Chapter 588

Li Ming, as the King of Chu in the Han Dynasty, naturally has no qualifications to modify the administrative system of the Han Dynasty.The key is that the Eastern Han Dynasty was not as good as the Western Han Dynasty, and the treatment of the royal family was reduced to the maximum. Sometimes being a prince may be more carefree than being a prince.

But everyone knew that Li Ming's becoming the King of Chu was only a transitional meaning, and everyone waited to see when he would proclaim himself emperor.

Now they waited until this day, and at the end of the second year, that is, at the end of 201, news came that Li Ming would ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor next year, that is, in the year of Renwu (AD 202), and rebuild the Great Chu Empire.

For this result, the people under Li Ming's rule seemed to have expected it, or they had waited for a long time.Li Ming became the King of Chu a year ago, which made them feel a little relieved, and now they are even more excited when they get the news.

"It seems that things can't get better..." Liu Ye, who had been transferred back to Shouchun, only received the news later. Obviously, someone was concerned about his royal status and did not inform him immediately.He didn't know anything about the specific process, but even if he knew, he didn't have the ability to change anything.

I still remember what Li Ming said to him, that is, Li Ming would kill all the clansmen and royal families of the Han Dynasty, leaving only his branch.At that time, I remembered that Li Ming threatened him that if he didn't take refuge, then the Han royal family would be completely wiped out.

"I'm afraid he will really do what he says." Liu Ye sighed, his mood was really complicated at this moment.

Li Ming wanted to ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor, but the military side was the happiest.Establishment means the orthodoxy of legal rationality, and at the same time means that there is a new group of dignitaries, and it is very likely that they will be decided among them.

All the generals, especially Xu Huang, Wang Yu and Pang De, are eager for a new round of war, so that they can become marquises.By the way, the guerrilla army formed in the past to support various places was officially disbanded in the middle of 201.

According to Xiao Yao's intention, he was transferred to the Southern Conquest Army.Li Tong led a large force to Nanyang to guard, and Pang De went to Xiangyang to guard, and he was ready to attack from Shangyong and attack Hanzhong.

Lu Bu called for battle many times and tentatively attacked Hulao Pass several times, but was beaten back by Sun Ce.What people can't ignore is that there is a Lianbow that can shoot more than 500 crossbows at the same time on the Hulao Pass. At the same time, a heavy-duty trebuchet is installed at the back of the pass, and it can throw stones outside the pass at any time.

Although Lu Bu was not afraid of these defensive weapons, he couldn't just knock down the Hulao by himself.He couldn't take advantage of it after trying several times. To be honest, he was a little unhappy.

The news that Li Ming was going to proclaim himself emperor naturally spread to Hebei and Guanzhong areas.For Yuan Shao, it was only a matter of course for Li Ming to claim the title of emperor, but he did not conquer Guanzhong, so it was unavoidable that his reputation was not right.

Last year, with the help of the Kebineng Department of Xianbei, with the Southern Huns as the main force and the Ma Teng Department as the auxiliary force, the imperial court regained the homeland of Han in Yunzhong and Yanmen in one fell swoop.At the same time, the territory of the Southern Huns has expanded a lot, and they have also won a lot of spoils, and their power has naturally gone further.People who are not of our race must have a different heart. The stronger the power of the Southern Huns, the more they will ignore the big men.

Yuan Shao could see this, how could the court not see it, but these had nothing to do with Yuan Shao.Even in the face of the fact that Li Ming is about to proclaim himself emperor, he had heard about it.Now he has unknowingly many more officials sent by the imperial court. Similarly, many officials under his previous command have gone to Guanzhong, such as Tian Feng and Jushou.

Xu You was dismembered by Liu Ting's five horses, mainly because he was found out that Wang Fen had his hand behind Wang Fen's plan to abolish Emperor Ling.Of course, this was actually Yuan Clan's order, but this one was obviously regarded as the chicken who warned the monkeys.

