Chapter 225 Lingshan has an elixir

Eye-catching blue-black tiger, just this fur is a priceless treasure.The rare thing is that the fur is not damaged much, and the integrity is as high as 90%.

"Good skin! It's too wasteful to use this thing to make leather armor! Sun Yao, if you don't just offer it up, your Majesty will get this tiger skin, and I'm afraid the grudges in your heart will be relieved a lot!" Wang Yu stroked the fur carefully, and then looked at the skin. Suggested to Li Ming.

"Alright, after the tanning is done, send someone to deliver it to His Majesty!" Li Ming nodded. Since he wanted to adopt this little tiger, he naturally couldn't keep the tigress's fur with him.The key is that beside Liu Hong, there is also Liu Ting who will speak ill of him at some point, so the relationship still needs to be good, at least it cannot continue to deteriorate.

Look, Wang Yun, the majestic governor of Yuzhou, picked it up as soon as he said he would pick it up. He almost died in prison without pardon.

"Do you know the hobbies of those eunuchs, especially Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong?" Li Ming asked casually.

"I know that, the Wang family gives them some gifts every year." Wang Yu nodded.

"But Wang Yun would rather die than give them presents?" Li Ming suddenly felt that, with Wang Yun's attitude, it seemed a bit problematic for the Wang family to secretly give presents to the Ten Attendants!

"It's not surprising. Uncle is uncle, and Mrs. Wang is Mrs. Wang!" Wang Yu didn't feel weird, "Uncle is famous for his stubbornness, so whether he wants to or not, he must be stubborn. Mrs. Wang But it can't be like this, in fact, if it wasn't for Wang's secret intervention, I'm afraid my uncle would have been killed by Zhang Rang and Zhao Zhong long ago!"

In the end, Wang Yun was still burdened by his fame, but the benefits were not without it. At least his fame and reputation among the world and among the scholars were constantly rising, which helped him quickly return to the court and occupy a high position. , also helps a lot.

The point is, this fame will also radiate to his family and relatives. Wang Yu is quite famous among the scholars now, but unfortunately when others call him, most of them will use the title of 'Wang Yun's nephew'.

If so, before Wang Yu became famous, this title could bring him a lot of benefits.If he really has the ability, he will become more famous than Wang Yun, and the title will naturally change when the time comes.If there is no way to do it, what is there to hate?
[-] experience points, which are the experience points obtained after eating tigress meat.Tiger meat is almost the same as cat meat, but it tastes worse. Seriously, if it weren’t for the aphrodisiac effect of eating tiger meat and tiger penis, and the fact that tiger is the king of all beasts, I’m afraid there might not be such a thing. Many people will eat tiger meat.

"I've tried my best to stew it, but it seems that I have to work harder if I want it to be delicious!" Li Ming has tried to stew the tiger meat to make it more tender, but he is limited by cooking skills and cooking materials. way to do it.

However, cooking monsters and spirit beasts, the proficiency bonus to medicinal food and cooking skills is still very good.I just stewed three spirit beast (monster beast) herbal meals, and the skill level was directly raised to LV6, and then I learned some more advanced skills. .

As for the buffaloes that were beheaded by Huang Zhong earlier, they were cooked with medicinal materials and then smoked.Changing the person would definitely cause the aura to be completely lost, and only Li Ming can do it now. Let the aura stay in the smoked jerky for three to five days, and then it will start to lose, and all the aura will disappear after ten days.

Li Ming sent one-third of the smoked meat back to Shanyin and handed it over to Yan Xing, Bai Xin, Zhang Mo and Xu Huang who stayed behind.The rest was divided into three shares, one for Xun Biao, one for himself, and one for Xiao Yao, Zu Lang and Huang Zhong.

Although the buffalo belonged to Zu Lang's family, since he died, Zu Lang didn't blame Li Ming for his behavior. He just wanted the bones back and hoped to be buried with his father. After all, this buffalo was raised by Zu Chong since he was a child. , almost like brothers, otherwise Zu Chong would not be able to drive a spirit beast at will.

