Chapter 149 Raid and secret letter

"Zhang Mo, here is the secret book of sword skills, Huang-level middle-grade, if you are interested, you can take it to learn!" Li Ming took a quick look, and the grade of this set of sword skills is only Huang-level middle-grade, and now it is a bit read. no more.

Killing Li Le got 1000 experience points, including the other thieves who were killed, the total was only 1714 points.In the entire experience bar, it is probably less than 10%, so it can only be said that it is better than nothing.

Zhang Mo and Xiao Yao have no way to advance through killing people, which means that they have to become stronger and can only gain experience through continuous reading and martial arts. Perhaps as compensation, when they read military books or political books, they will also Slowly gain experience.

"The subordinates haven't done their best yet, so I dare not take credit for it!" Zhang Mo bowed his hands, killing all [-] thieves in a short time, if all of them were rewarded, then he would be embarrassed.Besides, this is not a low-level sword technique, but a middle-grade yellow one.

You must know that Xiao Yao, the Chen Liu Xiao family, only left behind a copy of "Storm Wave Sword Art", a low-grade yellow class!

"That's what you said, just don't regret it!" Li Ming smiled lightly.

"My subordinates believe that the understanding of martial arts should start from the basics. Only when the foundation is solid, can you get twice the result with half the effort when learning advanced martial arts in the future. The master's martial arts are constantly improving, but he has hardly learned the low-level martial arts before..." Zhang Mo hardly stood up Come out and persuade.

Hearing this, Li Ming realized that he seemed to have been working hard to improve the level of martial arts and exercises.But he has never really cultivated a certain martial skill to the full level.Even, he still doesn't know if LV10 is LVMAX.

"I've been taught, I'll definitely practice my martial arts and martial arts when I go back!" Li Ming cupped his hands and saluted solemnly.

"My lord is our backbone, we naturally hope that you will become stronger and taller!" Zhang Mo replied helplessly, cupping his hands.

Putting the sword technique in his arms, he temporarily suppressed his original desire to learn.In the final analysis, he still mainly uses marksmanship, and swords are not often used. He used to play tricks, but he will not use this method anymore when his military strength is improved.

Speaking of which, Lantai still has three days to read the book, and I don't know if they have read it or not.Moreover, Zhu Jun's letter of introduction to himself didn't seem to be handed over to Wang Yue from the Hero Tower, and I don't know if he will teach me advanced swordsmanship.

"My lord, do you have any doubts?" Xiao Yao saw that Li Ming was distracted, so he asked immediately.

"It's nothing, I'm just curious, did you use up your chance to go to Lantai to read?" Li Ming asked casually.

"My lord hasn't gone yet, how can I go there? Actually, I did go there once, but I was stopped by Shen Yue at that time, and invited me to have a drink. My lord also knew what happened after that, but it turned out that I also failed to enter Lantai to read books this time." Xiao Yao smiled wryly.

When a group of people found Daqing Village, it was already empty. Obviously, the thieves who fled back saw that the village was going to be destroyed, so naturally they would not stay to be buried with them. They packed up their money and food, and took everything they could with them. up.

"Should we split up to chase them? They must not be far away if they have old and weak women and children?" Zhang Mo stepped forward to propose.

"You and Xiao Yao go to chase, no matter whether you can catch up or not, you must come back within an hour!" Li Ming nodded.

"Here!" The two nodded, and quickly chased after each with their own hands.Li Ming stayed in the village alone, looked left and right, there was indeed no one else here, and it was a bit empty in such a big cottage by himself.

I have to say that the gang of mud legs did search thoroughly enough. Except for the large and immovable things, they took away everything that could be taken away, including those weapons and armor. Are you planning to build a cottage?

Finally came to the lobby, but unfortunately there are no big characters of "Juyitang", otherwise it would be a bit interesting.However, there is a tiger skin, which is on the main seat. It seems that if the King of the Mountain does not have a tiger skin for decoration, it would be shameful.

I stepped forward to check it out, hey, it was still a white-fronted tiger with an eye-catching eye.Even if there is only a layer of skin left, Li Ming can feel the royal aura emanating from it.Sitting directly on it is actually quite exciting!
After touching it, he found some unevenness, so he opened it abruptly, only to find that there was a hidden compartment under the tiger's skin.It is said that the owner of the village has a sense of insecurity, so there will be a treasure place in the cottage, where most of the money will be hidden, so that whoever dares to kill him will not be able to get the treasure in the end, it seems it is true.

Pulling off the tiger skin and taking a closer look, it was obvious that a small piece of tiger skin was caught on the switch when it was opened last time, otherwise it would be really not easy to find this hidden compartment.Li Ming searched for a long time before he found the mechanism. After twisting it, the entrance suddenly opened.

In fact, it is a small space of three cubic meters, and it is relatively easy to conceal that others have built such a space.There are indeed a lot of gold and silver treasures inside, probably the stolen goods that Li Le obtained during this period.

There are two secret books, one of which is a fragment of the "Taiping Heart Sutra", which only has the first two layers, but it also shows that this Li Le may really have something to do with the remnants of the Yellow Turban.The second book is an unpopular exercise called "Brave Bull Art".

Man Niu Jue is a skill that focuses on strength training. It does not help agility at all, and the improvement rate is very low. Each level is about 3 points of strength, which is better than Dou Zhan Jue. It is probably at the low-end middle-grade level. ?
I didn't see any hints, indicating that this exercise can be integrated with a certain exercise, so I simply put it away first.Judging from the situation, it is obvious that Li Le first practiced this set of Bull Art, and after contacting the remnants of the Yellow Turban, he began to practice the Taiping Heart Sutra. Unfortunately, this is only a fragment of the first two layers.

At the bottom of the hidden compartment are three secret letters. It must be said that Li Le hid them very carefully, but they were still discovered.

To put it simply, it was written to them in the name of Mrs. Guo, the Baibo thief.It is nothing more than to win over and promise to benefit, let Li Le join the Yellow Turban Army, or the Baibo Army that is about to rise. At that time, under the leadership of the Yellow Turban Saintess, the remnants of all parts will sweep the world together, and whoever lays down the land will belong to him. Soil king.

X, is this going to play with the enfeoffment system of the Western Zhou Dynasty?That's right, the Yellow Turban Army itself is a religious army. In other words, they don't even need their sons to inherit their father's business, they only need a qualified bishop to inherit the country.

Perhaps it was this feeling of taking turns being the emperor that Li Le couldn't bear, so he agreed.The "Taiping Heart Sutra" in the hidden compartment is the best evidence, this is exactly the 'deposit'!
"According to this inference, I'm afraid that the other three groups of thieves have already boarded the thieves' ship. It's also good to discover such a big plan in advance, at least they are not in the air right now! The only thing that makes me curious is that the letter contains Could it be that the saint mentioned is really Zhang Jiao's daughter? I remember that Zhang Ning, Zhang Jiao's daughter, should be a fictional character..." Li Ming couldn't help but feel a little strange.

But after thinking about it, I don't think it's strange. After all, in the real history of the Three Kingdoms era, how could there be so many methods of practicing qi and martial arts?Even if this kind of fantasy, even martial arts or fairy tales, has come out, it seems that there is nothing strange about the appearance of a fictional Zhang Jiao's daughter.

While he was thinking, Xiao Yao and Zhang Mo also came back one after another, bringing back more than 300 old and weak women and children, and more than 100 captives.These are not all of them, but Li Ming only gave them one hour!
(End of this chapter)

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