Chapter 282

More than 30 five-meter-long dragons, and even two ten-meter-long dragons, directly killed Xu Huang and others. Later, more dragons discovered them and began to move towards them. come together.

"Is this a dragon? Although it is still very different from a dragon, it should be regarded as a subspecies of a dragon! Haha, everyone, maybe we can also become dragon slaying warriors!" Xu Huang laughed and took the lead Killed towards the dragon.

More than 30 mutated dragons rushed towards him immediately.It's just that Xu Huang didn't intend to waste time with these minions at all, so he raised the big ax violently, and then swung it fiercely forward.

A powerful wind pressure was swung out, forming a powerful air cannon, which slammed into the group of dragons.Before the dragons could react, they were sent flying by the air cannon. Xu Huang was in the gap in an instant, and killed the two spirit beasts, the dragons.

"It has appeared, sir's "Wind King Chong" (thanks to book friend Andrew329 for the idea)!" The soldiers under his command immediately shouted, this move can directly knock back the enemy 20 meters away, its power can be imagined.

No, there were actually two dragons who received this move directly in front of them, and they were directly shocked to the point where they bled to death from their seven holes.

"This is the result of the fusion of "Wind Blade Remnant" and "Rock Breaker Knife"? The name Feng Wangchong is not very good. If it were me, I would probably call it Fenglongchong or something..." Tai Shici blinked Having already entered the dragon, the spear in his hand directly pointed at the eyes of the dragon, and pierced into its brain along the eyes, killing it.

"It's just a mid-level martial skill at the Huang level. When he reaches the Xuan level, I guess he will really take that name!" Zu Lang didn't talk nonsense, and he swung the horse-killing sword directly, beheading a dragon, Simple and rude.

"By the way, is it really good for him to gain prestige like this?" Tai Shici looked at Zu Lang.

"I have to say, I'm a bit unhappy!" Zu Lang nodded, apparently holding back his big move.

"Tengjiao Naohai (Ten Thousand Snakes)!" The two shouted, but they all made the strongest moves.

Tai Shici's 'Teng Jiao Folding Waves' has been practiced to the extreme, and the strongest move is Teng Jiao Naohai.If Tengjiao Folding Waves is a fixed-point continuous thrust, then Tengjiao Naohai is a large-scale rapid thrust.

However, Zu Lang obtained the Spirit Snake Sword Technique some time ago, and this set was improved by Li Ming from the Spirit Snake Sword Technique.In fact, swordsmanship and swordsmanship don't matter to Zu Lang, his Horse-Chopping Sword itself has certain characteristics of a sword.In addition, he is not data-based, and he can use it directly by referring to the cheats. This strongest move can also be done, but the power will be reduced and there are loopholes.

He wouldn't dare to use this trick when dealing with people, but if dealing with a group of beasts, he would have nothing to avoid.

In the eyes of the soldiers, Tai Shici's long spear instantly turned into a dragon that overwhelmed the river.And although Zu Lang's long sword is a little more nimble, it doesn't feel like it has changed into a snake at all, at most it has this feeling vaguely.

Although the proficiency is different, the power is similar. When Tai Shici killed five dragons, Zu Lang also killed five.The latter is somewhat suspected of bullying others with innate advantages, but this is also part of his strength, which is understandable.

The soldiers seemed to be inspired, and they all rode their horses to kill them, intending to assassinate those dragons with the help of their horses.

When it was time for them to make a move, they realized that with the help of the horse's charge, they had barely pierced the spear into the body of the dragon. Let alone hurting them, it was still a bit difficult to kill them easily.

Conversely, after the dragons got their hands, they immediately became furious, bit the horse's foot directly, and dragged it down.

The crocodile, that is, the crocodile, is very fast in attacking instantly.After all, the cavalry lacked this impression, so they suffered a great loss. At least 20 cavalrymen were directly dragged to the ground. As for their horses, their feet had been completely broken, and even if they survived, they were considered useless.

"Uh uh uh (somewhat similar to a dog barking with a strong nasal sound)!" Seeing this, a spirit beast not far away roared immediately. The voice was indeed similar to that of a dog, but with a strong nasal sound.

Almost at this time, in the surrounding jungle, hundreds of ordinary dragons crawled out, and dozens of dragons at the level of spirit beasts directly encircled the cavalry troops.

"Uh, uh, uh!" the dragons kept roaring, and the horses were completely unable to move due to the fright. Not long after, they were directly bitten by the flying spirit beast, the dragons, and then pulled violently, tearing the horses in half. , its bite force is terrible!

It was a soldier who fell to the ground, although he quickly stabilized his figure.However, the surrounding dragons directly surrounded him, and directly pressed him under him, biting continuously, and the voices of the soldiers gradually weakened during the biting.

"There are nearly a thousand dragons!" Xu Huang managed to kill two dragons at the level of spirit beasts. He was already a little exhausted. Seeing that the surrounding soldiers were constantly being surrounded and killed by the gathered dragons, he knew that it was useless to stay any longer. any sense.

"Come in quickly!" The gate of Zhang'an County opened suddenly, and a man in armor shouted from the top of the city.

"Follow me to break through!" Xu Huang yelled immediately, but he didn't leave immediately. Instead, he slashed a wind blade with all his strength, knocking away more than 20 dragons in front, creating conditions for the friendly army to break through.

Tai Shici and Zu Lang didn't talk nonsense, they shot out one after another, trying to find a way out of the encirclement.The soldiers were really frightened. It was the first time they faced such a terrifying beast. This was completely different from fighting with humans. There was no morale problem with wild beasts, they only cared about whether the prey in their mouths would run away.

They may choose to leave only when the number of enemies has an absolute advantage and no benefits can be obtained.

"It's really a monster!" The large troops broke through into the city one after another. Xu Huang, Tai Shici and Zu Lang stood in the rear, watching the group of dragons who were constantly eating the corpses of the dead soldiers and horses, secretly. muttered.

There are nearly a thousand dragons, even if the three of them are powerful, they dare not say that they can kill them quickly, especially those dragons at the level of spirit beasts. They are really rough and thick, and ordinary weapons can't even pierce them. arrive.

"Generals, I don't know if there will be reinforcements in the future?" A middle-aged man came out and asked.

If the information is correct, the person in front of him is Li Ran, the former imperial envoy who was demoted to Zhang'an in the third year of Guanghe.This thing is similar to the later imperial envoys, and has similar powers, and it can be regarded as a more annoying existence.

"The Lord is taking the troops from the headquarters to encircle this side, and we can arrive there in a few days!" Xianju and Tiantai are not counties established by the big man, so Xu Huang didn't say anything.

"Then how many troops did the prefect dispatch this time?" Li Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief after hearing the words, and hurriedly continued to ask.

"Only two thousand soldiers!" Xu Huang clapped his hands back.

"There are thousands of dragons, and there are hundreds of beast-level dragons among them. There are only 2000 of you, why don't you give them food!" Li Ran became frustrated when he heard this, especially now that there are only 500 of the 200 people in Xu Huang's department. No one is available.

The county magistrate is responsible for guarding the soil. Although he was not attracted to the dragon, if he gave up the city and escaped, he would not only be killed by the barbarians, but his reputation would also be bad.But stay...Looking at the dragons gathered outside the city, Li Ran immediately despaired.

 During the Anti-Japanese War, there is a legend that a Japanese army of a thousand soldiers entered Langley Island and was attacked by tens of thousands of crocodiles. In the end, only 20 people survived.Although it was later confirmed that only 400 people died in the crocodile attack, it is not difficult to see that there are more crocodiles, and this thing is still a bit threatening.

(End of this chapter)

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