Chapter 273

After waking up the next day, Li Ming received the news that Zong Shuai had led his troops back to the settlement deep in Wuyi Mountain.

"I heard that you met in the bamboo forest last night. Nothing unpleasant happened, right?" Yu Fan was a little anxious to find Li Ming, and Zong Shuai left the next day. He was really worried that the two sides had a stalemate.

"There must be some unhappiness. In the end, I became Peng Die's bride instead of marrying her..." Li Ming smiled wryly, and then explained what happened last night in a simple and clear manner.

"It seems that Peng Die became Zongshuai not only because of that monster!" Yu Fan nodded.

"Well, I know! Well, let's go back! It was planned to be a manly adventure, but who knew it turned into a marriage! Zhong Xiang, this is the last time, otherwise I will definitely destroy the Yu family!" Li Ming Look at Yu Fan.

Yu Fan looked at Li Ming, there was no sign of joking in his eyes.In the past, Yu Fan might not believe it, or he could choose to ignore it, but now Li Ming is scary!
"Yu Fan in Kuaiji, I am willing to join the lord's command, and I will never give up!" Yu Fan knew that he had to express his position, so he readily accepted the lord.

"Remember, next time, if you make random arrangements for me without my permission, I will not let you go!" Li Ming has no courtesy and corporal, after all, what Yu Fan did this time does not deserve his lenient treatment.

"Subordinates understand!" Yu Fan stood up slowly, and it was the best result if he didn't blame him.

"Go back! I don't even know how to explain it to Xun Cai!" Li Ming turned and left, Zhang Mo followed behind, and Yu Fan wiped the sweat from his forehead and followed.

Yue Li had already prepared their horses and led them down the mountain on the best path.Only then did Li Ming realize that the way Yueli brought them up was the way they used to deal with the Han army before, no wonder it was so difficult to walk!

Although the path is hidden and even needs some detours, the key is that it is easy to walk, and horses can walk together. As a result, it only took less than an hour to go down the mountain.Yueli on the road even said that in the near future, the village may join Damo's rule.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind?" Li Ming asked curiously.

"Zong Shuai ordered that all our villages near Damo can join the county government." Yue Li said happily, and since Zong Shuai had spoken, they no longer had any worries.

"Welcome!" Li Ming smiled, "I will open the fair in Damo County as soon as possible!"

"My lord, this expedition is meaningless!" Zhang Mo couldn't help complaining. He thought there would be a Jedi battle royale, but who knew that a marriage would settle everything.

"Marriage is the easiest way!" Yu Fan retorted directly, "Fighting will only further intensify the hatred. The Peng family has fought with the Han people for more than 400 years, and in recent decades they have not even taken the initiative to fight against the Peng family. Do you think Why?!

Crusades will inevitably involve logistics and conscription. If the world is settled in one battle, it's okay, but if it doesn't work, it will only consume the troops and money of the big man here, and problems will arise in other places over time!The big man was too big, and after weighing the pros and cons, Emperor Han gave up the area of ​​Wuyi Mountain. "

"My lord, what about Chi Yan?" Zhang Mo looked at Broken Moon sitting under Li Ming, and asked casually.Is it the old man? He can see that Li Ming actually prefers the male Broken Moon,

"Free-range breeding in Fuchun Mountain and Kuaiji Mountain is..." Li Ming had already made a decision.

Now Kuaiji Mountain has begun to recover in an all-round way and has gradually become a spiritual mountain.The relationship between the spirit beast and the spirit mountain is still unclear to Li Ming, but it is certain that the spirit beast and the spirit mountain have some kind of connection.

Among other things, Hao Lang has complained more than once. It is better to leave a spirit beast on Fuchun Mountain earlier so that he can be freed earlier. I am afraid that he will really have resentment after a long time.

After descending the mountain for a short time, we entered Damo County.Chen Cong has not yet taken office, but the county magistrate seems to be ready to beg for bones.Hearing that the prefect was coming, he didn't care about having fun with the concubine he just took in, so he put on his official robes and went out of the city to meet him.

"Xiaguan Kongcheng, I have met you!" Perhaps because of excessive drinking, the 50-year-old county magistrate has gray hair and looks like a 80-[-]-year-old man.

"The county has issued an order to build a fair in Cheng, why hasn't Damo been built yet?" Li Ming didn't have any good looks, and there was no pressure at all to bully a county magistrate who was about to retire.

"My lord!" Kong Cheng was taken aback immediately, and hurriedly replied, "The lower officials also plan to build a fair, but Damo is close to the Wuyi Mountains, and there is a Xianxia Ridge next to it. The four major families have hardly established businesses here. Damo County itself lacks living expenses, how can it trade with the Yue people?

Conversely, when more people went to Wushang County to trade, Damo could provide some meals and accommodation, so that the county residents could get a lot of benefits.Not to worry, monsters going up and down Xianxia Ridge to destroy the fair, or Wuyi barbarians going down the mountain to plunder, can be said to kill multiple birds with one stone! "

Li Ming couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, he thought the county magistrate would do nothing, but he didn't expect this one to have other arrangements.In this way, the county magistrate is quite capable, especially in terms of business vision, which is even more unique.

It's a pity that business is just a small way in this era. No wonder he has no reputation. He has been in business for more than 50 years and can only end up retiring in a marginal county like Damo.

"What is the magistrate Kong's plan after begging for the bones?" Li Ming asked.

"But at the lord's order!" Kong Cheng may have missed his talent for too long, and he forgot to be reserved at this moment, and said hastily.

"I plan to establish a merchant in Kuaiji to be in charge of Kuaiji's business... After all, it's not just a regular position. I wonder if the county magistrate Kong can give in?" Li Ming put forward his idea, and it's a rainy day.

The commerce of the Eastern Han Dynasty was actually very simple, and there was no need to set up an official in charge of commerce.

"Yes, yes!" Kong Cheng obviously didn't intend to go home to have fun with his grandchildren, and of course he was extremely happy to be able to fight for the last few years.

"Well, according to your method, first drive Damo's business. If you need cooperation, you can write me a plan directly. As long as it is good, I will cooperate with you! If you can't do this, just pretend I didn't say it Pass!" Li Ming said very seriously, this is also a test for Kong Cheng.

"The subordinates will definitely do their best to do their best!" Kong Cheng replied quickly, as if he was afraid that Li Ming would go back on his word.

After bidding farewell to Kong Cheng, Li Ming and others also returned one after another. Three days later, they returned to Shanyin County.Looking at the familiar gate of Li Mansion, Li Ming was a little afraid to go in.

"Master, the master is back!" In the end, the servant found him and shouted hastily.

Li Ming knew that all of this was destined to be faced, so he could only bite the bullet and walked in.

 I'm going to be on duty at seven o'clock, so I'm not sure if there will be an update in the afternoon.Post two chapters first, boldly ask for collection, recommendation, subscription, and reward!
(End of this chapter)

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