Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 313 Attack from Behind

Chapter 313 Attack from Behind

Yuan Chen was very surprised, this biological research center turned out to be so weird, do the things inside really come from this world?Why is everything so strange, those semi-mechanical wolf dogs, that little wolf cub that moves extremely fast, that girl with astonishing strength, and the big wolf with strong mental power in front of him, what is going on with all this!

But now Yuan Chen has no way to entangle so much, he can only condense a meditation crystal in the big wolf's sea of ​​consciousness, and then the big wolf blinked its eyelids twice, fell into a deep sleep, and entered a deep sleep middle!

"Okay, there's nothing to do now, just wait for it to wake up!"

Yuan Chen stared at the girl in front of him and said, and then took a step back. For some reason, Yuan Chen always felt that An Caier's smile was very weird. It was obviously a very cute smile, but it made him feel something There was a chill, Yuan Chen didn't know where this chill came from!

Seeing Yuan Chen retreating, that An Cai'er also smiled strangely at Yuan Chen, and then Yuan Chen felt a chill rise behind him, this is too weird, what is going on?

And at this moment, Li Xiao behind him suddenly attacked Yuan Chen. He had been observing that not far away just now, and the more he looked at it, the more strange it became. Why is Yuan Chen so familiar with everything here? !
The camera hidden behind the rock, the passage behind the door is not patrolled, the ten semi-mechanical wolf dogs, the little wolf cub just now, and the girl called his master in front of him, Li Xiao is very excited. Suspicion, Yuan Chen is so familiar with these things, all of this must be Yuan Chen's conspiracy!

So Li Xiao has been observing Yuan Chen, and just now he finally saw Yuan Chen stunned, so he immediately launched an attack. The reason why he chose to strike first was because he was already very sure that Yuan Chen and this What does the research center have to do with it!
"Li Xiao, what are you doing?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, he didn't expect that Li Xiao would suddenly attack him from behind, so he didn't have time to react, he really trusted Li Xiao too much, just like Li Xiao trusted Yuan Chen very much, so Yuan Chen didn't Time to defend!
And Li Xiao was obviously intent on killing, and directly used the supernatural halo, and kicked Yuan Chen's chest. Yuan Chen could only cross his arms on his chest to resist, but because it was a hasty defense , so it didn't have much effect, Yuan Chen was directly kicked away by Li Xiaona's full blow, and hit the wall heavily!

But Yuan Chen has not got up yet, Li Xiao's second attack is also coming, and it directly hits Yuan Chen's head. If this kick really hits, it will be enough for Yuan Chen to eat a pot!

So Yuan Chen also quickly condensed the supernatural halo, and with a move of his mind, the halo covered his body, and then blocked Li Xiao's attack with his left hand, and directly blocked Li Xiao's attack with a punch with his right hand, directly punching Li Xiao. Xiao was sent flying, but Yuan Chen obviously kept his hand, otherwise Li Xiao must have been lying down!

"Li Xiao, what are you doing?"

Li Xiao flew out, Yuan Chen didn't attack directly, but asked angrily, he didn't understand why Li Xiao would attack him for no reason!

"Hmph, do you still need to ask? Don't pretend, I've seen everything through!"

Li Xiao snorted coldly, because Yuan Chen just sent him flying, he was also very smart and didn't continue to attack, but stood still and said!

"What? Pretending? Who are you talking about pretending?"

Yuan Chen was taken aback, what's wrong with him, what's wrong with him, he's just trying to avenge No. 37 and NO.
"Hmph, you are very familiar with this research center, the camera, the semi-mechanical wolf dog, the obedient little wolf cub, and this girl called your master. Do you want to say that you don't know all of this?"

Li Xiao sneered, and then said several things, these things were the main things that made him doubt Yuan Chen, if it really didn't matter, how would Yuan Chen explain it!
You said that the camera is so hidden, and it took you less than 2 minutes to discover it. What kind of eyes do you have, eagle eyes, well, this is considered to be eagle eyes, and this explanation has been given to you!
Then you talk about why you know there is no one behind the gate, you tell me, how do you know this? Could it be that you can hear every move inside, your hearing is so good, well, even if your hearing is really that good Great, I heard no sound inside!
Then you explain to me those mechanical wolf dogs, the fatal weakness of those mechanical wolf dogs is the thread, how do you know, can you smell that thread is different from other threads, okay, Even if your sense of smell is really that sensitive!

Then tell me what happened to that little wolf cub, that little wolf cub attacked me when he met me, and wanted to instantly kill me, but he was so obedient to you, why is that?Don't tell me that it has feelings for you, I'll go, it doesn't make sense no matter what you say, I don't believe that this little guy really has feelings for you, well, even if it has feelings, then the problem coming!

Why is this cute girl in her teens calling you master? What is going on? Please tell me clearly. We are both standing here, but she just acts like a baby with you. Why is she not treating me? Acting coquettishly, is it because you are more handsome!

Well, I admit that you are more handsome, but I don't admit, accept, or participate in this reason... You two must have secrets that no one knows, so I will kill you!

As Li Xiao said, he launched another attack, this time he used almost all his strength!
Yuan Chen was also angry, because he was jealous when he co-authored, Yuan Chen directly used his real power, directly attacked Li Xiao with his spiritual power, punched him, and directly sent Li Xiao flying!
Li Xiao was blown away and immediately vomited blood, and at this moment Yuan Chen also came to his senses, why was he so angry just now?

And at this moment, a burst of laughter sounded in Yuan Chen's ears, and then Yuan Chen was in a trance!
When Yuan Chen opened his eyes again, he was still standing there, and the girl was still sitting naked in the cabin, and then shyly closed the cabin door!

Yuan Chen was taken aback, this scene was too familiar, could it be that what happened just now was all an illusion, and when he turned his head, Li Xiao was also standing there, which surprised Yuan Chen, who is that girl?How could a single eye contact make him enter a hallucination, and his mental power is useless?

 Thank you Yanhuang Yeshao, fengyu12138, you are better than gods, and you are still supporting the little zombies, thank you for rolling all over the floor!
(End of this chapter)

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