Chapter 30

At that time, Li Ming had already directly killed the Yellow Turban stragglers.

Zhu Yong had no choice but to lead his army directly to respond. Obviously, the soldiers under his command were more effective in fighting, so it was natural to protect Li Ming comprehensively.At the same time, Yang Le, Zhang Mo and Xin Pi also divided into three groups, directly following Li Ming and killing them.

Many soldiers joined the army only because of their enthusiasm.Now when it's time to really fight, it's inevitable that they will start to fear.It's just that many people may not understand all the military regulations, but they remember at least three.

Kill those who escaped!Those who are afraid of the enemy will be cut!Those who disturb the morale of the army will be killed!Behind the army, Li Ming arranged a 200-member supervisory team, as long as these three situations occur, they will be killed without mercy!

Perhaps seeing the generals, especially Li Ming, the top general, also rushing towards the enemy, the soldiers immediately mustered up their courage and followed suit.

Many old soldiers are already at the rank of corporal commander, restraining the soldiers to maintain stability as much as possible.Keep scolding them along the way, let them take care of each other, don't just focus on fighting by yourself.

At the same time, Li Ming turned on his horse suddenly, stepped on the horse's back and jumped, fell into the enemy's formation, and immediately used the Gale Breaker Spear, killing 10 enemies immediately.But he didn't want his proficiency to suddenly reach 100%, and his skills were raised to LV5.

If it is a simple improvement, it cannot attract his attention. The key is the further improvement of the skill attribute, which makes him feel surprised.

Gale Breaker LV5: Only equipped with a long spear, it can attack 10 targets directly in front of it twice, causing 200% damage with a 16% chance of fatal damage. It consumes 10 MP and has a cooldown of 12 seconds.

It doesn't matter if the damage is increased, the number of targets remains unchanged, or even the probability of fatal damage increases. The key is what is the concept of those two times?Two blows in a row, still saying... "What are you doing there, do you want to die?" Zhu Yong roared angrily from behind, waking him up from his thoughts.

During this time, the Yellow Turban stragglers also came to their senses in a daze, almost killing him directly.Fortunately, many of the attacks were on the armor and helmet, even though it had 600 HP, it didn't escape.

This is also Zhu Yong's suffering. When Li Ming was in a daze, he was forced to bear the pressure and led the elite troops to fight for Li Ming.If not, Li Ming's life would not be enough.Zhu Yong was also trembling, for fear that Li Ming would die.

In fact, compared to him, the hearts of many Yellow Turban stragglers were broken.Many people just hit his armor or helmet, but no matter how he slashed at his neck, he felt the cut, but he couldn't cut off his head.That's fine, but why didn't a single drop of blood shed?

Not to mention those who stabbed his chest with a knife, the feeling was real, the feeling of breaking through the flesh and bones, but when he pulled the knife out, he found that there was not a drop of blood on the knife, and there was actually a little blood on the other party's body. No wounds.

monster!This feeling suddenly appeared in their hearts at this moment, and it continued to grow stronger!

"Fuck, what kind of hero is a sneak attack!" Li Ming roared, and switched back to the basic long soldier, with the spear flying in his hand, attacking the surrounding enemies.

Not long after, there was a loud shout, and the Tiger Might assault gun burst out suddenly, and directly killed a yellow scarf straggler leader wearing leather armor. The latter directly blocked and directly resisted the first blow, but I didn't want the second blow to follow, and I was dizzy from being hit directly, but there was a stun effect.

"Death!" Li Ming suddenly slashed heavily, splitting the soldier in half with the tip of the gun.At least the rip went directly from the head to the chest, and the speed of descent was stopped only after being blocked by the leather armor.

Even so, the feeling of being split in two is still very frightening.

The cooling time has ended, Li Ming naturally wanted to understand the concept of the so-called attack twice, so he drew his spear and used the Gale Breaker Spear again.

But I don't want to compare it with the previous LV4. Today's long spears feel like a tiger and a tiger when they wield them.When he shot out suddenly, ten stragglers were immediately beheaded, and then the gun body turned around, and it was pulled around again!
"Damn it!" Seeing that ten more targets were killed directly, Li Ming burst into foul language immediately, "Twenty miscellaneous soldiers in one breath, this is the rhythm of Wushuang mowing the grass! In other words, LV10 is in the end What is the effect... This damn program, the artificial intelligence service doesn't have it..."

Not to mention him, Zhu Yong behind, and even the Yellow Turban stragglers in front were directly frightened.Harvesting ten lives with one shot, it's fine if the gun head directly crosses the throats of ten people, and the trajectory is so perfect, but after killing them, another shot will cut the throats of ten people perfectly, what is the meaning of this?
Is this person really a ghost?The hearts of many Yellow Turban stragglers are breaking down at this moment!
Is this guy really a monster?Zhu Yong, who witnessed these with his own eyes, was shocked in his heart!
General, is he really the God of War?Looking at Li Ming's soldiers, I was so excited!

Under different psychological effects, the momentum of the Yellow Turban skirmishers became weaker and weaker, while the soldiers under Li Ming's command became more and more courageous as they fought.In fact, the fighting of these soldiers has no skills at all, it is completely at the level of group fighting.However, seeing that the more they fought, the more courageous they became, and the enemy army was being defeated, they actually played the effect of elite soldiers directly.

