Chapter 258

They said they were going to visit the Chen family, but in fact, it was more than 300 miles from Dongcheng County to Huaipu County (in the Lianshui District of Huai'an City), so Li Ming asked Bai Xin and Dianjie to go back first, and he went to Lu Su and Chen Ying. Accompanied by Li, went to Huaipu County.

What surprised Li Ming was that the huge Hongze Lake was gone, and there was even a city called Suiling County in the Hongze Lake area.

It would take more than three days before Li Ming and his party arrived in Huaipu County.The Zhuangzi of the Chen family is just outside the city, and of course there are houses in the city, but it seems that both Chen Cong and Chen Gui are in the Zhuangzi outside the city.

"My lord, all the fields within the line of sight are under the name of the Chen family. The Chen family is a well-known public family, and they have accumulated a lot of land over the years. The business of the Lu family in Xiapi and Guangling is largely due to the Chen family. The result of your help." Lu Su pointed to the surrounding fields, but he didn't know how many hectares it was, but there were indeed enough fields anyway.

"Speaking of which, I have been to Shanyin for so long, and there is no other land except for a Zhuangzi with only more than 100 mu of land..." Li Ming smiled wryly. In this era, farmland is the real hard currency. Because grain is the main currency that constitutes the market economy these days.

Even if you have money, you can't buy food. This is the embarrassment of five baht coins in the Eastern Han Dynasty. The key is that he still encountered such a situation.If not, why would he come all the way to Xuzhou to buy food?In the future, if one is not good, it may not be impossible to go directly to Jizhou to buy grain!

"That's your benevolence, and you don't intend to compete with the people for profit. But now the big man is not peaceful, natural disasters and man-made disasters continue, and the price of food is not stable, so it's better for you to buy more land, just in case." Lu Su kindly reminded.

"It's not just natural disasters and man-made disasters..." Li Ming shook his head. He didn't know when Emperor Han Ling died. It seemed that the princes had 190 years to ask for Dong, so there were probably less than four years left.

"My lord?" Chen Ying heard Li Ming's words keenly, and looked at Li Ming at the same time.

"'s nothing, I just think that as long as Kuaiji County is well managed, everyone will grow the food, and the government will buy it at the market price and store it, and then sell it in a disaster year." Li Ming seemed to recall that there was such a policy in history .

"My lord, did you say Changpingcang?" Lu Su's face changed. "In the past Emperor Yuan, the ruling Confucian officials used Changpingcang to compete with the people for profit, and they were abolished together with Yantieguan and Beijiatianguan. Later Ming Emperor Although he also planned to restore the establishment, he was opposed by King Xiao (Liu Ban) for the same reason, so he has not been restored in the end."

Such a strong sense of sight, such a familiar excuse!

After listening to Lu Su's words, Li Ming immediately had a strong sense of seeing the end of the Ming Dynasty. Compared with the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, he was actually a little more familiar with the end of the Ming Dynasty, just because the mowing game he made had the end of the Ming Dynasty as its background. , so I checked some information.

Open the sea and compete with the people for profit!Business tax, and people to compete for profit!As long as the interests of the aristocratic family are harmed, they are fighting for profit with the people!
Lu Su's words are actually telling Li Ming that even His Majesty can't do something, and if you do it like a prefect, it's easy to lose your life.Among other things, the interests of these grain merchants will be harmed first.

However, grain is the hard currency in this period. Behind every big grain merchant, there is often a heavyweight backing. If the interests of the grain merchants are damaged, in the end, I am afraid that a certain big boss will inevitably take action against Li Ming.

Among other things, if Li Ming dared to open a Changping warehouse in Kuaiji County, the Gu family would almost be able to fight Li Ming forever.If they dare to add more iron officials and salt officials, and investigate private salt and mines, Zhu and Zhang will also fight Li Ming to the end.

"Well, this matter needs to be discussed in the long term. Don't worry, I'm not a pure reckless man." Li Ming nodded. How to improve, or how to forcefully promote, or how to compromise, this itself requires a balance point.

