Chapter 200 The Real Jiangnan

In the team going south, there was an extra Xun Biao, who said he was going to play, but in fact, everyone could see that it was filling Xinpi's vacancy.Xi Zhicai is good at planning, but not good at government affairs, especially logistics and accounting.

In the past, Xin Pi was doing this kind of thing, but now that guy stays in Luoyang, Xun Cai and Cai Yan help.It's just that they are women's generation after all, so they will inevitably be gossiped by others. Unexpectedly, the Xun family sent Xun Cai's eldest brother to help.

This is the Xun family's first public support for Li Ming. It is not Xun Yu, Xun You, or even Xun Chen, but he is the eldest son of Xun Shuang. For this reason, no one can doubt the Xun family's attitude towards Li Ming. .

"Brother, I will be very embarrassed if you do this!" Li Ming looked at Xun Biao with a wry smile.

"Did Ri Yao really just want to avoid the imperial court when he went south to the south of the Yangtze River, or someone's plan, or did he really plan to hunt monsters in the south of the Yangtze River?" Xun Biao looked at Li Ming with a playful look in his eyes.

"There are a lot of disputes in the imperial court. You see, a prince has popped up recently. Who knows if there will be another one tomorrow! Luo Yang, that is a place where gods fight. It's better not to get involved with a small person like me. Save the bones from being swallowed up!" Li Ming sighed, saying that the emperor is good, one or two are vying to be the emperor's close minister, how many are qualified?
"Your Majesty has worked hard to cure him, but it's a pity that the big man is already deeply ill, and it is not appropriate to use strong medicine. After several failed attempts, His Majesty is also disheartened. He still had a glimmer of hope when he built the cloud platform three years ago.

However, more than 30 "loyal ministers" he considered were hand-picked. As a result of Yuntai's investigation, none of them were truly loyal ministers.Especially in the past year, before the Yellow Turban rebellion, His Majesty always received good words about the Taiping Sect from all over the world, but the Taiping Sect has become the biggest rebel in recent years, Your Majesty is tired..." Xun Biao said slowly.

"No matter how tired an emperor is, he is still an emperor. Doing something can keep the situation from getting worse, and continue..." Li Ming couldn't help but feel helpless. If Liu Hong continued like this, the big man would really be torn apart.

"Ri Yao still spoke the truth..." Xun Biao smiled faintly.

"Brother, did you say so much just to trick me? Then, what is Xun's plan?" Li Ming looked at Xun Biao.

"Wen Ruo is the only one who officially joined Yuntai!" Xun Biao was silent for three seconds, then said slowly.Xun Yu is Xun Yu, and the Xun family is the Xun family. They are quite ruthless, but this is how the family survives.

"Little brother knows!" Li Ming smiled, Xun Biao was the Xun family's investment in him, at least it was the second investment.

Naturally, Qiao County would not go back, and he had to take a detour to go south. Li Ming wanted to meet this genius doctor, but he didn't dare to take the risk!Runan County is Wang Yun's territory, he can guarantee his own safety, if he leaves, God knows what will happen! ?

From Yingchuan County to Runan County, and finally to Lujiang County, the whole journey is smooth and calm.Until they came to the Yangtze River and took a boat, and arrived on the other side of the Yangtze River one after another, the large troops finally entered the Jiangnan area.

"Jiangnan, that's all it is..." Li Ming looked at the scenery along the coast all the way. After crossing the Yangtze River, the prosperity is gone, and the surroundings are so primitive. Even after arriving at Wanling City, the prefecture of Danyang County, compared with Yangdi, here is The scale is less than half, and it is even worse in terms of prosperity.

"Not bad! I came here a few years ago, and it's even more depressed than here. It seems that the Yellow Turban Bandit didn't do good deeds, forcing a large number of people from the Central Plains to move south and enter the Jiangnan area. This year, the chaos is even worse, and another group of people Go south, look at that group over there, their clothes are a bit ragged, I can recognize their Jizhou accent!" Xun Biao said with a smile.

Li Ming suddenly knew why the Xun family called Xun Biao over. He was probably the only one in the Xun family who was most familiar with the situation in Jiangnan.Let him help himself, at least he won't be at a loss because of the strangeness.

"Did you see the guys over there outside the city gate? They are wearing animal skins! It's not that they are not hot, but they have no other clothes to wear! They are Yueren or Shanyue. They have no household registration in the imperial court, so they are not allowed to enter the city. They are not allowed to buy salt and grain, let alone cloth! They can only try to sell it at a low price outside the city gate, but the merchants who come to buy it keep the price down!" Xun Biao pointed behind him, they had just entered When I entered the city, I did see seven or eight men wearing animal skins in front of the gate.

"Since there is no way to enter the city and no way to buy things, why are you selling these mountain goods?" Xun Cai couldn't figure it out.

"Someone is willing to sell it, but the price is beyond your imagination... There is no shortage of meat in the mountains, no shortage of fruits and vegetables, no shortage of salt, no shortage of cloth, no shortage of everything except food!" Xun Biao shook his head helplessly.

"Shanyue escaped into the mountains and forests, not engaged in production, refused to submit to kingship, and refused to accept corvee service. It is understandable for the court to do this!" Xiao Yao said disdainfully. In his impression, Shanyue is a group of barbarians who don't know how to praise.

As for Zhang Mo and others, they have little knowledge, so they just listened and didn't say anything.

"The Yue people lived here very early, and occupied it in the pre-Qin period. It was not until the Han Dynasty that the state and county were established here, and it was announced that the Yue people who had accepted Sinicization for three generations were Han people and could enjoy the treatment of Han people.

Actually?Rao is a Yueman after Sinicization, and he still has to pay more taxes and take more corvee than Han people, and his status is lower than that of ordinary Han people.

In the period of Emperor Guangwu, noble families began to come to the south of the Yangtze River one after another, and they continued to occupy the land of the Yue people and turned them into tenants. To put it bluntly, they were more like livestock for farming.

As a result, more and more Yue people gave up the place where their ancestors lived and fled to the mountains, risking the danger of encountering monsters and beasts to settle in the mountains.A small number of careerists tried to regain the original power from the Han people, which further intensified the contradiction between the Yue people and the Han people!

And those aristocratic families who have settled here for more than 100 years have also begun to intertwine and marry each other to consolidate their control of Jiangnan. Here, their words are sometimes more useful than imperial edicts!
Sunday, this is what you are about to face!Are you ready? "Xun Biao looked at Li Ming with a serious expression.

"........." Li Ming was just silent, he didn't expect the situation in Jiangnan to be so bad.Originally thought that since Sun Ce and Sun Quan could separate here, then he could also separate here.There is no powerful force in the south of the Yangtze River. He can fully rely on this place to develop, and then gradually counterattack Jiangbei.

But looking at it now, this land in the south of the Yangtze River is probably more complicated than the situation in Luoyang.If you win over the Yue people, who occupy the vast majority of the population, you will inevitably offend the aristocratic family; if you win over the aristocratic family, you will inevitably face the continuous counterattack of the Yue people!
The point is that the aristocratic family will not allow him to have too much power. It is obviously the most ideal result to be a living Bodhisattva and entrust all government affairs to them.

"Unfortunately, you have no way out! So, here I come!" Xun Biao said slowly, "This is a battle that is even more difficult than going to battle to kill the enemy and rolling around among the dead. Sun Yao, are you ready?" ?"

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(End of this chapter)

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