But Li Ming kept the buffalo horns. This pair of horns has been completely metalized, at least at the level of bone gold.Both sides of the ox horns are extremely sharp and can be used as blades. At that time, Huang Zhong directly resisted it with the Fengzui knife in his hand. As a result, the ancestral Fengzui knife was even comparable to this pair of horns. Afterwards, he killed the buffalo. The mouth knife is also ruined.

Li Ming thought, he might as well use these two pairs of horns as materials to make a new Fengzui knife for Huang Zhong as compensation.

The next day, the army started to enter the mountain. After they really stepped into the range of Fuchun Mountain, the surrounding environment changed drastically.The vegetation here is denser and more vibrant.The air becomes more fresh, and breathing such air feels that the lungs have been thoroughly cleaned.

What is rare is that after running the exercises silently, the running speed is actually a little faster than usual.What makes people uncomfortable is that this improvement is very weak. If it is not for the fact that the dataization truly reflects the fact of acceleration, I am afraid that it may not be noticeable.

"My lord, the reason why Lingshan is called Lingshan is because of the aura on it. Fuchun Mountain is just the remaining vein of Tianmu Mountain, so there is not much aura. No one knows how the aura is formed. After all, there are monsters and beasts on Lingshan. The beasts are rampant, and ordinary people dare not approach them casually. Coupled with the relationship of the Han Law, even fewer people are willing to go up the mountain casually!" Xi Zhicai saw that Li Ming was confused, and after thinking about it, he probably guessed why he was like this, so he reminded in a low voice.

"Indeed, within the scope of Lingshan, the closer to the peak, the stronger the aura! Now we are only waiting at the foot of the mountain, so the aura is naturally thinner!" Huang Zhong nodded. He also visited many Lingshan for his son, "But Lingshan is full of treasures, not only spirit beasts, but also medicines because of the influence of spirit energy, which makes the medicinal properties better. Zhang Taishou once said that the ginseng on this Lingshan is worth ten years outside in one year. Therefore, reasonable medicines cannot be regarded as ordinary medicines, and Zhang Taishou calls them "miraculous medicines"!"

"Then go up the mountain this time, no matter what, we have to collect some!" Li Ming nodded, he just disliked the ordinary formula, the prepared medicine, the recovery of internal energy and injury is too slow, and he planned to configure some advanced ones, but it was Lack of material.

You can't just take a medicine, give it a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum or a thousand-year-old ginseng, right?Not to mention Xuelian, it is almost impossible to get it these days!

The most important thing is the medicated diet!With Li Ming's medical skills and medicinal food skills, he can clearly feel that the benefits of spirit beast meat have not been fully released, but with ordinary medicine, there is no way to guide that deep-seated power out!Now change the way of thinking, replace the cooking ingredients with elixir, what will be the effect?

Perhaps it has been a relationship that no one has set foot in for many years. There are medicines everywhere around Fuchun Mountain, and many of them are of good quality.As the large army slowly approached the main peak, a little red plant was found by chance, and a medicinal fragrance could be smelled three meters away.

"Here I come!" Li Ming took the medicine hoe, and carefully dug out the medicine. Although it is not a rare medicinal material, it is really unprecedented for a medicine with such a fragrance. , but the elixir level.

"My lord, this little red seed should have fallen from the top of the mountain. Its mother plant may have more medicinal power!" Pan Bao stepped forward to feel it, and said in surprise.

"Then what are you waiting for, keep searching!" Li Ming laughed loudly. Anyway, there are no monsters on Fuchun Mountain, so if you don't explore it carefully, would you be sorry for yourself?
 This chapter is a bit watery, mainly to explain some settings. In the future, the main medicines, especially the medicines that restore HP and MP, will gradually shift towards the direction of elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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