Chapter 154 Still Interesting

Final battle?To be honest, this situation is really a bit hasty!
A group of people were heavily poisoned, somewhat in shock.However, Li Ming played tricks with Zhang Mo and Xiao Yao before, but it made the soldiers relax a lot, and it seemed that the enemy was not so scary.

"The recruits seem to have recovered, thanks to your bravery!" Li Ming put the five tiger soul-destroying guns horizontally behind his back, picked up the military bow in his hand, bent the bow and set an arrow to wait for the enemy's arrival, and joked at the same time .

"Without the lord, we would not have the bravery of the two of us!" Xiao Yao flattered him at the right time.

"The next step is to see how capable you are!" Li Ming smiled faintly, and when the enemy entered the range, he immediately started shooting.

Almost at the same time, he and Zhang Mo shot indiscriminately.Xiao Yao was actually the most distressed, because his bow skills were not satisfactory, and he was far from mastering the skill of 'random shooting'.

Nearly a hundred arrows shot directly at the enemy's position. Unexpectedly, the latter seemed to have expected it. A few strong men walked out directly, and directly shot these arrows away with their bodies.

"Did it go? The yellow turban wrestlers are not so fierce!" Li Ming couldn't help but exclaimed. These big guys should give him the same feeling as the yellow turban wrestlers, but the yellow turban wrestlers are not so fierce!
To put it bluntly, a person of this level can serve as a military commander in the army, or at least a military lord, but in the opponent's army, he is only a pawn.

"Ha!" At this time, more than 50 soldiers suddenly jumped up, jumped more than five meters, and came directly in front of them, and then directly blasted their fists towards their heads.

The three of them retreated suddenly, but the punch hit the ground directly, and the sand and soil splashed, showing its power.At the same time, another ten people surrounded their way and greeted them directly towards their dead corner.

"Who dares to hurt my lord?" Xu Huang and Dian Jie rushed out suddenly, one at a time, killing four big men.But in comparison, they were more shocked, because according to their speculation, a full blow would kill seven or eight thieves, but in the end they only killed two of them.

Immediately, two people grabbed the hammer and the big knife directly, and were about to drag them off the horse.One can't do it, so the two go up together, Xu Huang and Dianjie immediately felt that the strength of the other party is not weak.

"Isn't this the remnant of the Yellow Turban? Why is there such a powerful existence? Besides, it's still a pawn?" At this moment, the two couldn't help but stir up waves in their hearts.

"No matter how powerful you are, I'm still human. I'll be afraid of you?" Li Ming was rescued, but managed to slow down. He threw away his military bow, took out the five tiger soul-breaking spear, and used a hurricane spear technique, directly killing the people in front of him. The two strong men were killed.

The spear spun quickly and killed three more strong men, but was interrupted by several other people working together to interrupt the third move.At the same time, he stretched out his hand and almost snatched the spear away.

"Don't forget about us too!" Xiao Yao and Zhang Mo shot out one after another, one with a brow sharp knife and the other with a ring head knife, directly charged into the crowd, beheading these strong men in an instant.

At the same time, the main force of Guo Taibu had already reached Li Ming and the others, and the two sides quickly fought together.

The difference between the regular army and the miscellaneous army was quickly highlighted. Guo Tai was able to dominate here, and even confuse the other four forces to join the Yellow Turban Bandits, mainly relying on the Yellow Turban Taoist and more than 200 Yellow Turban warriors.Most of these soldiers under his command are thieves that he collected along the way. They have been trained briefly, but the time is still too short.

I just came into contact with them, but I didn't expect that although the soldiers under Li Ming's command fought independently, they cooperated with each other as a unit, and finally fought individually as a team.Teams also cooperate with each other with music as the center.Often one team focuses on attacking, while the other team is responsible for defending, and then exchange with each other, killing the enemy hard to defend.

The key is that the team is neat, and under the long-term drill of the soldiers, the officers' orders can be fulfilled in the first time.If you say you want to stab forward, then you will definitely not stand there stupidly.

When an army, following the command of the officer, moves forward rhythmically and lunges forward, and at the same time changes its formation when needed to help the friendly army defend, it is simply an unsolvable problem.

At the beginning, those leaders under Mrs. Guo didn't take it seriously. One face-to-face was a huge loss, and two face-to-face encounters already made them terrified. Before the third one came, one or two were scared to death, and they just wanted to escape quickly. .

But he didn't want the friendly army behind him, but he didn't know what happened in front of him, he just rushed forward in a daze, and in the end he pushed them towards the Han army's spear, which really pitted his teammates!

At the same time, on the side of the core station circle, everyone wisely gave way to Li Ming and the others.The martial arts of warriors are very powerful, and if one is not careful, it may affect ordinary soldiers. Therefore, in the melee, unless there is complete confidence in the combat circle of the warrior, no one will suddenly approach of.

"You are very powerful, not to mention being poisoned by the immortal master, you are still standing here safe and sound! Just saying that you can kill the more than 200 yellow scarf warriors given to me by the saint is worthy of Guo's admiration! It's just a matter Up to now, either you die or I die, they are all martial arts practitioners, and they will compete on the battlefield!" Mrs. Guo is ready to fight, or to die.

"This yellow turban warrior is really powerful. His muscles are as hard as iron, and he is almost invulnerable. The breath in his body is extremely thick, and his strength is also amazing. Just to achieve this goal, he must have taken some medicine that overdraws his life. Not to mention that they probably only have Their life expectancy is less than 40 years old, only their brains are no different from beasts except for obeying orders, so why bother?" Li Ming shook his head, and after a brief contact, he understood what the so-called yellow scarf warriors are.

In the final analysis, they are super soldiers made artificially, with the disadvantage of short lifespan.Their IQs have also been destroyed. Like tamed beasts, they can only fight and attack, and they can cooperate with each other. Coupled with their strong strength and physical defense, they are indeed very suitable to be used as super soldiers.

To be honest, Li Ming was very curious about what kind of secret method could be used to create them! ?

"Hmph, they are all loyal ministers of the Taiping Sect. It is their honor to dedicate their lives to the Sect! Come on!" Mrs. Guo shouted, and the spear directly shot at Li Ming, but this shot was like a spirit snake. He was weak and boneless, but he was quick and direct, directly stabbing towards his heart.

"Afraid of you?" Li Ming directly used Shura's marksmanship, knocking Guo Tai's spear flying with the first move.Before the latter had time to react, the second move came unexpectedly and killed him directly.

"I thought it was a strong man, but who knows it's a big garlic! What a thing, it just lost its interest!" Li Ming suddenly became depressed, and then turned around and shouted, "All these traitors are killed, and no one is left behind! "

(End of this chapter)

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