Chapter 605 Empty City and Broken Game
At this moment, everyone's mood is broken. Before the White Emperor ran all the way, he didn't know how many enemy soldiers were trampled to death. Now there are a lot of 'meat pies' on the ground.However, when Li Ming said that he ate meat pies at noon, no one who was present felt sick to his stomach.

Fortunately, Li Ming was really just planning to make a joke. After all, the enemy was not far ahead, so how could he make a living, just make do with some compressed biscuits.The first generation of compressed biscuits has been researched, after all, peanuts are widely grown.

The taste of this thing needs to be improved, but it is absolutely full. In fact, many soldiers think that the taste is already very good. After all, Li Ming has very strict requirements on the taste, and the military factory has tested hundreds of times before it is officially finalized.

Eating two pieces of compressed biscuits and drinking a glass of water, the average soldier is probably full. A person wears ten pieces of compressed biscuits as standard, and there are several carts of biscuits in buckets, which are dehumidified with lime desiccant.Calculated to be enough for the army for more than ten days, in fact, most of these dry rations are eaten when they are on the road.

The enemy was not far ahead, so the soldiers would naturally not leisurely bury the pot for cooking. Two compressed biscuits were just water, make do with it, and then rest for half an hour.Military doctors took the opportunity to treat them, and seriously injured patients even had a tube of medicine.

Still using the original formula, Li Ming regularly distributes a batch of low-end potions to the General Logistics Department of the army.This is the most profitable line of business for the Li family. After all, as long as there is still one breath left, one's life can be hanged. Even if it cannot be fully recovered, the success rate of subsequent operations will be greatly improved.After some treatment, more than 50 soldiers were able to fight again after three days of rest.

Nearly a thousand people saved their lives, but 300 people had to retire early because of their physical disabilities.

"Do you want to rescue the enemy prisoners?" The military doctor came to ask, many of them were Qi practitioners, it would be too wasteful to hang up like this.

"Rescue them first. It's useless to practice Qi after a few years of hard training. If you can transform, you can transform. If you can't, let's see how much information you can dig up!" Li Ming said in a low voice. The identity of this military doctor is not that simple. The military doctor is just a disguise, but he is actually a shadow guard.

Torture or something, they are the best.If you really want to torture him, you can definitely reveal all the secrets of a person.

After a brief rest, the large army arrived at the city of Luoyang not long after.The scouts have always been active, and there are many signs that Liu Ting has not left Luoyang, but to be honest, Luoyang itself has a secret passage leading to the outside, so it is difficult to guarantee whether they have left through the secret passage, but this also means Liu Ting intends to give up Luo Yang.

Why do you care so much about whether Liu Ting leaves?Just because the current Luoyang City is a bit weird!

"The middle door is wide open, is this intended to welcome us in?" Xu Chu couldn't help laughing as he looked at the Luoyang City with the four doors wide open.

Inside, you can vaguely see some people busy there, but most of them are in a hurry.There are no hawkers on the street, and most of them have returned to their homes.Li Ming even saw a few travelers begging in front of the inn. Obviously they also needed a place to hide, but it seemed that the inn was really full.

It's not that the guest rooms are full, but that the entire inn is filled with people, and it really can't fit people in.Luoyang was burned down by Dong Zhuo in the past, and after so many years of reconstruction, it has regained a lot of vitality.After all, it was the capital of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the past, and its ability to recover is still very good. At the same time, this is also the only way to enter Guanzhong. People come and go, and many merchants do business here.

Yes, there are too many migrants, so the inn business is very hot. The key is that these migrants don’t dare to go out of the city casually, and they don’t dare to hang around on the street. screen.

"It's not ruled out that those in the inn are a group of soldiers!" Li Ming couldn't help but ponder, "General Staff, tell us what we should do? Our enemies seem to be planning an empty city for us!"

"Even if they close the city gate, does it mean anything to us?" Guo Jia just smiled when he heard this.Li Ming also realized it when he heard it. It really didn't make any sense. At most, it was a matter of smashing a few more times. It was only a matter of time before the city wall and the city gate were destroyed.

"If they plan to leave, they must close the city gate, which can delay time. After all, it is not so easy for tens of thousands of troops to retreat. In other words, this is the gate they deliberately opened, so that we can break in from all directions. I think this may even be Liu Ting's last resort, relying on Luoyang's geographical environment, to fight us in the streets!" Guo Jia said, pointing at Luoyang City.

How big is Luoyang City?Anyway, it is very large, and it can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and then it is cut into small troops one after another by the streets.The key is that in a more narrow environment, many martial arts cannot be used, and at the same time, the enemy may condescend to shoot. After all, it is other people's home field, as long as you go in, you will not have an advantage in terms of geographical advantage.

"Burn it!" Li Ming said jokingly, regardless of whether he wanted to leave from the secret path, whether he was planning an empty city, just burn it in one go, and then everything was resolved.

"Your Majesty, Luoyang was originally burned by Dong Zhuo once, and now it is hard to recover. If it is burned again, it will be difficult to recover for a long time. Besides, Luoyang is not fully occupied now, and there are still many Even if you use fire to attack the open space, the fire will not be able to spread, obviously Liu Ting has realized this." Guo Jia stepped forward to persuade.

Li Ming suddenly felt bored, there was no benefit in going in, the fire attack would not be useful, and Liu Ting might retreat if it was too long, now the whole Luoyang city looked like chicken ribs to him, it was tasteless to eat, and it was a pity to discard it.

"Actually, Your Majesty doesn't need to worry too much. As long as we occupy the various city walls of Luoyang, we can have a bird's-eye view of the entire city. The other party obviously didn't expect that we would have a spy weapon like a telescope in our hands. Luo Yang's layout can be seen at a glance!" Guo Jia said with a smile.

"Then what are you waiting for, follow me to the city wall!" Li Ming waved his big hand, and then charged towards Luo Yang.

Sure enough, there was no trace of the Han army outside the city, so Li Ming climbed up the city wall and took out his binoculars to check.After a while, I found some clues.

Generally speaking, at this time, most of the people in Luoyang hid in their houses and did not dare to come out. As a result, in several courtyards, there were quite a few people gathered in the courtyards.It's a bit far away, so it's not very clear, but it should be soldiers. There are about 3000 people, and there may be more inside the house.

Sure enough, Liu Ting set up an ambush in Luoyang City, waiting for him to come to his door. Most of these ambush soldiers are located on the passage leading to the palace. This is only one direction. It is hard to say the other three directions. After all, Luoyang is too big. , the telescope cannot see all the situation clearly.

"It is estimated that there are [-] ambush soldiers staying in Luoyang... There are also a lot of ambushes in the palace. It is estimated that the ambush and retreat are going on at the same time!" Li Ming handed the telescope to Guo Jia, and then expressed his opinion.

"Based on this, Liu Ting may have already left Luoyang through secret passages. How about sending an elite army to search around Luoyang? Especially...beimangshan area, maybe we can focus on the search , as far as I know, the Five Dou Rice Sect has set up a capital position in Beiman Mountain, and it is said that Zhang Daoling devoted himself to cultivating Taoism there!" Guo Jia reminded.

"Zhang Mo!" Li Ming looked at Zhang Mo, who was ordered to leave Luoyang quickly with [-] guards.

"As for the rest, I will be disrespectful!" Li Ming looked at those yards and smiled.

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(End of this chapter)

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