Chapter 193 The Stowaway Cai Yan

On the Qiluo Pavilion, Li Ming called out Xun Yu and other in-laws, and of course friends such as Yuan Shao and Wang Yu.After all, I am leaving, and saying hello to everyone can be regarded as a practical banquet!He didn't intend to prepare slowly and leave in two days!
"Kuiji County? Why Kuaiji County?!" Xun Biao couldn't figure out why his sister-in-law chose such a wild place. He heard that monsters and beasts were rampant there, and there were many barbarians in the mountains. How many county magistrates and county guards died there.

"I heard that the inner alchemy of monster beasts can be used for cultivation. I plan to kill some of them!" Li Ming didn't say his real purpose. He originally planned to separate himself from one side. His family background can't be mixed in the Central Plains. He is not Cao Cao, but Jiangdong. It's a good place, and it's rare that Zhu Jun also has contacts there.

"Pfft!" I don't know how many people spit out the liquid in their mouths. Who doesn't know that the demon pill can help cultivation?It's just that ordinary monsters don't have demon pills, only big ones do.When was the last time you killed a big demon?

Do you really think that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty only hunted monsters once?It only succeeded once, and it was because the other party was a deer demon!After hunting five times, the entire army was wiped out. Emperor Wu directly issued an order: future generations must not hunt monsters again!

As for the folks, if you have the ability to go hunting on your own, the government doesn't care, but if the monsters come down the mountain to harm the people, just wait for the Yi tribe!Monster beasts are difficult to deal with, and there are risks of the Yi tribe, who would go hunting?
After Emperor Guangwu, this was regarded as an ancestral instruction, so the court has never organized hunting of monsters. The aristocratic family has organized it several times, and finally hunted a few little monsters, but the price was too high, so they did not continue. organize.

Look at Li Ming, he is really a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!

"Ri Yao was joking!" Xun Yu looked at Li Ming, he knew that the latter was not the kind of reckless person, he knew it early on.

"Okay! You have also seen that His Majesty directly digs out my generals, and now there is only one promise. Don't worry about His Majesty being unhappy, just leave me idle! Simply hide away, a county in a barren land Shou, is it okay now?" Li Ming spread his hands helplessly.

"Your Majesty is not so small-minded!" Xun Yu gave Li Ming a white look, and it was said that the latter himself was from Yuntai.

"The key point is that there are always people who don't like me, although I don't know where to provoke him! I just want to stay in Luoyang, I'm afraid he doesn't plan to give up!" Li Ming sighed and said with a helpless expression.

"Okay!" Yuan Shao clapped his hands, "No matter what, the Sunyao money has been spent and the official seal has been taken, so it doesn't matter where you take office? Kuaiji is also good, and Shanyin is considered prosperous. After staying for a few years, now this place Let's fade this matter, and come back when the time comes!"

"Indeed, indeed!" Wang Yu nodded, and the others also agreed.Although Xun Biao was dissatisfied, mainly because his sister had to suffer for a few years, but now he could only accept this fact.

In this era, at least in this period, everyone still believes that as long as one can be an official in Luoyang, it is the right way.As an official in a local area, no matter how powerful the power is, it is the principle of imperial power. After a long time, His Majesty will not remember you, so sometimes it will be sad.

These days, in a place where aristocratic landlords are rampant, it is not so easy to do something big!How many people have achieved the first job in the post of county magistrate, and there is no way to advance one step!
Many people felt sorry for Li Ming and knew that he had to leave. Only Xun Yu and Xun You looked strange, as if they realized that Li Ming must have a plan for leaving this time.Anyway, definitely not hunting monsters... although he might be able to do it!

"Have you packed the package yet? The carriages and horses are all ready!" Li Ming shouted towards the back room. This time, Li Ming really planned to move everything. The most precious thing was the library that was comparable to Lantai.

In the first three floors, almost all books are silently written.Maybe there are some mistakes and omissions in the silent writing, but Cai Yan has already proofread it a few days ago, and the mistakes have been corrected.

"Okay!" Xun Cai simply tidied up some things that were too bulky or decorative, anyway, just buy them at a local place when the time comes.

For the soy sauce workshop, Li Ming directly discussed with the Xun family and sold it to the other party at a price of [-] guan, including the formula.However, Xun's Sauce Shop cannot use the sign of 'Extreme Flavor' soy sauce.The original team was taken away, and Li Ming planned to open another workshop in Kuaiji County!
"Why didn't you see Cai Yan?" Li Ming was a little depressed when he was about to leave.Now that there is a lot of limelight outside, he has made it clear that Cai Yan will stay here for a while before ordering someone to send her out.

"Speaking of which, I really didn't see her!" Xun Cai also remembered, "Should I send someone to look for her?"

"Forget it, I'm still happy when she's gone!" Li Ming shook his head. He has no love for little kids, especially bear kids.

On the contrary, Zhang Mo was a little worried, and the worried and anxious eyes were almost exposed on his face.

"Isn't it? Do you like that kind of brat?" Li Ming couldn't help but tease.

"Subordinates think Cai Xiaoshu is naive..." Although Zhang Mo did like Cai Yan, his identity and current situation of Cai Yan made him dare not express his opinion formally.

"She's still a child, so she'll have to make up her mind in a few years! Speaking of Lao Zhang, you have an aesthetic sense..." Li Ming really wanted to tease a few words, but he couldn't say anything more in the end.After all, Zhang Mo is an aborigine, but if he cares too much, it seems that he has not followed the Romans.

Leaving Luoyang, seeing this huge city getting farther and farther away from him, Li Ming was filled with emotion.

"Maybe next time I come back, it doesn't have to be in the fire and turn into a pile of ruins!" Li Ming murmured in his heart, and if he came back again, he might already be a prince begging for Dong.

Along with them going south, there were of course the generals and servants of the Li family. Pang De and Yan Xing also joined Li Ming's command and became servants voluntarily.For this result, Li Ming was also flattered.

There were a lot of horses, after all, a lot of them were seized, and Li Ming secretly ordered people to shoe them.Zhang Mo and Xiao Yao, who carried out the order at the beginning, wondered why the horseshoes were put into the horses. After seeing the horses still walking like flying, they suddenly realized the importance of the horseshoes to the horses.

You must know that the horseshoes of the earlier horses were also severely damaged, and many horses were abolished as a result.

"Stay where you are and rest for 10 minutes!" In the evening, Li Ming shouted, and all the staff stopped to rest.

"Phew! Is the day over at last?" A small head appeared directly from a carriage filled with books, "I'm going to be smothered to death!"

"Why are you here?" Seeing Cai Yan jumping off the carriage, Li Ming immediately looked at her depressed.

"I received a letter from a loyal servant a few days ago. It seems that my father was almost murdered by the Wei family, so he fled to the south of the Yangtze River. The Taishan Yang family came forward to help, and he should be able to arrive safely. Aren't we going to Kuaiji? Just put me down!" Cai Yan said with a smile.

"I suggest, how about just letting you go like this?" Li Ming frowned.

 Officially start changing the map!

(End of this chapter)

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