Chapter 299

"20 enemy troops?" Li Ming took the silk book and looked at the contents. The description of the number of enemy troops could not help but frown. Li Ran, the magistrate of Zhang'an County, falsely reported the number of dragons. Now the 20 Is there any moisture in the number of enemy troops?

"It is indeed 20. This is still the most conservative estimate! The prefect dare not rush the number of enemy troops. Even if the number is higher by tens of thousands, it may make the friendly troops in the surrounding counties afraid to come to support..." the messenger said helplessly. .

You can't report high, and naturally you can't report low. If you directly say that there are only [-] to [-], then others will either say 'solve it yourself', or the number of reinforcements sent is insufficient, and they are wiped out by others. Tragic.

It's just that the number of 20 enemy troops is indeed too scary. I'm afraid that the surrounding counties will have to weigh it if they want to go to support it.

"I'm curious!" Zhang Mo stepped forward and asked, "Our Kuaiji County is located in a remote place, and we don't have many troops. We have to prevent the local mountains from causing chaos. But the enemy has 20 troops. Generally speaking, it should not be Danyang. County, Jiujiang County and Lujiang County, even Yuzhang County..."

"Your Excellency has already sent letters to other counties and counties asking for support!" The envoy didn't dare to hide it, and said hastily.

"So that's the case, cast a wide net?" Li Ming nodded, no wonder even Kuaiji County sent people to ask for help.

"That's not the case!" The envoy was worried that Li Ming would be unhappy, so he quickly explained, "The prefect heard that your lord has unparalleled combat power, and his soldiers are extremely elite. He was even able to defeat Qianglong before, so he was the first to send his subordinates here to ask for help!"

These words sounded comfortable, and there was a feeling that the prefect of Wu County valued them very much.

"We already know the situation in Wu County! But according to the Han law, we can't send troops to fight across the border without the permission of the governor!" Li Ming finally handed over the request letter to the messenger.

"But..." The emissary couldn't help being embarrassed. Although he also sent documents to other counties, if he was the only one who didn't bring back the reinforcements, he might be blamed by the prefect, so he tried to persuade Li Ming no matter what.

"Kuiji County is different from other places. There are mountains and chaos here. Once our troops leave Kuaiji County, Shanyue takes the opportunity to go down the mountain and cause trouble to the place. What should we do?" Li Ming knew what he was going to say, so he didn't speak to him at all. Chance.

"Well..." The envoy couldn't say anything, so he could only leave.

"My lord, are we really not going to support?" After the envoy left, a group of generals came together. It was rare to be able to fight. They were a little excited before, but Li Ming decided not to go in a blink of an eye, and he was a little depressed.

"Let's not say it's inappropriate in theory, and now it's just the prefect coming to ask for help, so there's no need to come to rescue so quickly!" Li Ming sneered, and someone would come to ask for help soon after him.

Seeing that Li Ming had already made arrangements, the generals couldn't say anything more.Li Ming didn't talk nonsense with them, arranged for them to prepare well, and then went straight home.

Back at the mansion, I saw four cars listening outside, and the four big characters 'Gu, Lu, Zhang, and Zhu' were written on the lanterns, and I knew they were members of the four major families in Jiangdong.

The ancestral houses of the four major families are all in Wu County, Wu County. Compared with Kuaiji, Wu County is their old nest, and naturally they value it more than the prefect. 20 yellow turban thieves went south, God knows what will happen to their lair? !

Entering the hall, it turned out that the representatives of the four major families, Zhu Zhun, Gu Yan, Zhang Yun and Lu Jun, had been waiting for a long time.

"What kind of wind is blowing today, that I would like to invite you all to come here in person? Could it be that the dividends were paid in advance?" Li Ming smiled and cupped his hands at everyone, pretending not to know.As for the end of the month, there will indeed be dividends, and there are still a few days before the end of the month.

"My lord, don't be joking. The messenger called all the way down from Wu County. He just went to the school grounds. Don't say you don't know, my lord. The four of us came to visit. What's the matter!" Gu Yan and Li Ming had the best relationship, so he went to The front companion laughed.

"Indeed, Wu County sent people to ask for help!" Li Ming did not deny, "It's just that I can't say that the prefect of Wu County asked me to go, so I have to go! As the prefect of Kuaiji County, Li has an obligation to keep one side safe, but this cross-border battle , itself is unreasonable, I have to wait for Lord Inspector to speak before I can move out, right? I am not the kind of casual, ignorant person!"

"I will do my best in front of Lord Inspector, and I will never let him suffer any trouble!" The four of them came forward one after another, and Wu Jun was their base camp, so they couldn't tolerate any problems.

"Hey, look at what you said, we have been working together for so long, we are old friends!" Li Mingkong pressed his hand, signaling them to calm down, "You all said that, so I can't refuse... only……"

"I can't wait to burn my eyebrows, can I have a good time with Riyao?" Gu Yan said hastily.

"Recently, I plan to check the situation of the fields in Kuaiji County. I sent people to investigate earlier, and found that the fields under the jurisdiction of the counties in Kuaiji County are slightly different from those registered by the county government..." Li Ming looked at it with great interest. everyone.

These fields are either cultivated privately or embezzled maliciously. Many of them have not been transferred, or there is no information at all in the county government. Usually, the government will turn a blind eye to these extra land and let them cultivate it. Farming is not easy to collect taxes.

The reason is simple, most of them are in the hands of the four major Jiangdong families, and the Wei, Liu, and Yu families in Kuaiji County also have more or less hidden land.The county magistrate of Kuaiji County has no background, so he dare not offend these great gods.

With Li Ming's prestige, there is no problem with direct investigation, but it is inevitable that he will offend people and even resist.Maybe at that time, these aristocratic families will incite everywhere, and even regard the resistance to the investigation as a "benevolent act", and portray the unscrupulous people who refused the government's investigation of their fields to be killed as "heroes".

It is a rare opportunity to take advantage of the fire, and Li Ming must of course maximize his benefits.

"Yes, it's really useless not to wake up early... But you know, this is digging meat from our four major families, and even the major families in Kuaiji County!" Gu Yan said with a wry smile.

"Digging meat? If you just ask you to pay taxes in accordance with the law, then it is digging meat, so is it good government to starve to death and the government to die of poverty? I don't study much, so don't fool me!" Li Ming spread his hands, "Besides, losses are also losses. Not going anywhere!"

"Okay! We'll go back and restrain our family members and let them cooperate with the government's investigation! It's just that the reinforcements..." Gu Yan talked with the other three, and finally gritted his teeth and agreed.If Wu County is harmed by thieves, then they will lose even more.

Whether it is various manors or cultivated markets, they may be destroyed by thieves.

"Since everyone is so cooperative, I think the investigation can be completed smoothly! It just takes some time for the troops to assemble, and I will try to solve it within three days!" Li Ming said with a smile.

"Let's go back and make arrangements!" Gu Yan shook his head, turned and left, and the other three families also left one after another.For the four families, there were not many fields in Kuaiji County, and naturally fewer were concealed, and it was nothing to lose.

Xun Biao also saw this at the time and reminded Li Mingqing to investigate.

 I know that many cool articles are mostly done in one step, and all the enemies of the protagonist will inevitably become mentally retarded...but I can't write that feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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