Chapter 555 Zhang Mo went to Japan
The Japanese envoys have been seen since the celebration banquet in 184, and I have never heard of any Japanese envoys since then.

Even though Wa Kingdom is not too far away from Huaxia, the key point this year is not only to pass through Tsushima Island to reach the land of Sanhan, but then to enter Liaodong to go to Luoyang. It takes a year to go back and forth.However, the rewards given by the big man are very valuable. They are used to win over the local natives, and can also improve their own cultural and industrial levels.

Taking the opportunity to buy a batch of qi-practicing methods is something the Japanese will inevitably do.At the same time, the Taoists mastered by the Japanese, those fellows of Taoism, also hope to buy some, and the two sides can be regarded as exchanging needs.

"The pre-Qin Taoism left by Xu Fu... Speaking of it, Leifa is just a fragment, and Xizhicai has nothing to practice!" Li Ming weighed it carefully, and he might consider brushing the Japanese copy.

The main loot is a large number of Taoism books. The key is to completely enslave or even exterminate this nation, which is not bad.Naturalization is also possible, but all the people have to migrate to the land of China. Besides, there is a lack of supervision and long-term isolation abroad. Once domestic turmoil immediately relapses, genocide may be the most convenient way to deal with it.

The key point is that the remnants of the Nanyue Kingdom may have gone to the Wa Kingdom.No one knows whether they will rebuild the Yue Kingdom from scratch in the Wa Kingdom.In the end, he brought a group of Japanese people and killed them back directly.Besides, even if they didn't have this idea, they would pass on the shipbuilding technology, and it would be easier for the Japanese to travel to and from China.

To be honest, Japanese people still have plenty of living space these days, and there are not many people in Honshu Island, Shikoku Island, and Hokkaido Island.Moreover, even in Kyushu Island, the Japanese are mainly active in the north, and there is still a lot of living space in the south.

Li Ming also couldn't figure out why Emperor Shenmu insisted on going east, since the south hadn't been fully developed yet.It seems that Emperor Shenmu is the grandson of Himiko... By the way, is Himiko married?I don't know if Shenwu's father was born?
"Absolutely not!" Li Ming called Guo Jia and the others over. He said that he planned to go to Japan, but who knew that just as he said that, one or two of them ran up and shouted, and made a remonstrance attitude.

"Such a big reaction?" Li Ming was also taken aback by them, wondering if they were making a fuss over a molehill.

"Patriarch, this matter is not negotiable." Zhang Mo sighed under the signal of others, and then stepped forward, "This is different from the past, your family is big now, what should you do if something happens? The weather is unpredictable, even Jiang Qin dare not leave too far, not to mention that there is no way to finish this trip for several months, could it be that all military and political affairs have been put aside?"

"My lord probably doesn't want it either. I went overseas for a few months, but when I came back, I found that the territory was gone, right?" Guo Jia said with a smile.

This matter is indeed a bit embarrassing. Li Ming really wants to go to the copy of the Japanese country, but it is probably not enough for him to leave for a few months.After all, there is no telephone these days, and people can know the situation here no matter how far away they are. If they come back and find that Liu Ting has ruled China, they will probably regret it.

"The remnants of the Nanyue Kingdom are left alone like this? When they grow stronger and come across the ocean to take revenge, won't we be caught off guard?" Li Ming complained immediately.

"Patriarch, I remember that the previous few Jiang Qin reported that he has found out two routes. One is to go to Jeju Island via Qingzhou, then go to Tsushima Island and enter Kyushu Island; the other route is to go north from Yizhou and pass through The place called Ryukyu Island, and then step by step northward into Kyushu Island. Now there are two routes, there are our patrol fleets. If the remnants of Nanyue Kingdom really go northward, they will definitely pass through a certain route, and our people will be the first. It's time to find out. They haven't reported the situation yet, and it's still unknown whether the remnants of the Nanyue Kingdom have gone north, why don't we wait a few more days and see?" Zhang Mo suggested.

Li Ming thought it made sense, but he didn't want Jiang Qin to send back the message two days later.One of the fleet patrolling the route from Yanyizhou to Kyushu Island lost contact, and at the same time, the wreckage of the ship was found in the waters near Ryukyu.

"It seems that they have indeed gone to the Wa country!" Li Ming was already sure of the whereabouts of the South Vietnamese remnants, so he summoned everyone to explain the matter to them.

"If the remnants of South Vietnam really go to Japan, then compared to us, Yuan Shao and the court are actually more nervous than us. You might as well send someone over to discuss with them..." Zhang Zhao felt that Li Ming's family should not be able to contribute to this matter.

"Inappropriate!" Guo Jia shook his head, "This will expose the existence of the troop carrier!"

Now Yuan Shao and the court don't set their sights on the sea at all, and even the navy has not been formed.Yuan Shao was very nervous about Li Ming's navy at first, but later saw that the ships could not transport many things, and the fleet was not large, so he gave up the idea of ​​building a navy, and just did a good job on the shore. means of warning.

A troop carrier is a large transport ship that can transport 3000 soldiers under extreme conditions.Under normal circumstances, it is more than enough to transport [-] soldiers and complete the landing combat mission.There have been six such ships in the past two years, and they can transport more than [-] soldiers to land and fight at a time. In Liaodong, or even Liaoxi, [-] elite troops can completely occupy the two counties.

At that time, not to mention the imperial court, Yuan Shao is afraid that he will completely sever all business relations with Li Ming.Even, it has begun to invest in the construction of the navy, so that the landing operation plan originally planned to be launched in June this year, that is, more than two months later, will be cancelled.

Zhao Yun, Xu Huang, Huang Xu, and Chen Heng have already made preparations. The early war horses have been transported to Jeju Island, and there are enough horses to replace them.At the same time, Ren Jun had already led the [-] reclamation army to make preparations. He entered Liaodong County immediately with the large army, and quickly started the military settlement work. The first batch of cold-resistant wheat seeds were already in place.

"Actually, there is no need to be so anxious. The remnants of South Vietnam just went to the country of Wa. To conquer the natives, and the later stage is Yamatai, it is not a matter of one day. Why don't we complete the landing operation, stabilize the territory, and then arrange an elite force to start Liaodong, enter Kitakyushu via Tsushima Island?" Xi Zhicai suggested, "It doesn't need much. As far as the strength of the Japanese is concerned, the subordinates think that it is only necessary to send out the Guards. Of course, if we can persuade Taoist Hao Lang It's best to go there together."

"Why Hao Lang?" Li Ming looked at Xi Zhicai, his eyes seemed to ask 'why not you'.

"Daoist Hao Lang has always hoped to have a stable environment with a very stable ecosystem to build the Spirit Gathering Formation. The lord of China probably won't agree to it, but it is not a big problem in Japan. Can't let the big monster fly over the sea to trouble us?" Xi Zhicai suggested, "At the same time, my subordinate hopes that during the two-month mission to the north, my subordinate can accompany the army as a staff officer and advise General Xu Huang."

"I'm determined!" Li Ming looked at Xi Zhicai and nodded.To say that it is a plan does not necessarily imply surveillance. Putting an absolutely loyal subordinate next to the dispatched general can be regarded as a means of insurance.

"So, Zhang Mo, you have to get ready to go to sea!" Li Ming looked at Zhang Mo.

"I'll be scolded to death by Cai Yan after I go back..." Zhang Mo sighed suddenly, but still accepted the order happily.

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(End of this chapter)

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