Chapter 251 Yu and Xin County Magistrate

The resentment of the people in Yuji County seemed to have disappeared with Li Ming's kneeling.

The dead are gone, the real culprit has been executed, and they really have no right to resent anyone.In this troubled world, it may be said that many people have become numb.Since six years ago, the big man has been plagued by many disasters. Official governance is a problem, and the key is natural disasters and man-made disasters.

After clearing up their sad mood, everyone started the restoration work of Yuji County.The collapsed houses were demolished and transported away, and then they worked together to build them again.Li Ming also pulled over the soldiers stationed in Shanyin one after another, and put them into the construction.

"When did these soldiers start to work for us? Only under the command of adults, such things will happen. Your benevolence!" The older generation always likes to sigh. On the side, looking at these busy soldiers, he talked to his companions around him.

"Did your lord fall asleep?" Many people were more concerned about this question. It seemed that Li Ming hadn't slept for more than a day.

In fact, Li Ming did fall asleep. After arranging his work, he found a place to sleep.He found that he could not actually stay up all night.As long as it exceeds 36 hours, it will enter the special state of 'tired'.

In this state, all attributes will drop by 20%, martial arts training will no longer gain experience, and the efficiency of kung fu training will drop by 50%.Zhang Mo continued to endure. After all, Li Ming needed to know what would happen if he continued to endure.

48 hours later, Zhang Mo came to report: "The state has become 'tired', all attributes have dropped by 50%, and the practice of kung fu can no longer improve the experience. If you continue to endure, there may be a new state, and the subordinates dare not adventure……"

Indeed, the state of exhaustion is miserable enough. If you continue to endure it, you may have problems with your health.

For 36 hours, Li Ming memorized this data. If it does not exceed this number, his physical strength will be unlimited.This is very important. He doesn't want to suddenly become weak when he is fighting with others, especially when he is fighting against the enemy.

"Very good, thank you for your hard work!" Li Ming nodded and motioned Zhang Mo to rest.The latter nodded, found a shady place and fell asleep.

After another three days of busy work, the ruins in Yuji County have been cleaned up, and the water source has been ensured to be clean. The few wells have no choice but to be filled, after all, there are things that shouldn't be soaked in them.

"I am acting as the county magistrate temporarily?" Zhang Mo pointed at himself in disbelief. The county captain can understand that the county magistrate just...

"You also said that it's only temporary!" Li Ming shook his head, "Not to mention that I don't have the power to directly appoint the county magistrate, but that there are so many jobs in the county, Cai Yan is still waiting for you in Shanyin, how dare you If you don’t come back, how many blocks will she chase me down?”

"Subordinates are terrified..." Zhang Mo cupped his hands. To be honest, he was a little unconfident.He was born in a poor family, and he joined the army only to survive, and finally became a team leader, and was incorporated into Li Ming's command.This step was all given to him by Li Ming, so if you want to say who is the most loyal among all people, it is probably him, and it has nothing to do with the loyalty program.

"I'll stay with Dianjie, and I'll guard the place for you. The [-] guards will stay here until the new county magistrate takes office. If you meet anyone who doesn't look good, I'll clean it up. You're an agent anyway, so don't be afraid." Offending people." Li Ming said slowly.

What do you mean by lack of eyes? To put it bluntly, it is a family. Taking advantage of the military disaster, the land around Yuji County must be empty.Naturally, these aristocratic families swam over one after another like sharks smelling fishy.

In a sense, the reason why Yan Baihu can run amok is that they are not raising him?With such a hound, helping them wipe out those small families and ordinary people, how can they annex the land openly? !

"The subordinates understand!" Zhang Mo nodded. He knew that this kind of thing would offend people, but he didn't mind offending people.He himself came from a poor family and was alone, so what was there to be afraid of? !

"It's not to say that it's completely ignored. Normal transactions can still be approved. [-]% of the vacated land can be traded to them, and about [-]% of the [-]% are good fields. You can look at the rest and set aside some Forests or tidal flats, don’t make them cheap, and if you buy a good land, you must buy forests or tidal flats. This is called bundling sales! As for the remaining [-]%, at least [-]% will fall into the hands of Yue people. The benefit of the first shot!" Li Ming ordered.

"Subordinates understand!" Zhang Mo nodded.

Li Ming gave a few more instructions, then rode on Chi Yan, and began to lead the troops back to Shanyin County.Out of the [-] troops brought out, only less than [-] went back. The scene was a bit miserable. Fortunately, the follow-up soldiers came to help, and they were going back together at this moment, so it looked like a triumphant army.

The people of Yuji County lined the road to see each other off. They were reluctant to let Li Ming leave so soon. Fortunately, Li Ming only returned to Shanyin County, so he didn't do anything too outrageous.Seeing their eager expressions, Li Ming couldn't help being amused. Last year's free clinic, there were many survivors, but it was not like this. Just kneeling, his reputation suddenly reached the top.

Not only that, but word of mouth spread this matter to other counties, and even a few counties in Wu County heard about it.When talking about Li Ming, many people couldn't help but praise him for his 'bravery' and 'benevolence'.

Back in Shanyin County, Xun Biao came to greet him in person, and looked at Li Ming with a more complicated expression.He knew that Li Ming was putting on a show, but it was rare to grasp the timing so well!This means that Li Ming's political methods have improved again!

"Continuing, his dependence on the Xun family will continue to decline. Father sees it well, he is not a puppet to be manipulated by others, and the Xun family still needs to correct their attitude, otherwise I am afraid that we will not be able to cooperate in the future." Xun Biao muttered.

Seeing Li Ming coming, he immediately calmed down, stepped forward and clapped his hands and shouted: "Welcome the prefect to return in triumph!"

"Brother, there is no need to be like this between you and me!" Li Ming smiled, got off his horse (Chi Yan was sent back to Kuaiji Mountain), came to Xun Biao, supported him and said with a smile.

"There is a difference between superiors and subordinates. Xun Biao came to greet him as a subordinate, and he should be a subordinate!" Xun Biao replied politely.

His change made Li Ming a little surprised. After all, even in the past, everyone communicated on an equal footing.Today's Xun Biao seems to him to have learned to let go of his figure.Is this the attitude of the Xun family, or his Xun Biao attitude?

This kind of thought went around in Li Ming's mind, and finally he decided to go back and ask Xun Cai or Jia Xu about it.

Ten days later, the report on the handsome Yan Baihu was presented to Han Emperor Liu Hong.Commander Wu Jun invaded Kuaiji, captured Yuji County in less than half a day, but was defeated by Li Ming that night. This report made people doubt its authenticity.

However, the heads of nearly [-] thieves can't be faked. It's rare that there are no women and children. At least Li Ming didn't kill the good and pretend to be meritorious.

"Did Sheng Xian go to Wu County to retire? How could a traitor with tens of thousands of people just turn a blind eye?" Liu Hong questioned.

"Sheng Xian wrote a letter to refute..." Taiwei Zhang Yan came out, "Yan Baihu hides in the deep mountains, and only a few hundred people go down the mountain every time, and most of them harass places. It has reached the scale of ten thousand people!"

"Hmph, don't think that you can give up just like this! His title of Marquis of Guannei will be revoked, and he will be fined for two years' salary!" Liu Hong issued an order.

"Here!" Zhang Yan responded, but he didn't think so in his heart, the Marquis of Guan Nei had long been rotten and worthless, and others didn't care about his salary.

"As for Yuji County... Zhou Shang, you go to be the county magistrate!" Liu Hong ordered the table, and then directly called the name.

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(End of this chapter)

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