Among other things, Li Ming, as a sheriff, is really not qualified to do these things.If he really became one of the vassals, and held a heavy army, and gave up part of the benefits, then maybe he could force the aristocratic family to compromise.

Chen's manor also occupies a large area, but it is not Wubao.

"The Chen family is originally a prominent family. If they build Wubao more widely, they will inevitably be criticized. Not to mention the Chen family, the big families in the Central Plains rarely build Wubao. Although the Lu family is also considered a noble family, but now Only old women and children are left, if we don’t build a dock to protect ourselves, I’m afraid someone will plot something wrong!” Chen Ying probably saw Li Ming’s doubts, and explained directly.

Li Ming nodded, and when he turned around, he saw that all the gates of Zhuangzi had been opened.

"I didn't expect it to be fully open. It seems that my father and uncle value the gentleman very much!" Chen Ying couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. The identity of the Chen family is there. Kai Na is only entertaining the governor, or even the emperor.Unexpectedly, Li Ming could also enjoy such treatment.

"I didn't expect the prefect of Kuaiji to come to visit in person. Xiapi Chen Cong (Chen Gui) has seen you!" As the gate opened, two young men appeared behind the gate, followed by a group of servants.

"Uncle, father?" Chen Ying was even more surprised. Uncle and father actually came out to greet the guests in person. What's going on?

"I didn't inform you in advance, I came to visit directly, and I hope you two don't blame me!" Li Ming also stepped forward and bowed his hands.

"Where is it, my lord has been kind to me, Mrs. Chen. We have long wanted to visit in person to thank you, but I didn't expect your lord to come in person. We will naturally treat you well!" Chen Cong smiled and led Li Ming and others in.

"Grateful?" Li Ming was very surprised. When did he feel kind to Mrs. Chen?You know, Kuaiji County is hundreds of miles away from here, and he doesn't remember that there was any record of contact with the Chen family before.

"Maybe it's just a little effort for adults! The adults invented the insect repellent, and they reported the symptoms of parasites in the body, so we found that each other, including my eldest son in Dongyang County, had similar symptoms.

After taking the insect repellant, a large number of insects were excreted, and we were also shocked.Thinking of so many insects wandering in our stomachs, it is very scary. Fortunately, adults invented insect repellents, which saved us from suffering. "Chen Gui said with a grateful tone.

"Do you know the reason for the parasite infection? I remember it was announced!" Li Ming nodded and asked immediately.

"I already know, this is also a kindness!" Chen Cong smiled, "Our family likes to eat fish cakes, especially the fish cakes made from fish in the Huai River. According to the parasitic food passed down by adults The way, the eggs of parasites, should be parasitic in these fish sticks. It’s just a pity, the fish sticks are delicious when dipped in soy sauce!”

"Maybe you can consider sea fish. The fish over there is firmer and more elastic. The key is that it doesn't contain many parasites. If you want to remove the fishy smell, marinate it with rice wine and ginger before chopping it." Li Ming suggested.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect adults to know how to eat food. Now there's something to talk about!" Chen Cong laughed. He and Chen Gui were idle at home. Apart from creating human beings, they only read books and played the piano. Started to like food.

Anyway, the sages and other elders also said that "you don't get tired of food, you don't get tired of fine food", "food and sex are also good", so it's nothing to pursue some delicious food.The key is that it looks like today is a good day to find out the news, but we should share our experience in this area.

 During the Song and Jin dynasties, the Yellow River flowed into the Huaihe River, driving a large amount of soil accumulation, and finally expanded the land area by [-] kilometers, but there was no such [-] kilometers of land in this year.

  The Changping warehouse was once established in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but it was later said by Confucian children to compete with the people for profit, so it has not been restored until the end of the Han Dynasty, and the imperial court was unable to provide disaster relief in time. The lack of Changping warehouse is also a key factor.Not only that, the salt and iron official established because of "On Salt and Iron" was also abolished because of "competing with the people for profit", and the country actually has no income from salt and iron.

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(End of this chapter)

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