Each soldier can at least directly challenge three or four Yellow Turban skirmishers, but more often, it is a Yellow Turban skirmisher who is attacked by at least four or five soldiers.In the eyes of many veterans, this is definitely a very wasteful and dangerous behavior.

However, curiously, the situation is very good. The enemy army of more than 3000 people has been directly routed, and many stragglers behind have begun to route and flee. Li Ming has no way to catch them one by one, but he aimed at a man wearing A man with iron leather armor.

There is no need to doubt, to be able to dress so well in the Yellow Turban stragglers can only be the leader of this team!

"Where to go!" Li Ming suddenly shortened the distance with a thrust, and stabbed directly at the man.

It's just that the hit rate is really not that good, and the latter avoided it by turning sideways.It's just that he was obviously frightened by Li Ming's fighting power, so he took the opportunity to fight back, turned around quickly, and continued to escape.

"Don't ignore me!" Li Ming roared angrily, and the Huwei assault gun suddenly shot out. The latter turned around to block, but he didn't want to swing the ring head knife in his hand directly with the first shot, and wiped it from his abdomen.

"You..." The thief's eyes widened immediately, and instead of running away, he directly blocked the second shot with all his strength.

"Aren't you going to run away? Then fight me!" Li Ming smiled, and directly slashed at him with a heavy blow.

"It's a little breastfeeding strength! But the flaw is too big!" The latter directly took advantage of the gap in the downward split, and directly posted it.

"Yeah, so unless it's necessary, I really don't plan to use this trick! Just in time, let you try my new knife technique! The name is a bit weak, please forgive me!" Li Ming let go He pulled out the long spear in his hand and drew out the ring head knife.

The weapon was switched to a basic sword, and at the same time using the skill meat chopping knife, the ring knife in the hand directly slashed towards the thief's head rhythmically.The latter also reacted immediately, and hastily blocked the first move. Unfortunately, when the follow-up was weak, Li Ming directly slashed down with the second knife, beheading him directly.

"You're not bad. Let's not talk about blocking my full-strength attack from the Tiger's Mighty Assault Spear. I'm just saying that you also resisted the first move of the Chopper Knife Technique. Zhu Yong or Han Dang, I'm afraid it's okay, but It seems to be a bit too much for you." Li Ming looked at the opponent's tiger's mouth, which had been ruptured, and he couldn't even hold the knife steadily, so naturally he couldn't talk about blocking the second knife.

"The general has been killed! The general has been killed!" Someone among the stragglers yelled, and the army that was on the verge of collapse immediately dispersed. Zhu Yong took advantage of the victory to pursue, and the more than 3000 people could barely escape. indivual.

"Damn it, you are the poorest boss I have ever seen!" Li Ming scolded immediately, but he couldn't find any cheats and only found some scattered copper coins.

"General, the leather armor on this man is of good quality..." A soldier couldn't help reminding him when he saw this.

"That's right! Take off his leather armor for me, wash it and bring it to me!" Li Ming was pleasantly surprised, it turned out that what dropped this time was not the cheat book, but the equipment!
Sure enough, after more than ten minutes, the iron-inlaid leather armor that had been washed and cleaned was brought over. It was the part of the abdomen that was cut by the spear.This set of leather armor is about 20% new, and its coverage is [-]% more than his set of leather armor. The extended part can better protect the outer thighs.

At the same time, some iron plates were added to the chest and shoulders to form shoulder guards and heart guards, which further improved the protection ability.

Naturally, the attributes were also displayed: excellent iron-inlaid leather armor, defense increased by 10 points, and durability 130/150.

Li Ming was annoyed that he lost 20 points of durability with one shot, so he just aimed at his throat with the first shot and let it go!
"Next time, don't be in a daze on the battlefield. Do you know that it was dangerous just now?" Zhu Yong came to Li Ming's side at this moment, and yelled at Li Ming, his whole person was quite angry.

"Li had a new understanding just before the battle, and he was fascinated for a while, so brother Zhu rescued him!" Li Ming bowed his hands, not as a subordinate, but called brother Zhu, which can be regarded as giving Zhu Yong enough face, otherwise his reprimand would It still has the meaning of contradicting the superior to some extent.

"Remember, you are the leader of an army. If you do anything else, this team will be disbanded!" Zhu Yong took a deep breath, and then said solemnly.

"Be taught!" Li Ming replied sincerely, clasping his hands.

"That's all, that's all..." Zhu Yong shook his head, and went back to continue arranging follow-up work.

Compared to last time, the situation this time is a bit worse.The enemy army was obviously attacking the city, so it was difficult to return to the defense quickly. At the same time, Li Ming attracted the attention of the opponent, creating a great opportunity for the large army to attack.

When the recruits entered the battle, there were indeed a lot of problems. As a result, more than 300 casualties were caused, and more than 50 were directly killed by the supervising team. Among the more than 300 people, 17 were seriously injured and were already dying.131 people were slightly injured, and they could recover their combat effectiveness after recuperation. Only 202 people were killed for various reasons.

"Signify Xiangcheng to open the door, and make a conclusion after the battle!" Li Ming summoned Zhang Mo and others, and said solemnly.Everyone could see that he was not in a good mood at the moment.

"Here!" Even though they thought that this battle was perfect, they still surrendered one after another.

 Finally got out of Chapter 2. If possible, I will try my best to update twice a day. Please forgive me in the short term...

(End of this chapter)

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