Yuan Tan and Yuan Xi's life was also difficult. Li Ming gradually controlled the power to appoint and remove officials, and at the same time he continued to intervene in the army.The first is the political commissar, and then the military marquis is required to go to Shouchun for training in batches, and to select the best for promotion and employment.During the period, some military marquises were arranged to come over as substitutes, and they cooperated with the supervising army to do a lot of publicity.

After going back and forth, it is now the third batch of military lords who went to Shouchun for training, and most of the military lords who came back there have also become Li Ming's diehard loyalists.It can be said that in just one or two years, except for the diehard members of the Yuan Clan, other officers and even soldiers may completely escape their control.

If they are dedicated to their duties, then it's okay to say that if they dare to use any crooked brains, then it is very likely that the game will be over.

Not to mention the officials, every county has a group of "dark guards" who are said to be responsible for supervising the officials.The crimes committed by officials before can be ignored, but if they continue to make mistakes after they settle in, the punishment will be doubled.

There are already two unlucky ghosts who have been directly arrested and brought to justice, not to mention all their family property confiscated, and their people have also been warned by the Yi tribe.When the officials below found that Yuan Xi and Yuan Tan could not protect them, the hearts of the people were scattered like this.

"It seems that we can only be obediently as Li Ming's vassals!" Although Yuan Tan is a martial artist, but he is the eldest son of the Yuan Clan after all, his vision is still there, he couldn't help but sighed and said to Yuan Xi.

"Little brother understands!" Yuan Xi nodded, there is nothing to be done!
It took two years for Li Ming to conquer Youzhou, Yanzhou and Qingzhou.The traces of the war began to dissipate, a large number of infrastructure began to be rebuilt, the people were appeased, and they could obtain rations and even wages through labor.

Relief with work, labor is paid, and as long as the people are not lazy, they will never starve to death.Merchants in the south even took the opportunity to sell a large number of products, even if they lost a little, they sold their brands.The people are simple and honest, and they have benefited from these stores today. When these stores open in the future, they will naturally get a group of loyal customers.

The people are stable, so they naturally think of the good of the government. The big man can't give them a peaceful life, but Li Ming can.Gradually, most of the people recognized Li Ming's proclaiming the emperor, and only a few aristocratic families finally chose to relocate some of their clansmen to Guanzhong.

In fact, it's not just them, many aristocratic families, even Jiangdong's aristocratic family, have sent a collateral disciple to Guanzhong.Betting on both sides is an inherent routine of the aristocratic families. Li Ming will not stop it, but he will remember whoever sent it.Such a family, don't expect to be reused by him in the future.

In the spring of 202 AD, Li Ming ascended Mount Tai, and the Fengchan Terrace was ready.The entire Mount Tai was under martial law, and no one could approach it. However, in order to let more people witness this moment, Li Ming arranged for more than 500 ordinary people from all over the world.

"Han Zuo lived for [-] years, and until today, his luck is exhausted. Since Wang Mang usurped the throne and Liu Xiu took over the world, the Han family has been inferior to each other, so that the officials extorted and extorted money, and the common people have no means of living.

Li Ming, a native of Kuaiji County, came from a poor family.Starting from the ranks, he witnessed the process of the great man from prosperity to decline.Unable to bear the continued suffering of the common people in the world, he once raised troops to the side of the Qing emperor, hoping to turn things around.Now I have no choice but to find that the Han Dynasty has no medicine to save, and the only way to save the people of the world is to break it and rebuild it..." Li Ming sacrificed to heaven and earth, and finally announced the establishment of the Great Chu.

Naturally, there were waiters who brought crowns and robes, and the surrounding officials and people shouted "Long live" three times.Li Cheng, Li Ming officially changed from 'King of Chu' to 'Emperor of Chu'.

While the common people enthusiastically celebrated this moment, those with discerning eyes suddenly discovered that the jade seal on the altar was the Jade Seal of the Chuan Kingdom!While exclaiming in surprise, he suddenly understood that Li Ming was well prepared for this day!
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(End of this chapter)

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