Chapter 608 Changes in Nanzhong

The situation of the war in Sizhou has become clear by now.

With Pang De occupying the Wuguan area, the entire Henan Yin has completely fallen into Li Ming's hands.At the same time, as Guan Yu's troops broke into Hanoi County, while Wang Yu's troops took down Wei County, they began to fight towards Zhao County and Julu County.

Yuan Shao led his army to confront Yuan Tan in Anping, and finally defeated Yuan Tan. Before he could enter Bohai County, he didn't want Taishi Ci's troops to come out suddenly and join Yuan Tan to march together.

When Li Ming stopped marching in front of Hangu Pass, good news came from Hebei, and Yuan Shao was decapitated by Yuan Tan in the chaos.This nomination certificate was submitted perfectly, and Li Ming must accept Yuan Tan's allegiance, but it is inevitable to discredit his reputation.

Now, Yuan Tan can only become a lone minister, whether he is a vengeful Hamlet or not, but Li Ming is very satisfied with his current performance.The Yuan family's family is destined to belong to Yuan Tan's branch, and Li Ming will not recognize the others.

"Can't Bingzhou be defeated?" Li Ming looked at Guo Jia. Liu Ting had already retreated to Guanzhong. It would be good to take the opportunity to defeat Bingzhou.

"Our army is struggling in Youzhou. The 30 Xianbei and Wuhuan coalition forces have made it very difficult for General Zhenbei. The nearest priority target of General Zhengbei will be in Youzhou!" The orderly replied quickly, not daring to neglect .

"That's it..." Li Ming felt a little pity. If Wang Yu worked harder, it might not be a dream to rule Hebei.

"Occupying Bingzhou is of little value, not to mention that the Southern Huns are also cruising there, and at the same time they have to cross the Taihang Mountains where the Black Mountain Army is active. At this moment, it was too passive. The key Wang Yu's relatives are still in Taiyuan, so they still have scruples." Guo Jia immediately analyzed Wang Yu's thoughts.

"Do you need support?" Li Ming nodded. Considering the risks, there is really no need to attack Bingzhou at present.

"Hedong seems to be just as troublesome... let's stop here! Pound!" Li Ming thought about it carefully, seeing that winter was about to enter in half a month, there was no need to continue fighting.

"The minister is here!" Pang De heard the words and quickly stepped out.

"You will replace Lu Bu as General Zhengxi, and you will be in Henan Yin. Your side will be the front line to deal with the big Han. You must not let any Han soldiers leave Hangu Pass!" Li Ming formally issued an order.

Of course, the enemy can also come from Hedong County, over the mountains and mountains. In the past, it was hardly considered because of the high cost.It's hard to say now, in order to get a fighter, no one can be sure what the Han army will do.

"I obey!" Pound was overjoyed when he heard the words, and quickly accepted the order, and of course he didn't forget to say a few words of allegiance.

"As for Zhang Xiu..." Li Ming looked at another person, who was Lu Bu's lieutenant Zhang Xiu, who had been there all along.

"You sit in Nanyang and prevent the enemy from going south from Wuguan!" Li Ming gave the order.

"I obey!" Zhang Xiu accepted the order happily. He had to climb higher so that he could become the main force in the West Expedition Army.Only in this way can he avenge his uncle.

"Go back!" Li Ming had been out for nearly two months, if he didn't go back, Xun Biao and Zhang Zhao would have a falling out.

About six days later, the large army arrived in Yingchuan County, and Li Ming was going to Yangzhai to visit Xun Shuang.After all, Xun Shuang's health has not been very good since this year. If conditions permit, Li Ming also plans to take care of the old man.
"Report! Nanzhong urgent report!" On the way, a messenger hurriedly came, "Nanzhong urgent report, the Han army suddenly attacked Nanzhong in an all-round way, King Duosi and King Mulu entangled more than a dozen tribes Rebellion, Nanzhong is urgent!"

Hearing this, Li Ming immediately inquired about the detailed process, and only then did he know that the Han army had assembled an army of [-], and with the help of more than ten tribes and nearly [-] barbarians who were entangled with King Mulu and King Duosi, they had successfully overthrown the Han army. The Nanzhong forces dominated by the festival took back the three counties in the northern part of the Nanzhong area, including Yunnan County, Yuejun County, and Zhudi County.

Meng Jie fell for the opponent's tricks and was lured into the camp to attack and kill them. The Nanzhong Man had no leader, which led to the opponent quickly taking down three counties.After that, Peng Hu and Xiao Yao quickly marched northward. Among them, Xiao Yao beheaded King Mulu among the ten thousand troops with absolute advantage, which forced the other party to temporarily retreat to Yuejun County, Yunnan County and Zhudi County temporarily. recover.

"It seems that our actions in Nanzhong are still too anxious. The local natives, especially the chiefs of those tribes, are worried that they will lose their inherent power, so they were encouraged by King Mulu and King Dosi... "Guo Jia has probably guessed the key point just after listening to the information.

Although Nanzhong is in a semi-autonomous state, Peng Hu has been strengthening the Sinicization work in recent years.Coupled with the transmission of some basic etiquette and concepts of the Han people, the interests of local chiefs, big and small, were seriously damaged.In fact, even if he could be a county magistrate, he would not be as comfortable as being an emperor before, so it was not surprising that he was encouraged to deal with him.

"Peng Hu has been marching northward, why not only failed to capture the city, but also captured three counties?" Li Ming suddenly became upset.

"Your Majesty, General Zhengnan has tried to go north to Berkshire three times, but he attacked Jiangzhou several times, but was beaten back by a middle-aged general of the opponent. General Xiao called for battle many times, but the opponent refused to accept it. This time, General Xiao was forced to retreat. Such a stalemate reached a feverish state, and there was a sudden change in the rear. If Meng Huo hadn't taken advantage of the situation to regain power and stabilized the emotions of all ministries, Yongchang County, Jianning County and There is danger in Cang County." The orderly explained quickly.

"When did a general who is so good at using troops appear in Yizhou?" Li Ming was a little puzzled, but if Xiao Yao also participated in the war, then it should not be an excuse, after all, it would not do him any good to deceive himself like this.

"Go back and collect information about Jiangzhou's guard!" Li Ming looked at a guard beside him, and the latter took the order.

The surrounding generals knew very well that this guard soldier was a member of the Shadow Guard, so they just kept their mouths shut obediently.It's no fun to be missed by the shadow guard.Unlike the secret guards who have been transferred to the procuratorate, the shadow guards are under the National Security Bureau. They only want Li Ming to be in charge, and they have a lot of power.

"Go back and tell Peng Hu to call back the three counties before winter, otherwise, someone else will be the General of the South!" Li Ming said slowly, just in time to have an excuse to replace Peng Hu.In the final analysis, this guy is suitable to be a military general, a regiment commander or something, it's too embarrassing for him.

Xiao Yao's ability is actually slightly insufficient, but he is the only one with sufficient ability and status.You can temporarily act as General Zhengnan's position, let him accumulate more experience, and then return to regular status depending on the situation.

"Here!" The orderly didn't dare to be negligent. Hearing this, he immediately took the order, got on his horse and headed towards the south quickly.

After more than ten days, the large army returned to Shouchun.Li Ming did go to Yangzhai during the period, but he didn't know until he arrived that Xun Shuang had passed away in June, and he didn't have time to see Xun Shuang for the last time.

After a brief worship, he continued to go south, so that he returned to Shouchun ten days later.Sure enough, as expected, Xun Biao and Zhang Zhao came to him with a lot of government affairs materials, smiling.

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(End of this chapter)

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