Chapter 48 Enemy Attack and Response

"Report! Bocai, the Yellow Turban Department of Yuzhou, led 20 Yellow Turban thieves to attack Yingyin. General You Zhonglang was defeated. He has since withdrawn to Changshe and defended with Huangfusong, General Zuo Zhonglang. Seeing Yingyang rushing, I hope the captain will deal with it carefully!" The messengers from Zhu Jun's department hurried over to report the situation on the front line.

"Is Master alright?" Li Ming hurriedly stood up and asked.

"General You Zhonglang was injured a little bit, but it's not serious! There are still [-] soldiers in our department, but it's a pity for the people of Yingyin!" Hearing the words, the messenger first answered Li Ming's question solemnly, and then Said a little regretfully.

"Don't worry, we will wipe out the Bocai Ministry in the future, so people will be buried with the people of Yingyin and the brothers who died in battle!" Li Ming clenched his fists and said indignantly.

Then he turned around and shouted to the soldiers beside him: "Call all the generals immediately!"

"Here!" The soldier replied firmly, and immediately went to deliver the order.

"Rest well, your injuries also need to be treated!" Li Ming patted the messenger on the shoulder. He had at least three wounds on his body, and he didn't know what kind of perseverance it was to get here.

"Xie Lieutenant!" The messenger cupped his hands in thanks, and then passed out directly.

Li Ming couldn't help but sighed, and asked the messenger to be carried out, and then gave him a dose of hemostatic medicine, which at least stabilized his injury.As long as you rest for a while, I believe you can recover.

"How's the situation?" Zhu Yong came first, obviously he was also very anxious about Zhu Jun's situation.

"Don't worry, wait until everyone is here!" Li Ming signaled Zhu Yong to sit down. Seeing this, the latter knew that the situation was still under control, so he breathed a sigh of relief and sat down slowly.

After that, Yang Le, Xin Pi, Xi Zhicai (I still called him that way, I'm more used to it) and Zhang Mo came one after another.They also sat down one after another, waiting for Li Ming to speak.

"Just now there was a battle report from the front line... that's how things are. At present, there are [-] elite yellow scarf thieves coming towards Yingyang. We only have [-] recruits and less than [-] defenders in Yingyang City. All kinds of defenders The city equipment has been almost consumed before, and it is not easy to collect it as soon as possible! Tell me, everyone, how should we deal with this enemy army?" Li Ming asked solemnly.

"There is almost no danger from Yingyin to Yingyang. There is only a Ying River separating the two banks. It is not easy for the opponent to come over, or they can attack halfway!" Xin Pi looked at the map, then pointed to the Ying River and said.

"Inappropriate!" Xi Zhicai shook his head, "Our army lacks archers. If the opponent suppresses us with bows and arrows while crossing the river, I am afraid that not only will we not be able to stop the opponent from crossing the river, but we will even have to recruit a group of soldiers!"

"Maybe we can cross the river and fight against it?" Zhu Yong thought for a while and suggested. Li Ming's strength has improved recently, and the training of the soldiers has gradually yielded results. .

"That's good!" Li Ming thought for a while, "Let them cross halfway, and I will deal with them myself! You prepare three thousand arrows for me, and more than a dozen pairs of one-stone or two-stone bows, and I will stop them! At the same time, you Get ready to cross the river and launch a general attack under my cover, is that okay?"

"Is this okay?" Zhu Yong was a little unsure.

"Follow me to the school grounds, and I'll show you a demonstration!" Li Ming smiled, stood up directly, and led everyone to the school grounds. This is a temporary school ground, and the facilities are fairly simple, but he doesn't plan to do it for a long time. stay here.

I saw that Li Ming picked up a longbow directly, and immediately launched the random shooting skill. He has been training this skill since yesterday, and it has been promoted to LV2 level, and the experience value has also increased to 44%. As long as he works harder in the afternoon, it may not be impossible to improve At LV3, you will be more confident in dealing with the Yellow Turbans.

Li Ming bent his bow and set his arrows, and after launching random shots, the 20 arrows quickly shot towards the target in front of him almost every second.It's a pity that almost none of them hit the target, and they all shot directly around the target. Only one hit the target, but its accuracy was worrying.

"Let's not talk about Zhuntou, just talk about this rate of fire. Facing the yellow scarf bandits who are crossing the river, can they be repelled?" Li Ming turned his head to look at the crowd, only to see Zhu Yong and others standing there in a daze. There, he looked at Li Ming in disbelief.

You must know that although this is just a stone bow, it needs at least 62 catties of strength to draw it to the full.It doesn't matter if it is full, shooting 20 arrows in a row is not something everyone can do.Even if the best archers are able to shoot three arrows in a row, they may not be able to shoot the fourth arrow.

Shooting 20 arrows in a row, even Zhu Yong and others would never dare to imagine, but Li Ming did it.

"My lord, can you teach me how to shoot this way?" Zhang Mo knew about Li Ming's situation, so he stepped forward to ask for advice.

"Alright, if you can learn it, then it will be considered as helping me!" Li Ming felt that it was the same after hearing that, since Zhang Mo has already digitized, he can naturally learn to shoot indiscriminately.

Several other people were also very interested, but it was a pity that after teaching for an hour, they all left regretfully.Insufficient physical strength is the biggest shortcoming, as long as it is a normal person, there is no way to avoid this result.

It happened that Zhang Mo, under Li Ming's teaching, barely learned the 'archery' and 'heavy arrow', but he was completely unaware of 'random shooting'.In the end, Li Ming understood that if his bow skills were not upgraded to LV5, he might not be able to master them.

"I'm sorry, my subordinate failed to share my lord's worries!" Zhang Mo obviously realized this, and couldn't help apologizing.

"You have worked very hard! You are only a team leader, so it is not surprising that you have different archery skills. It's just that you will only become bigger and bigger in the future. It's not good if you don't know how to archery!" Li Ming persuaded earnestly. Zhang Mo is almost always studying hard, brushing up his intelligence and command experience.

"My subordinates are ashamed!" Zhang Mo bowed solemnly.

"However, you still bring your troops and go out with me! No matter what, it's not bad to use those bandits to practice archery!" Li Ming thought about it, and decided to take Zhang Mo out.

After all, as long as he has enough HP and MP, he has already digitized, so basically there is no possibility of fatigue at all.Even if the shooting speed is much higher, it is still a good thing to have one more person around to help with archery.

"Here!" Zhang Mo didn't expect that Li Ming would still bring him to the battlefield, so he was overjoyed and immediately accepted the order.

"Captain, even if you are sure enough, you still need to make other preparations after all. Otherwise, if you can't go according to the original plan, it will be too late to think of a solution!" Xi Zhicai kindly reminded, he has been did not leave.

"I don't know if Zhicai has any good strategies?" Li Ming suddenly became interested.

"Actually, it's not a good idea. There's a bad idea. I'd like to ask the captain not to make fun of him..." Xi Zhicai handed over his hand and confessed, and immediately told Li Ming about his plan.

 The relationship between the cold these two days, the state is not good, one chapter a day, sorry, reply as soon as possible in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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