Chapter 294 Peng Die's Gift

The guardian beasts of Mount Wuyi are not only the White Emperor and the Black Emperor, but also one or two unseen beings.But relatively speaking, the White Emperor is the most docile, and has lived in harmony with the Peng family in Wuyi Mountain all year round, and many of his descendants have become war beasts of the Peng family's children.

Maybe it's been too long, everyone seems to have forgotten, this big guy who is a bit old and docile, but a majestic monster, this is definitely not someone they can provoke!

Peng Die has been silent since just now, and this is the real reason.This demon pill was given to Li Ming by the Baihuang, and only the Baihuang himself can decide the whereabouts of this demon pill.No one has the right to decide the fate of this demon pill!

"Forget it, even if we use the power of the White Emperor to make them temporarily compromise, we still have to continue the discussion behind the scenes." Li Ming stepped forward and handed the demon pill to Peng Die.

"I know you guys are upset! Back to you coveting this demon pill! I'll just leave my words here. In Wuyi Mountain, I am Peng Die's bride, and I'm half a person from Wuyi Mountain! I know your rules, since If you are not convinced, then follow the rules! Today is my big day, so don't spoil the fun!

Three days later, I will deal with all of you alone, anyone who is not convinced can come up and fight!However, he was not good at learning and was injured by me, so no one can blame him! "Li Ming swept the crowd and said slowly.

"Brother Ming, you don't need this..." Peng Die said anxiously. She and Peng Hu are the strongest existences in Wuyi Mountain. As long as the two brothers and sisters stand in front, who dares to challenge Li Ming?How is it going now, one singled out all, is Li Ming planning to give up this demon pill? !

"I'm not convinced!" Peng Hu stood up straight away, and was kicked out by Xiao Ling.Oh, it seems that he has mended his feet in the past. It seems that Xiao Ling is also a little unhappy with this guy who has never changed his ways.

"Recently, my brother has become more and more misbehaving..." Peng Die muttered in a low voice.

"Is he all right?" Li Ming felt that Peng Hu was going to die if he continued.

"It's okay, stay in bed for a month at most!" Peng Die said happily, completely ignoring her own brother.

"Ugly words come first!" Someone from the tribe still stood up, "You are an outsider after all, and the Yaodan is related to the continuation of our Peng family in Wuyi Mountain. We can't completely count on you! Especially since you lost to Zong Shuai. This point makes us even more unconvincing! But we will not bully you, we will send five warriors here to fight with you, if you win, then our Peng family will recognize you! If you can't win..."

"The demon pill stays, I have absolutely nothing to say!" Li Ming said, patting his chest.

"Okay! Refreshing!" The miner laughed, and then greeted the five brothers to come out, and the other miners did not object. I have to say that the scene was a bit weird, or it seemed to Li Ming that this was an event. Premeditated arrangements.

"It seems that you don't intend to support my brother as the new Zongshuai? Peng Yong, are you planning to fight against me like this?" Peng Die obviously knew Peng Yong, and joked directly.

"Zong Shuai, just because you are qualified does not mean that Peng Hu is qualified! Zong Shuai can be appointed by someone who is capable, this is our rule here!" Peng Yong didn't seem to be afraid of Peng Die, after all, the latter was about to get married, so he pushed back directly .

"This is my elder brother, Peng Yong. He is two years older than his elder brother. He was pretty good before, but my elder brother and I are stronger than him, so he couldn't be Zongshuai before. It seems that this time he plans to Work hard!" Peng Die explained to Li Ming in a low voice.

"Don't disturb your wedding today. I'll be waiting for you three days later! As for the demon pill... leave it in Zongshuai's hands! Your bride has already used it as a bet. As the Peng clan's Zongshuai, you shouldn't take it for yourself. Right?" Peng Yong got a satisfactory answer and took people away without forgetting to tease Peng Die before leaving.

"Don't worry, I'm the head of the Peng family. Of course I won't forget the clan!" Peng Die replied with a sullen face, and Xiao Ling came back to her aggressively, as if she would launch an attack immediately if she had the intention .

"Hahaha, see you in three days! Phew..." Peng Yong whistled, and a huge figure descended from the sky, grabbed his shoulder and took him away.

This is a spirit beast, a very huge eagle, which is already at the level of a roc, and it is too easy to capture a person.

"This is his reliance, the eagle that can fly - Heiyu! Broken Moon and Xiaoling are both powerful, but they can't fly after all, so as long as he is in the sky, there is nothing we can do much of the time!" Peng Die sighed tone.

"Then how did you become Zongshuai?" Li Ming was curious.

"He's always going to the ground...hehe..." Peng Die smiled, apparently that's how she won in the previous competition.

In the evening it was the bridal chamber festivities, but tonight was still the same, Peng Die went straight out to the bedroom after socializing, she was going to be the groom, and Li Ming was the bride.

The experience was a little weird, a little ridiculous, but it was a good night.

"Take this secret book and read it. You can learn as much as you can in three days!" Peng Die lay on Li Ming's chest like this, reached out and rummaged through the wedding dress on the bedside, took out a roll of animal skin, Give it to Li Ming.

"Shouldn't there be more important things now?" Li Ming turned over and pressed Peng Die on his body.

"I'm the groom... woo..." Peng Die completely disarmed before she could struggle.

The next day, Li Ming got up early, opened the animal skin, and wrote a piece of exercise on it in the pre-Qin Xiaozhuan.If he hadn't learned a little during this period, he might not be able to understand it.Even so, I only understood [-]% to [-]% of it.

The whole exercise is actually not a exercise, but a method that can perceive the inner thoughts of beasts and realize mutual communication.Obviously, this should be the mainstream practice of a beast master. As long as the cultivation is completed and a spirit beast level existence can be tamed, then it can be regarded as a qualified beast master.

The beginning of a beast master is very simple, but the subsequent development is limited by his own strength and the strength of the beast.However, Li Ming is very familiar with this method. If you take a closer look, isn't this "Riding with Horse and Man"?To be precise, it should be an upgraded version!
Perhaps the riding technique of man and horse is itself a simplified version of this exercise.Riding is just for riding, but exercises are for fighting side by side with riding beasts.Well, it's no wonder that Chi Yan was able to tame Chi Yan with that set of riding skills back then.

"Is it okay? Give me this exercise!" Li Ming looked at Peng Die.

"If you can tame Xiaoling, so what if I'm your Zongshuai?" Peng Die said with a smile. At this moment, she didn't even have the strength to move, and she secretly cursed Li Ming as an animal.

"It's going to be left to Peng Hu, right? So it's okay, Suiyue and I will be fine!" Li Ming smiled, this cheat book itself is an upgraded version of "Horseman Riding Skills", read it and understand it thoroughly After that, there will naturally be a prompt whether to integrate and upgrade.

Upgrade, of course there is no reason not to upgrade!As a result, the skills quickly changed——Beast Control LV6: The beast master's combat method summed up by Yue Ren, which increases the speed of horses by 180% and the fighting power of war beasts by 120%.

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(End of this chapter)

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