Chapter 220 Stew and Investigation

Li Ming didn't expect that when he first came to Zhuji County, he would encounter a monster-level existence.Looking back now, the speed and strength of the giant wolf, and even the fur defense were so terrifying.

Then, what kind of existence should the big monster who can kill him quickly be so devastating?No wonder the imperial court stipulated that those who attract monsters or even big monsters must be punished by the Yi tribe.To attract such an existence, just that giant wolf, if it doesn't bring disaster to the county, I'm afraid it won't leave at all. During this period, I don't know how many people will die and how many people will be buried in the belly of the wolf.

An hour later, the wolf meat that had been stewed for two hours finally came to a boil. The familiar smell made Li Ming curse inwardly: "Damn it, isn't this real dog meat?"

In fact, dogs are indeed close relatives of wolves, and even dogs themselves evolved from wolves.The meat quality is more or less similar.Li Ming used the method of cooking dog meat to cook wolf meat, but it really tasted like dog meat.

"Roll the dog meat, and the gods can't stand still. I didn't expect this wolf meat to be like this..." I put a piece of wolf meat in my bowl and tasted it directly. The taste is really unique.

What comes into the mouth is a fragrant and rich aftertaste. After eating the meat, a strong energy directly fills every cell.It's rare that this monster's meat was cooked perfectly this time, without any loss of aura.

"This is a mouthful!" Wang Yu nodded, "Let's not say it's delicious, but the aura is more than ten times that of a spirit beast. Eating such a bite is equivalent to eating a catty of spirit beast meat!"

Indeed, in terms of energy, the energy contained in each piece of monster meat is equivalent to the energy of ten pieces of spirit beast meat.From a purely food standpoint, that's fine.From the perspective of cultivation, eating one catty of monster meat is comparable to the benefits brought by ten catties of spirit beast meat, the key is whether you can eat enough!
Half a wolf carcass was less than one-fifth of the whole wolf's body. In fact, it was just a little bit of meat from the two hind legs, which weighed less than fifty catties.In the end, each of the ten people had a little more than four catties, and they ate and ate. The remaining soup was also given to the low-level officers below. Even so, the trace amount of energy contained in it was enough to give them a lot of benefits.

"Upgraded!" After eating, Li Ming saw that his level had been improved, but he didn't add points hastily. Up to now, he has roughly understood the mystery of attribute points.

Just the other day, on his birthday, Charisma and Intelligence were boosted by 1 point.In fact, such a situation happened on his birthday the year before last.At first I thought it was an illusion, but later I realized that he himself is still in the growth stage, and his intelligence and appearance are still in the process of changing.

Young people who are young, more or less will give people a childish feeling, handsome and at the same time have an illusion of 'unsteady'.At the age of 19, his appearance has changed a bit, such as the chin has more fluff.

At this time, he looks a little mature, his temperament is more stable, his charm has naturally improved, and his intelligence has gradually matured. However, it is only a year, so there is still a lot of room for growth.

According to this inference, he exercised his muscles desperately, and as a result, he found that his force had increased by 1 point two days ago.According to this inference, if you continue to exercise, your agility may also improve.

It turns out that the surroundings can be achieved not only by adding points, but also through one's own growth and exercise. In this way, there is no need to waste attribute points, and even the previous additions seem a bit wasteful.

More than four catties of wolf meat, [-] experience points, monster meat is really scary, it is hard to imagine how much experience points can be gained by taking big monster meat, or even taking the monster pill.He is not afraid of the backlash of the alien energy in the demon core. After all, eating it in his stomach is directly absorbing it as experience. Where is there any alien energy?
Thinking of this, he felt a little funny, he couldn't deal with monsters, so what qualifications did he have to consider the big demon's demon core?
The county magistrate of Zhuji County was startled by the group of spirit beasts at first, knowing that they had been repelled, and even the spirit beasts had become stew in the pot, so he opened the door to welcome Li Ming and others.The county magistrate of Zhuji County came from a poor family, so naturally he didn't dare to have the arrogance of a family. When he saw Li Ming, he hurriedly saluted, not daring to be slighted.

"What happened today is not your fault, so there is no need to worry about it. Settle the people well, and let them go back with peace of mind!" Li Ming couldn't blame him for anything. It was normal for him to defend behind closed doors when the spirit beast went down the mountain.It's just that after seeing it for so long, but still not daring to come out, it seems a bit cowardly.This kind of person is not worthy of a heavy responsibility.

Early the next morning, Pan Bao led three hundred Shanyue soldiers into the forest, followed by Li Ming and others, and entered the mountain one after another.

"Brother, do you think there is anyone in this world who can travel a hundred miles in an instant?" Pan Biao couldn't help looking at his elder brother while searching.

"That fairy elder, there is no reason to lie to us! Otherwise, just let that giant wolf kill us all at the beginning, so why bother!" Pan Bao replied,

"Found the situation!" After walking for twenty miles, a tribe came to report, and Pan Bao and Pan Biao immediately climbed up the surrounding trees.Sure enough, among the vast mountains, an empty place was found far away.In that open space, you can still see simple fences and sheds.

"Yo ho! They plan to stay here for a long time!" Pan Biao sneered.

"That's a good thing, it means they won't be wandering around!" Pan Bao understood more, and then returned to the ground with hands and feet, "Go back and report to the general!"

"Okay!" Pan Biao also went down the tree directly, and then followed Pan Bao back to Li Ming's side, and reported what he saw, and even reported the positions of various hidden and bright whistles later. .

"Spirit beasts?" Li Ming was a little surprised that there were still spirit beasts in Zu Chong's camp.

"A buffalo should be someone's mount. It is very big, so it must be a spirit beast!" Shan Yue's spy replied.

"Riding a bull? Someone still uses such a wonderful mount?" Li Ming was suddenly surprised.

"The speed of spirit beasts is not slow, let alone buffaloes, even wild boars are faster than ordinary horses. Not to mention that both buffaloes and wild boars are aggressive and can assist in fighting! Not to mention spirit beasts, even ordinary horses Buffaloes are sometimes used as mounts for Yue people!" Pan Bao knew the situation, so he went to Qianhui to report.

A buffalo as fast as a horse is really interesting.It's just that riding a bull is still a bit low, and it's not that Laojun rode a green bull out of Hanguguan...

After losing the yellow sand, Li Ming also had no mount to ride, and he did have the idea of ​​grabbing a spirit beast as a mount in his heart.

"Okay, let's not talk about the spirit beast, let's discuss how to deal with these thieves!" Li Ming clapped his hands and brought the topic back.

 Oh, this buffalo is really not the default mount.

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(End of this chapter)

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