Chapter 158 The main force of the Huns

Xu Huang was very depressed. He saw that Li Ming could always find some cheats or something after searching around after every battle.So this time he even groped around the leader of the Huns, but found nothing.

However, more than 50 horses were seized, including males and females, so that they could be kept for reproduction or replacement.Li Ming didn't invent the horseshoe, which means that horses have a service life, usually one or two years, when the horseshoe wears out, it has to be replaced.

"How's the situation?" Li Ming led a large army and came to Xu Huang.

"Fortunately, the five hundred Huns have been killed except for a few tongues!" Xu Huang clasped his hands and replied, "Two people were killed on our side and five were injured... Please punish me, my lord!"

"The result is very good, you did a good job!" Li Ming nodded. Although Xu Huang is a historical military general, he is still one of the five best generals. He has just joined the army. To be honest, I was worried that he would lead the army to fight alone. , Is it too early?

Now it seems that the problem is not big, a famous player is a famous player, even if he has not grown up, he still has talent.

"Here!" Xu Huang could hear that Li Ming sincerely praised him, but he was not overly happy, and just responded dutifully.

The Huns didn't wear armor, mainly because they didn't have armor or the craftsmen who made it.However, the thick leather jacket he was wearing was good enough as a leather armor, but it was only used as a trophy, but Li Ming had no interest in it at all, because it smelled too much.

Weapons are junk, only horses are really good horses!The big men also raised horses, but there were too few places where they could raise horses, and the war horses they raised were not as good as those raised by grassland peoples.Fifty undamaged war horses can be regarded as a surprise.

"What did those tongues say?" Li Ming also asked casually.

"The five of them are very stubborn and didn't say anything!" Xu Huang replied helplessly.

"Well, if you ask them a question, it's fine if they answer. If they don't answer, they will cut off one of their toes. If they don't answer, they will cut off one. After cutting off their fingers, they will cut off their noses. Ears, and finally gouging out the fucking eyes, I wonder how long they can last! Don’t come together, come one by one!” Li Ming ordered.

"Here!" Xu Huang took the order. If the target is the Huns, no matter how cruel the method is, it seems that there is no pressure to use it.

It was miserable for the Huns. The first one was stubborn, but Xu Huang turned him into a human pig, and finally bleed too much and died.When it was the second time, Xu Huang obviously felt loose, and when he was about to cut his fifth toe, the opponent made a move.

"Interrogate them separately, don't let them communicate with each other, I need to hear the real news! If there are fake ones, then I will cut their flesh one by one, and when they die from pain, it will count!" Li Ming said. It was a sudden cry.

All the Huns were heartbroken, but they were quickly taken to another place for interrogation.In the end, there was nothing wrong with summing it up. Li Ming gave a hint, and then Xu Huang gave them a happy one.

There are only three questions to ask: where is the main force of the Huns, who gave the instructions for the Huns to go south this time, and how to practice the art of witchcraft.The last question was the result of Li Ming's curiosity. He was very curious about the so-called witchcraft technique of the Huns.

The result came out soon. The main force of the Huns was still wandering around Puzi County, counting the trophies and sending people to transport them back, but they didn’t come so quickly; He is a tough fighting faction, advocating military aggression against the great Han, plundering benefits and improving the status of the Huns. This idea has won the support of many people in the clan.

The key point is that Xubu's tribe is second only to the Qiangqu tribe as Shanyu, so they also have a certain right to speak in the southern Xiongnu.It's a pity that Li Ming is very unfamiliar with this name. After all, who cares who will be Shan Yu in the Southern Huns?

The last is the technique of witchcraft, which is actually very simple to practice.Find a god and worship it every day, the more pious the better.Then when making offerings, keep patting your body and chanting mantras (Longevity bestows me with victories, etc.).

Over time, after the mantra was uttered, the whole person became fearless, and his strength was astonishing. Even if others slashed on it, he would not feel too much pain. There seemed to be an inexhaustible force all over his body. Call it the art of witchcraft.

After listening to the Huns' explanation, Li Ming immediately understood, so isn't the goddamned god?It's not something mysterious, it's completely the result of self-hypnosis, but it can make oneself not afraid of pain, and stimulate all potentials. This method of self-hypnosis is actually a bit interesting.

It's a pity that there is a fatal shortcoming, that is, the longer it is used, the more it will be consumed. After it is lifted, the whole body will be at least weak, and many people who practice Qi will even experience regression in their cultivation.

Li Ming didn't find it strange when he heard the words. He had heard similar sayings before, that people can only exert about 30% of their strength.The technique of witchcraft allows people to break through this limitation and exert more than 30% of their power.There must be a price. The body cannot withstand such a large force, and the meridians, bones, and even muscles will be damaged to varying degrees.

After learning the essence of this witchcraft technique, Li Ming naturally lost interest, and he doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, so this trick can't work at all.Simply record it, go back and dedicate it to His Majesty, let's see whoever wants to use it!It's just that the big Han Huns have been fighting for so long, so there is no reason why they don't know the truth about this witchcraft technique!
After resting in place for an hour, the army set off again. It was only twenty miles away from Puzi County. It was just a walk. In the evening, the group found a place with high terrain and set up camp, because the Xiongnu could already be seen not far ahead. people camp.

It is said to be a camp, but in fact it is mainly a simple stronghold surrounded by thirty or forty carts. Perhaps it is too late to travel, so we temporarily stay here for one night.

"Let the boys rest well, and make a surprise attack tomorrow before dawn!" Li Ming looked at the opponent's camp layout, and then turned around and ordered.

"Here!" Everyone actually saw it, and those with a little discernment would probably suggest that Li Ming should attack at night or make a surprise attack.Seeing that Li Ming had also discovered this, he naturally had nothing to say, so he went back and made arrangements immediately.

"Eating horse meat tonight! Time is running short, so I can only cut the best horse meat and bring it here, which is a lot of waste..." Zhou Ze has already simply roasted a batch of horse meat.Cumin powder is not enough, it can only supply a few generals, but for other soldiers, it is good to be able to eat meat.

The horse meat was not very tasty, even a little unpalatable. Fortunately, the soldiers were not picky, and their mouths were full of oil.After eating and drinking enough, the soldiers began to rest after half an hour of simple activities, and if they couldn't get up tomorrow, they would be whipped.

The next day, before dawn, the officers had already chased the soldiers away: "Get up!"

The soldiers got up one after another, finished washing within 10 minutes, and began to line up.It was only after five o'clock in the morning, and the sky had not yet brightened. Looking at the camp of the Huns from a distance, they were still resting.

"Assault!" Li Ming shouted as he rode on the yellow sand, pointing his long spear in front of him.

"Kill!" The soldiers shouted one after another, and then rushed towards the Huns' camp.

"Enemy attack!" The sentinels on the Huns' side were naturally not blind, and they all shouted.It's just that the Huns were sleepy, and even a few nobles put on their clothes in a panic, and the camp suddenly became chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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