Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 329 Black Technology

Chapter 329 Black Technology
After what Yuan Chen said, Huang Wei also gradually understood that it can still be like this, routine, absolute routine, I just think in a conventional way, naturally I didn't think about this aspect, so I always feel this Technology does not "make money", and it may become a threat to the safety of the government at any time. I didn't expect Yuan Chen to solve this problem immediately by doing this!

Alas, I have never been able to keep affection, only routines win people's hearts, why didn't I think of this point, it seems that I still have a lot to learn!

Moreover, Huang Wei also discovered that whether it is business that he is not good at, or technology research and development that he is best at, Yuan Chen regards him as a child!

"Well, good, then our second research project will be set on this thing!"

Huang Wei sorted out the documents on the table and said, he still needs to study these things carefully. Although he doesn't seem to have any problems with the above things, he still needs to take them back. There are some formulas on them that need to be checked!
"Well, okay, there is no rush, you can see if this thing is feasible first!"

Yuan Chen nodded and said, although he knew there was nothing wrong with these things, but in order to avoid Huang Wei's suspicion, Yuan Chen could only say this. Anyway, the helmet has just been researched now, so there is no need to worry about it!
"Well, okay, then I'll go back first!"

Huang Wei said that after that, he left with Yuan Chen's documents, and he was also anxious. This was the first time he encountered such a thing. As a high-tech researcher, he was very interested in these high-tech things!
After Huang Wei left, Yuan Chen sat on the sofa alone, drinking tea. Although he believed in Huang Wei, it was still inconvenient for him to take out some things. This is no longer a matter of belief or not!

In fact, in the book that Yuan Chen got, there is still a part...a large part, which describes technology, and those technologies are all black technology, which is why Yuan Chen can't get it out!

The so-called black technology refers to science and technology or products that are far beyond the reach of human technology or knowledge, lack current scientific basis and violate the principles of nature!
Black technology has no scientific basis, but it is very powerful and in the name of technology, it can be used like magic, such as Gundam's GN particles, and interstellar psionic energy!

Under normal circumstances, technologies or products that cannot be realized by humans or cannot be produced at all are collectively referred to as "black technology", and its standard is that it does not conform to the common sense of the real world and the current level of technology!

There are a lot of science and technology recorded in that book, but the artificial man may be the only one that can be used, and the other things are unreliable. According to the current science and technology, it must be artificial man. It can't come out, so even if Yuan Chen takes it out, it's useless!

"Then which dimension did An Cai'er come from? Which world's science and technology did that book come from?"

Yuan Chen muttered to himself, he knew that someone must have read the book before him, because the first half of the book was written by others or people from the earth, and then it was bound with those black technology things in the book. together!

Because the previous things are all recorded in the words of this world, and those high-tech descriptions from different dimensions are written in some incomprehensible words!
However, Yuan Chen had seen modified wolf dogs in the research center before, and those Yuan Chen could definitely come from that science and technology book, but it shocked Yuan Chen... Yes, it was shock, not surprise, because An Caier That is to say, she did not tell anyone about this matter, nor did she help anyone other than Yuan Chen translate the text in the book, that is to say, someone understood or studied the meaning of those texts, and based on According to the above records, those semi-robot wolf dogs were created!

"Who is it? Are they from this world, or are they from the same time and space as Cai'er?"

Yuan Chen muttered to himself, he didn't know about this kind of thing, but no matter what kind of person he was, he was terrifying. If it was the second kind, who came from the same time and space as An Cai'er, then maybe he had a similar relationship with An Cai'er. An Cai'er has the same ability, Yuan Chen has seen An Cai'er's ability before, so he also knows how terrifying people from this dimension are!
According to An Cai'er, there are many people like her, and there are also many people with higher abilities than her, but she doesn't know if there are people like her who came to this world, and she doesn't remember it either!

And if it is the first type of person, it is better, at least know that he is a person from the earth, but he has obviously researched the text of the scientific and technological book, then he may have researched a lot of black technology weapons, Then this person is not inferior to An Caier at all, he can even be said to be more dangerous than An Caier, because...he won't listen to Yuan Chen!

Yuan Chen rubbed his forehead and didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he doesn't need to worry about these things. He is just an ordinary businessman. At most, he is a cleaner with a special status. As long as he picks up his garbage with peace of mind, he can do it with peace of mind. It is enough to make money in business, other things have nothing to do with me!
"By the way, there seemed to be a notification sound last time!"

Speaking of trash, the last time Yuan Chen was in the research center, after throwing the foreign man into the empty space, he seemed to have received a message. Although it was a message with a notification sound, it was not the one Yuan Chen set up. He didn't care about the news of the management group of Three Thousand Worlds!
Thinking back now, it's still a little strange, anyway, there is nothing going on now, Yuan Chen just took out his phone to check, if he didn't look at it, he didn't know, he was shocked when he saw it!
"Wipe, there is still nothing!"

Yuan Chen looked and looked, but there was really nothing, there was no reminder in the QQ message, Yuan Chen could only open one by one, and finally saw the source of the message, that source was Yuan Chen's own QQ, before Yuan Chen accidentally added his account once, but every time he sent a message to himself, there would be no prompt, so this news made Yuan Chen feel very strange!
Yuan Chen clicked on it, and there was a file inside, which Yuan Chen was very familiar with, because this file was exactly the same as the junk files uploaded by the mainland in the management group of Three Thousand Worlds!
Yuan Chen hesitated for a moment, he didn't know when he sent himself such a file, and he didn't forward it at all, but it was really weird that such a file appeared!
But weird is weird, Yuan Chen hesitated for a while... then put away his phone, how can he receive such a weird file, what if it is poisonous, and this is the office of the future technology company, if you want to receive it, you have to go home Take it again!

 Well... I can really add my friends, so the little zombie will add it. I mean, do you like fighting with supernatural powers more or farming to make more money!Well, those who like supernatural powers will reward 100 points, and those who like to make money will reward 200 points. Pfft, just kidding. You can leave a message to tell the little zombie or join the group to talk about it. Well, there is no charge here anyway, so you can say a lot , la la la, happy!
(End of this chapter)

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