Chapter 581 Lu Meng's Awakening

Three days later, Wang Yucai received the news from Tai Shici. At this time, Tai Shici had captured the entire Beihai area, and Zhu Hao had also captured Donglai County. After the two sides joined forces, they quickly attacked Pingyuan County.

On Wang Yu's side, the troops were divided into three groups, with Huang Zhong, Guan Yu, and Wang Yu each leading an army, and attacked Lu County, Dongping County, and Jiyin County respectively.Xu Shu and Pang Tong have already taken their positions one after another. Xu Shu joined Huang Zhong as a school lieutenant, and Pang Tong served as the military advisor of Guan Yu's army. Wang Yu only had Shi Huan and two young generals named Chen Dao and Lu Meng who had just been promoted under his command.

"Be careful, after we capture Jiyin, we will enter Chenliu County!" In a few days, Jiyin County was obviously caught off guard by Wang Yu's surprise attack. In Chenliu County, Wang Yu summoned the whole army, "Yuan Shang is Yuan Shao's favorite child, and it is said that he plans to pass on his position to him. For this spoiled young son, he will definitely give the best things to him , so when we enter Chenliu County this time, we may encounter alchemists from the enemy army, everyone, be prepared not to be caught off guard and cause mass casualties!"

"Here!" Shi Huan, Lu Meng and Chen Dao responded one after another.

Wang Yu was very satisfied with these three people. Shi Huan came from a poor family, but he was able to persevere in practicing martial arts.In addition, Li Ming's conditions are good, and his strength has also improved rapidly. He is not as good as Guan Yu and Zhao Yun, but he is gradually on par with Xu Huang and Pang De.

Chen Dao was born in the Chen family in Runan, he is a collateral branch of Chen Fan's clan, he has condensed the innate qi, the key is to be good at training soldiers, after getting the body training method in the army, he made a series of revisions, the new body training method has become The guard's exclusive exercise method, at the same time as a reward, allowed him to train a thousand of these soldiers as direct-controlled troops.

Lu Meng was born in a poor family. At the age of 16, he defected to his brother-in-law Deng Dang and joined Li Ming. He then studied in the Military Academy for three years. According to Zhu Jun, his talent is very good. Tuo, who likes to dance with guns and sticks, but doesn't care much about the art of war. After all, it's because young people have a lot of playfulness, which makes Zhu Jun sigh.I only thought that if he continued like this, he might become a fierce general in the future.

Officially entered Chenliu County, but did not receive large-scale resistance, which made Wang Yu very surprised.It was only after they captured Waihuang County that they received the news that Lu Bu's army had captured Weishi County. That was more than ten days ago. At that time, Wang Yu and the others had not yet reached Chen Liu, and Yuan Shang had mobilized all his forces to deal with Lu Bu. The emptiness, on the contrary, took advantage of Wang Yu.

"It should be the Lord's order, otherwise Lu Bu would not be able to move." Bai Xin analyzed according to the intelligence.

"Since this is the case... If we don't want this great gift, wouldn't it be a waste?" Wang Yu suddenly laughed.

The army immediately swept towards Chenliu County. Seeing that the weather was getting colder every day, the large army was still advancing at a speed of [-] miles a day. You must know that other troops can only walk [-] miles a day, and most of the time they are on the road. Spent resting and warming up.

Fighting in winter is definitely a waste of logistics. It not only needs to consume a lot of food, but also consumes a lot of coal and other materials to keep out the cold.In addition, there are not enough supplies in winter itself, so no one can fight in winter in this era.

Not to mention winter, the same is true in summer. Fighting when there is no harvest is also a deadly act.

"Rest in place!" At night, Wang Yu signaled everyone to rest.The soldiers were also exhausted and took a rest one after another.But they didn't dare to lie down directly, but walked slowly until the fire was lit up, and then leaned against the fire to keep warm.

The three of Lu Meng also rested, the fire gradually warmed their bodies, and their limbs began to regain consciousness.

Feeling that his body had returned to its full strength, Lu Meng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time said with emotion: "Others marched for twenty miles, but we were able to march for sixty miles. How did your lord do it?"

"You didn't know when you first came here..." Shi Huan has been in touch with Wang Yu a lot, and he knows very well, "General Zhengbei's martial arts are not very good, but he still became the general of Zhengbei. Leave it to him, including us, and even General Xu Huang in Youzhou, all obey his orders, what do you think is the reason?"

Lu Meng served as a general under Guan Yu's command before, and was transferred to Wang Yu's command in the second half of this year, so he really doesn't know much about Wang Yu.He also wondered why this man with no force could be trusted by the lord so much.In his opinion, Guan Yu, Huang Zhong, or even a fierce man like Lu Bu must be able to become the general who conquers the North and lead an army.

"Here!" Shi Huan pointed to his heart. Now that there is no anatomy, many people think that the brain is only the place where memory is stored, but the place where thinking comes from the heart. The art of war and strategy that you look down on... Strictly speaking, it should be the understanding of soldiers."

"I don't understand!" Lu Meng hated others telling him about the art of war. He knew how to lead troops in battle, how to change formations and how to cooperate in combat.But most of them are not seen in books. In the final analysis, they are young people who don't like reading books.

"How many soldiers do we have?" Shi Huan asked.

"Our army has [-] soldiers!" Lu Meng replied without thinking.

