, for him three years ago; Xun Cai also gave birth to his second daughter, Li Ai, last August.Given the physical conditions of Mi Zhen and Er Qiao, it would not be a problem to have one or two more children in a few years.

By the way, Zhou Yu married a woman named 'Bu Lian Shi' last year.It is said that Zhou Jing arranged the marriage for him. The Bu family was originally from Huaiyin, but they took refuge in Jiangdong. Zhou Jing was the sheriff of Wujun at that time and took the Bu family in.

Not only did he take Bu Zhi as his apprentice, but he also fell in love with Bu Lianshi at the same time. After a few years, Bu Lianshi also grew up, so he matched her with his nephew Zhou Yu.

"Don't make it so that I don't want my children to live better..." Li Ming smiled bitterly, "I also had an idea, see if this works. My children and daughters can be directly divided into princesses, But there is only dowry, no food and land; if a man wants to be crowned king, he not only needs to be crowned, but also can only be crowned outside the king's territory; A rich family fortune."

"What is the concept of this extraterritorial?" Li You asked carefully.

Li Ming came to the map, drew circles, and said: "The Korean Peninsula, Indochina Peninsula, Nanyang Islands, and Shikoku Islands can be sealed off at present. After conquering more lands, these sites can also be sealed off. !"

 To be honest, the idea of ​​sealing the king was considered for a long time before it was finally decided.

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(End of this chapter)

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