Chapter 147 Daqingzhai Li Le

Daqingling can be said to be the only way to go north, and it can also be said to be the intersection of Hedong County and Pingyang County.

The thief Li Le was entrenched here. At first, he was closer to Hedong County, and was almost wiped out by Dong Zhuo, and then he ran to the side of Yangyang County to rebuild his power. Dong Zhuo learned about this later, and there was nothing he could do about Li Le.

Li Ming still remembered that one of the Baibo thieves was named Li Le, and he didn't know if this Li Le was that Li Le.Maybe he later led the crowd to join the White Wave Pirates and became one of the main commanders?
Going north from Anyi County, passing through Wenxi County, from here, I only feel that there are mountains in all directions, and Wenxi County is a county completely built in the mountains.Afterwards, all the way through, there is a feeling of being surrounded by mountains, no wonder there are thieves setting up a stronghold.

After leaving Wenxi County and walking northwest for about [-] miles, the sight suddenly opened up.There is actually a relatively open place among the mountains.Going north from here is an important channel for the north and south of Pingyang County and Hedong County in this era.

"General, we found traces of thieves' activities ahead, but they retreated to the mountain when they saw us!" The scouts have come back to report one after another at this moment, obviously the scouts have begun to enter the sphere of influence of Daqingzhai.

The army doesn't have much oil and water, and even a bad one will put itself in it.Therefore, as long as there are thieves with brains, they will not choose the army as their opponent.Li Le is obviously not a fool, he chose to avoid it.

"With their witty attitude, I don't even have the heart to attack them!" Li Ming teased with a hesitant expression.

"Haha, what the lord said is very true..." The surrounding subordinates also laughed, and it was obvious that Li Ming was joking.

Not long after, the scouts came to report and found a road leading directly to the mountain, which could only allow two people to advance side by side.Hearing this, Li Ming immediately turned around and asked: "The mountain road is rugged and not suitable for large-scale marching. Who would like to make a surprise attack with a certain light army?"

"My lord, why take risks?" Dian Jie stepped forward directly, "Leave it to Dian to lead the troops!"

"Leave it to your subordinates!" Xu Huang and others followed suit and shouted.Li Ming is the backbone of this army. If something happens to him, this army will cease to exist, so the subordinates naturally don't want him to take risks.

"My lord, why don't your subordinates explore the way ahead?" Zhang Mo finally stepped forward to propose. After all, he has been with Li Ming for a long time and knows his character. Anyway, if he said that, no one will be able to pull him back. Risk reduction.

"The subordinates are also willing to explore the way ahead!" Xiao Yao is not to be outdone, anyway, he won't die after being hit by a few arrows, afraid of a ball?
"That's it, you three, and my personal guards! Just these people, the others are waiting here!" Li Ming directly made a decision.

"My lord..." Dianjie stepped forward worriedly.

"Our logistics and supplies are all here, please take care of them! If you have anything to do, listen to the military adviser and don't act rashly. The three of us will not die so easily!" After Li Ming finished speaking, he rode his horse forward.Zhang Mo and Xiao Yao also followed immediately.

"Military Master, why don't you persuade the Lord?" After Li Ming left, Dianjie looked at Xi Zhicai.

"Don't you see the fighting spirit in the lord's eyes? It is impossible for him to listen to persuasion, and the key point is that he is not so easy to die in battle. If you are lucky, you may be able to take over other people's cottages with just a few people! I You haven't spoken yet, why are you in such a hurry?" Xi Zhicai smiled, knowing that they were worried about Li Ming, but they obviously didn't take care of his emotions.

To put it bluntly, as long as people are impulsive, or when they are influenced by emotions.Wiping the ass for the lord to deal with the aftermath, isn't it also the job of their masterminds?
On the other hand, Zhang Mo and Xiao Yao were already exploring the way ahead, and after a while, they discovered that there were several tripping ropes in the mountains. It seemed that they had been placed there for a while, and they were not specifically aimed at them.

At this moment, more than a dozen secret whistles on the left and right sides suddenly exerted force, and ten arrows shot directly at the two of them.

Zhang Mo rolled violently, avoiding these arrows, and then took off the military bow behind him, and then shot two arrows, killing two of them; Xiao Yao resisted directly, and then took down the military bow behind him to shoot , only one person was shot three times.

"You need to practice your bow skills again!" Zhang Mo bent his bow and set an arrow, and then shot and killed one of the secret whistles.

"I don't need you to tell me!" Xiao Yao replied, then calmed down and started shooting, and finally shot and killed another person.The Xiao family learned literature from a young age, and only abandoned literature to pursue martial arts in recent years. Therefore, most of their time was wasted on martial arts, and they had little time to learn shooting. to LV3.

"Retire!" Originally, I thought that there were only two people, and it was nothing to worry about, but who knew that there were two such powerful characters. The leader of the dark whistle immediately gave the order, and the remaining three or four dark whistle immediately escaped into the forest.

"My lord, I found the thief's secret post. It seems that the thief's stronghold is indeed here!" Seeing that Li Ming led the army to arrive, Zhang Mo stepped forward to report. To be honest, before he discovered the enemy's secret post, the information he provided to Dong Zhuo was still a bit weak. suspicious.

"That's good! Not to mention whether it is the Daqing Village that Dong Zhuo mentioned, since there are thieves, they must be cleared!" Li Ming nodded. This place runs through the north and south, and the follow-up supplies must also pass through here. It's not good to be entrenched by thieves!

Even without Dong Zhuo's information, knowing that there are thieves here, Li Ming would definitely come and wipe them out!
Moving forward, but never saw the enemy again.Zhang Mo found a lot of traps, but they have been cleaned up one by one.Once the mechanism was accidentally triggered, the sharp mechanism popped out suddenly, Zhang Mo couldn't avoid it, and directly pierced his chest.

This is the only time Zhang Mo missed. The problem has been digitized, and he just pulled out the spikes. There was no blood on his chest, not even a wound left.

"It's no wonder that the [-]th level will leave the novice stage. If this happens a few times, you will have to be arrested as a monster." Xiao Yao watched silently, and then couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"But it's better to be careful, the thief might be nearby!" Zhang Mo said slowly.

After advancing like this for about ten miles, suddenly it opened up in front of my eyes, and it was a rare open land.However, it was not formed naturally, but was cleaned up manually, and it was about several hundred square meters.

"What do you think Li Le cleared this place out for?" Li Ming also came here not long after, and asked.

"He's already here, just ask him and you'll know?" Zhang Mo looked forward, and some figures were moving quickly in the woods. Not long after, under the leadership of one person, thousands of thieves appeared in front of Li Ming and the others.

"Masters of the army, it seems that Li has never offended you. If there is nothing wrong, please turn around, and everyone can live in peace. If you take a step forward, then don't blame Li and his brothers for being rude!" The leader really It was Li Le. At this moment, seeing that Li Ming had only three hundred people under his command, he immediately became arrogant.

Behind Li Ming, more than 300 thieves appeared in a short while, and they raised their hunting bows one after another, staring at them.

(End of this chapter)

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