"No, that's not the case!" Wang Yu didn't know when he had come to them, followed by Zhou Yu, who had already joined Wang Yu's family, and usually followed Wang Yu, "201 soldiers were killed along the way. , 275 soldiers were injured and retired. At the same time, we still have 9872 logistics personnel, and now there are only 4752 accompanying the army, and the rest are transporting supplies in the rear. Among the casualties, 28 were frostbitten or frozen to death, so After this situation occurred, I adjusted the rotation mode, and since then, there have been no frostbitten or frozen soldiers..."

"General..." The three of Lu Meng got up subconsciously to salute first. After hearing Wang Yu's words, Lu Meng couldn't help scratching his head and asked curiously, "General, how do you understand these things so thoroughly?"

"Hahaha, otherwise, how could I be the general of Zhengbei?" Wang Yu laughed, "Not only your side, Huang Zhong and Guan Yu's side, I also want to learn more after I come back. Only in this way can I continue to adjust. , Let our army exert its maximum combat effectiveness and at the same time ensure the maximum speed of marching. After all, in a war, the key to victory or defeat is simply combat effectiveness and mobility!"

"It's so simple, but it's not so simple when you go deep into every detail!" Shi Huan cupped his hands, "Even the subordinates can't achieve the level of the general, and the subordinates admire it!"

"But it doesn't need to be accurate to every soldier, right?" Lu Meng murmured, in his opinion, generals do great things, how can they do anything without understanding everything, how can they fight like this.

"For you generals, how to fight and how to fight well is enough. When it comes to me, then I have to think more. My lord handed over the Northern Expedition Army to me, so I have to avoid major sacrifices at the same time." , get the highest result." Wang Yu smiled and sat down.

"For you, every soldier is similar, but in fact, it is different according to the region." Wang Yu smiled.

Lu Meng didn't know why Wang Yu said this, but just listened obediently.

"You have also learned some military strategies. I know you are intelligent by nature, and most of them are already familiar to you. But do you know that you have really reached my level, but the military strategies are not enough. You still need to continue studying." Wang Yu said slowly, "In fact, the soldiers in different places are different. For example, the soldiers in Jiangdong, the soldiers in Kuaiji County are slightly better at mountain warfare; the soldiers in Danyang County are more robust and aggressive; the soldiers in Yuzhang County are the best in water... However, these knowledge are not true. There are some books, but you need to observe them carefully.

Why observe and understand this knowledge, because only when these pieces of knowledge are gathered together, can you adjust according to the weather, environment and team characteristics.Yes, it is very cumbersome to do so, but if it were you, could you walk sixty miles in one day without non-combat attrition?
Can you capture several county towns with almost no need to fight tough battles?You know, there were thousands of soldiers in some counties we encountered, and in the end they didn’t even fight us, they surrendered. Do you think all of this was accidental? "

Lu Meng hadn't thought about this before, and he felt ashamed when he thought about it carefully. He hadn't paid attention to this aspect before. After listening to Wang Yu's words, he realized that all of this, including marching and attacking, was all in Wang Yu's calculations. .

Whether it is the marching route, the guarantee of the combat power of the soldiers, or even the choice of the timing of the siege, Wang Yu has chosen the best policy.Even in contact warfare in the wild, Wang Yu still puts the most advantageous troops on top, and the other soldiers cooperate with each other. He didn't understand why the command was so cumbersome at first, but now it seems that there are certain rules in it. In terms of the understanding of the combat effectiveness and status of the soldiers, at most he would only arrange the best method to attack, and he would not be able to make such subtle commands.

"Remember, the soldiers under your command are also human beings, and they also have parents and families! Their families handed him over to us, and we must ensure the maximum and let them go back alive. Soldiers are not consumables, nor are they a bunch of numbers , In fact, each soldier is different, not to mention the battle at the legion level, but only this local war, which is the most test of the commanding ability of the commanding general. It is just a matter of following the strategy of war or one's own bravery to win , then you will be nothing more than a lieutenant general or a fierce general for the rest of your life." Wang Yu said patiently, Lu Meng is very talented and can become the commander of the army guarding one side.

It's just that if he continues like this and doesn't calm down to study, he may only be a general in this life.

"To be an army commander, you need so much knowledge?" Lu Meng also realized this problem for the first time. He thought that he had read a few books on the art of war, and he already knew everything about the strategy of governing and training troops. After listening carefully, it turns out that the higher you go, the more difficult it is.

"If you are the corps leader, you only need to protect the five people under your command. If you become the commander of the army, the lives of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of soldiers under your command are in your hands. How can you be careless? Don't thank the general, these You can’t learn knowledge in a military academy!” Shi Huan elbowed Lu Meng, and the latter suddenly realized.

"Thank you for your guidance, General!" Lu Meng immediately bowed down and gave Wang Yu a big gift.He is very clear that this kind of knowledge is extremely precious to anyone, after all, it is the key to being promoted from general to army commander.

Wang Yuken told him that naturally he valued him very much.Lu Meng had already had an epiphany, and found that the knowledge he had learned before was indeed far from enough. He only thought that after returning, he had to calm down and study.

 It is easy to become a famous general, but difficult to become a regiment leader.A qualified legion commander must have an intelligence of at least 80 points, and the force can be adjusted appropriately, such as around 60-70 points.Those who are truly capable of both civil and military skills, such as Zhou Yu, Lu Xun, Lu Meng, Guan Yu, Zhang Liao, Jiang Wei, Deng Ai, etc., have not weak achievements.

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(End of this chapter)

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