Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 344 To Zhou's House

Chapter 344 To Zhou's House
Yuan Chen looked at Zhou Minghao, smiled, nodded, shook his head again, did not speak, his appearance was inscrutable and incomprehensible, like a fool!
"Is that possible or not?"

Zhou Minghao was also puzzled. Yuan Chen really made him feel a little at a loss. Whether he can or can't, it's talking!

"I believe in Yuan Chen!"

Yuan Chen didn't speak, but Zhou Mingxia spoke first. She thought about it and decided to believe Yuan Chen. After all, Yuan Chen surprised her too much before, and combined with Yuan Chen's performance when they first met, she still felt that there was something wrong with Yuan Chen. You must believe Yuan Chen!
"Okay, I believe you, but this is your own lifelong event, so you have to think about it yourself!"

Zhou Minghao thought for a while, and then nodded. Since his sister said so, he believed it. After all, even his father often praised his sister's vision. Dad froze, now it is estimated that Zhou's property is all hers!

"Do you think I still have to think about it?"

Zhou Mingxia said bitterly, she has no room for it at all, since she quarreled with her father, it no longer cares about herself, Zhou Mingxia's eyes are slightly moist!

"Actually, Dad still likes you the most. We are often scolded by him. After scolding, he will say, it would be great if Xiaoxia was here!"

Zhou Minghao obviously also saw that Zhou Mingxia's mood was not that good, he patted her on the shoulder and said in a low voice, as if he was afraid that Yuan Chen would hear it, but Yuan Chen with sharp ears had already heard it!

"Let's go!"

Zhou Mingxia nodded, then said something to Yuan Chen, and took the lead to leave the office, and Yuan Chen also walked out!
"Director, Yuan Chen, this..."

As soon as he got outside, Lin Hao walked over, looked at Zhou Mingxia and then at Yuan Chen, he didn't pay attention before, Yuan Chen went in, he didn't know how Yuan Chen got in, he only knew that he When he was about to go in, he was rushed back by the two bodyguards who had just come out at the door!

"It's okay, I may have to leave for a few days, and Xia Guang will leave it to you for the time being, call me if you have anything to do!"

Zhou Mingxia looked at Lin Hao and said, Zhou's family is not in this city, but in Suishi, which is far away from this city, and treating insomnia is not so easy, it cannot be done in one day!

"OK, all right!"

Lin Hao said, it seems that Director Zhou Mingxia is going on a long trip, and she still wants to take Yuan Chen there. Just now she and that middle-aged man were talking about their life-long events. Could it be that she and Yuan Chen...

"Let's go, take my car!"

After Zhou Mingxia explained a few words, she told Yuan Chen that there is no need for several people to drive so many cars, and they have to drive on the highway. They must not be tired from driving, and they have to change one person every four hours, so she decided to go with Yuan Chen. drive one!
"Okay, but I'm going to get something!"

As Yuan Chen said, he headed towards his car first, and then parked the car directly in the parking lot of Xiaguang Zoo. This time, those bodyguards didn't stop him again!

He came out with his boss, and the boss's sister seemed to know this person very well, so if he stopped him, he would really be a fool!

After parking the car, Yuan Chen got out of the car with his guqin in his arms. He can directly invade other people's brains with his mental power under hypnosis, but if he wants to heal, he still needs to use this guqin. That's right, the melody for healing is Peiyuan Meditation!
"What are you doing with your guqin?"

Zhou Mingxia asked curiously, she didn't expect Yuan Chen to know this, but now she is going to treat her father's insomnia, why bring this there?

"This is my tool for treating insomnia, how can I do without it?"

Yuan Chen smiled, opened the back seat of Zhou Mingxia's car, put the guqin in and fixed it, and then came to the co-pilot's seat, and said to Zhou Mingxia!

"So this is the tool you use to make money!"

Zhou Mingxia also smiled, she didn't think it was a big deal for Yuan Chen to bring this thing, anyway, her car was empty, and it was just the two of them, apart from bringing girls, Yuan Chen could bring whatever he liked!
"By the way, you and Mr. Zhou seem to be having a tough fight?"

Sitting in the car, after fastening the seat belt, watching Zhou Mingxia put on the seat belt, shift into first gear, turn on the turn signal, honk the horn, release the handbrake, add some gas, and put into second gear... After a series of actions, Yuan Chen asked !
"Well, before my father asked me to take over his job, which is tourism development, but at that time I only wanted to open my own Xiaguang Zoo, so I often quarreled, and then I moved out!"

Zhou Mingxia said lightly, there is actually nothing to say about this kind of thing, it's quite bloody, just like a TV series, anyway, now she is doing her own Xiaguang, and the family's business is managed by her three brothers!

"Well, then last time you talked to my family because of me..."

Yuan Chen said that he remembered the last time he asked Zhou Mingxia to help her. It seemed that Zhou Mingxia finally got help from her family members. Yuan Chen didn't know about Zhou Mingxia before, so there was nothing wrong with it. Now that she knows, she will feel a little sorry !

"It's okay, I was looking for the second brother last time. In fact, don't look at the second brother like this. He wants to take me back to get married. In fact, he just came to tell me to run away. Among the three brothers, he loves me the most. !"

Zhou Mingxia said, the car of her second brother Zhou Minghao and his bodyguards also drove up!
In the car, Zhou Minghao put his finger on his ear, suddenly smiled, then shook his head, took out something from his ear, and threw it into the car!

"Well, actually, I think tourism development is good, why don't you?"

Yuan Chen thought for a while and asked again. Anyway, he was bored in the car, so he just talked casually!
"Do you like tourism development?"

Zhou Mingxia didn't answer directly, but instead asked Yuan Chendao. In fact, she just wanted to protect those homeless and displaced animals!

"I'm fine. If we develop tourism, we may be able to develop some special and beautiful tourist areas. By doing so, we can not only let people see such beautiful scenery, but also protect some ecological environments. And you You can use the money you earn to protect the animals you like, so you don’t have to work as hard as you do now!”

Yuan Chen said, this is true, he really thinks so, only by protecting the ecological environment, can the dwellings of those small animals not be destroyed by humans!

"That's right!"

Zhou Mingxia said in a low voice, she didn't know what she was talking to herself there, and she didn't seem to speak, Yuan Chen didn't care either...

 Well, because I heard that some readers want to test the license plate, so I wrote some test content, come on the test, 2333333
(End of this chapter)

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