Chapter 247

1 people, or not just 1 people, more than 2 people, these are the captured people.

The method of using the people as the vanguard is the most common method used by rebels.In this way, the old and the weak can be consumed on the battlefield, and then the young and strong can be selected.After killing the Han army, they couldn't turn back, and they had to stand on their side in the end!

"Tell those people that the Han army is in front of them. As long as they escape back, they will be saved!" Although Yan Baihu was extremely anxious, he knew better at this moment that the son under his command was the foundation of his life.

After a while, the soldiers told the common people one after another that as long as they could escape back to the Han army, they would be safe.Many people's eyes, which were already gloomy, suddenly showed the brilliance of living.

Yes, it doesn't matter even if all the Han soldiers in front of us are killed, as long as they can escape, as long as they can escape, as long as they can survive, then there is no problem!
"My lord, the other party has expelled the people of Yuji County as a vanguard!" Tai Shici broke into the commander's tent angrily, and reported what Yan Baihu had done.

"How many people?" Li Ming seemed to have expected it.

"About 2 people!" Tai Shici felt a little weak. Including the thieves, there were 3 people in total, and they were only less than [-] people!

"What are you going to do?" Li Ming looked at Wang Yu.

"Can we kill those people? No!" Wang Yu has already sent someone to settle Zhang Ning, "So our target is the rebels behind! Open the camp to those people completely, and then, go directly to the thief's The core launches a general attack!"

"Are the boats broken?" Li Ming smiled lightly. Opening up completely means that all the luggage may be destroyed, and they don't even have extra time to replenish arrows. If they can't win this war, they can only flee in embarrassment. Back to Shanyin County.

"Time is running out, make a decision early!" Wang Yu looked at Li Ming.

"Jia Xu, you and Zhou Ze retreat back to Shanyin!" Li Ming looked at Jia Xu, who cupped his hands and did not refuse.

"Assembly, get ready for battle!" Wang Yu walked out of the camp and shouted, and the soldiers immediately started to pick it up by themselves. Pang De, Yan Xing, Dian Jie, Zhang Mo, Tai Shici and Zu Lang were already ready. Ready for battle.

"Don't worry about those people, our target is the thieves behind them! Grab your weapons and go!" Li Ming also walked out immediately, shouting along with Wang Yu.

"Don't be afraid of the enemy! Look at those people who are running crookedly, they are actually exhausted! Look at the thieves behind, they are actually listless! It cannot be denied that we are indeed exhausted, but everyone must believe that our enemy, They are even more exhausted!" Wang Yu raised his arms and shouted.

"Follow me to kill!" Li Ming shouted, mounted Chi Yan and killed directly.

"Kill!" Dian Jie had nothing to say, as a personal guard, he immediately followed Li Ming to kill.The other people also divided into two groups, and followed Wang Yu and Li Ming to kill them out.

"We are free!" Seeing that the Han army did not stop them, the people entered the camp and walked straight, looking at the Han army that had already rushed towards the two sides, they had only such thoughts in their hearts.

"Wait! The leading general seems to be our prefect! He rushed towards the enemy with less than 1000 people!" After feeling relieved, someone soon realized something.

"He's crazy, there are 1 enemies! Damn it, there are still a lot of weapons and armor in the camp, and they don't have any weapons and armor that can be replaced!" Someone soon discovered more problems.

"Their food and grass are still here. If they don't win this battle, they will be finished! It's because of us, we have dragged them down!" This is a captured Yue man, "Bow and arrow, give me a bow and arrow! I I don't have the guts to directly confront the enemy, but I can shoot arrows to support you!"

"Don't be a hero by yourself, the Lord has favored us, we can't sit idly by!" More Yue people picked up their bows and arrows, then turned around and killed them.

"Fuck, give me a knife, and I'm going to go back and kill those sons of bitches!" A man directly picked up a ring knife, then turned around and killed them.

"You're crazy!" Someone he knew stopped him.

"My family members were killed by those thieves, I want to avenge them!" But the man broke free, and then directly killed him back.The one who was going to stop him no longer stopped him at this moment. After hesitating for a few seconds, he also gritted his teeth, picked up a weapon, and killed him directly.

"We Han people are not cowards!" Someone shouted, and then picked up a ring-sword and a shield, and then directly killed them back.

"Revenge for the family!" Who knows who shouted, also picked up a weapon and killed back.

"Crazy, they're crazy!" More people chose to remain silent, and even the timid chose to evacuate the camp. Passionate blood is not the norm, and only various forms can form this wonderful world.

"My lord, we have [-] more reinforcements!" Zhang Mo looked at the civilians who came out one after another, and at first thought they were rebels. Hearing the slogans they chanted, he said excitedly.

"They are untrained civilians, not soldiers! You can't rely on them, let me kill them!" Li Ming shouted, driving Chi Yan to kill the bandit army.

"Wild boar, what a big boar!" Someone shouted, and when he realized it, Chi Yan had already slammed into it. The fiery red hair was like a ball of burning flames, and then it was continuously soaked in blood, turning into a It became more bright red.

Not having the tusks of the male mountain boar is a problem, but Chi Yan's rampage has knocked away a lot of enemy troops.The thieves who survived by luck were also directly swept away by Li Ming with the hurricane marksmanship.

"Hahaha, Chi Yan, you are really amazing!" Li Ming laughed. His energy is boundless, so it doesn't matter to him whether he stays up late. Sleeping is just a habit for him. The biggest advantage is that the natural recovery speed will increase. promote.

"We have nothing to be afraid of!" The same is true for Wang Yu. He is not good at fighting at close range, but with the cooperation of Wang's imperial guards, he keeps advancing. Enemies who dare to approach are torn into pieces by them debris.

"Look! We may be very tired, but our enemy is even more exhausted!" Wang Yu pointed to the front, looking at the enemy troops who were fighting hard but were still vulnerable.When they were extremely tired, they made repeated mistakes in combat, and their cooperation was full of mistakes and omissions.An army that won't cooperate is just a group of gangsters with weapons!

"Victory belongs to us!" Wang Yu shouted. It must be said that he was indeed a little tired.It's just that before victory, he must not be dominated by fatigue!

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(End of this chapter)

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