Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 311 Nude Body Girl

Chapter 311 Nude Body Girl
Hearing Li Xiao's words, Yuan Chen also thought about it, and then looked at the dark place over there. That's where the little wolf cub appeared just now, and it seemed to be going to escape there just now. appearance, so Yuan Chen is also very curious about what is there!

So after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head, pointed to the dark place, and said to Li Xiao, in fact, Li Xiao also wanted to know what was behind it, but he was a little scrupulous, because after all, such a little wolf He has no way to deal with the cubs. If there is another adult wolf in it, he probably has to die!

After all, they heard a howl of wolves outside the cave before, and Li Xiao also believed that the howl of grief could not have come from the little guy in front of him. After all, it was transmitted hundreds of meters away. This little guy's lung capacity should not be enough!

"Then let's go!"

Yuan Chen walked towards the dark corner as he said that, because his ability is relatively strong, he can respond to any situation, but Li Xiao's ability is relatively weak, Yuan Chen is afraid that if something happens, he will be able to react. Dangerous if he is instantly killed, it would be bad, after all, he is his teammate, although he seems to be a trap, but since they are all hacked, then take him, it is impossible for Yuan Chen to do things like spraying teammates!

Well, in fact, he has already used his mental power to detect it, that is, he has already used his skills to see everything inside, so he knows that there will be no danger, and the back is just a laboratory!

Yuan Chen and the two of them had already reached the back while they were talking. There was a door there. Yuan Chen pushed the door open without the slightest hesitation and walked in. Li Xiao also followed. But 100% trust it!
Because no matter where he went, Yuan Chen always took the lead. Li Xiao took the lead when he was performing missions outside, so he was the one who really pinned his head to his waistband at those times, because he didn't know when he would die !
But now it is different, now Yuan Chen has taken his place, and now Yuan Chen is leading the charge, and it is the first time for Li Xiao to feel a sense of security, which he has never felt before, and suddenly his heart feels a little warm Warm... well, if I write it down, it will become corrupt!

After pushing open the door, the two of Yuan Chen came to another laboratory. This laboratory is much more spacious than the one inside, and the equipment looks unusual!
There is also a cage in the laboratory, and there is a wolf in the cage. This wolf looks like an adult, and when Yuan Chen sees it, it also sees Yuan Chen, to be more precise, it sees Yuan Chen The little wolf cub on the palm struggled to stand up, but its body was full of tubes, and it was already dying, and it had no strength to stand up at all!

Yuan Chen frowned, and then put down the little wolf cub in his hand. As soon as Yuan Chen put down the little wolf cub, he ran directly to the side of the big wolf, and the big wolf also bowed its head. Wolf cubs!
It can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is unusual, it should be the relationship between parents and children, but Yuan Chen also doesn't know whether the two wolves in front of him are male or female, but Yuan Chen can't see what relationship they have. Because they have nothing in common except that they are all wolves!

Seeing that the two wolves seemed to be talking there, Yuan Chen also walked over, looked at the tubes on the big wolf, and frowned, those tubes seemed to be inserted directly into the big wolf's body Among them, if it is pulled out forcibly, the big wolf may die directly!
Yuan Chen squatted down to look at the cage, broke it with his hands, and found that the quality of the cage was very good, and he couldn't break it apart, but if he tried his best, it should be fine, but if he Forcibly breaking it apart, the cage will touch those tubes, and that is no different from pulling out the tubes directly!

While Yuan Chen was checking the cage, the little wolf cub also whined next to Yuan Chen. Although Yuan Chen couldn't understand what it was saying now, he could still guess that the little wolf cub was in the cage. Begging myself to save that big wolf!
Yuan Chen originally wanted to use the Myriad Beast Card, but Li Xiao was watching him not far from him, so he couldn't use it either. Li Xiao found out about superpowers. Yuan Chen cannot let Li Xiao find out, so there is no way to use it now!
Yuan Chen had no choice but to look at the dying wolf. Even if Yuan Chen wanted to use the Myriad Beast Card, he really couldn't bear to bleed on the wolf. He didn't know what kind of experiment these people were doing, but The tubes in front of him seem to be drawing the blood of this big wolf!
Yuan Chen couldn't bear it, so he took out a small piece of monster meat and threw it in front of the little wolf cub. The little wolf cub's intelligence was very high, and after a moment, he knew what Yuan Chen meant. The monster meat, it couldn't help but drool!

However, it held back, and squeezed the small piece of monster meat in its mouth towards the big wolf in the cage, because the cages were not spaced so much that Yuan Chen couldn't reach in with his hand, and the big wolf The wolf itself can't move, so Yuan Chen can only let the little wolf cub pick it up!
The big wolf smelled the small piece of monster meat, then looked at Yuan Chen, and swallowed the monster meat, and this scene also surprised Yuan Chen, the big wolf was able to resist the monster The temptation of meat, what the hell is going on, because the big wolf just now obviously thinks that the meat of Warcraft is delicious!

But it didn't swallow it directly, but looked at Yuan Chen hesitantly, and then swallowed the monster meat after judging that Yuan Chen didn't have any malicious intentions!

After swallowing the monster meat, the big wolf seemed to look better, but Yuan Chen didn't continue to feed it. He didn't know that the big wolf was too big for him, so Yuan Chen was not in a hurry to kill the big wolf. Instead, he stood up and looked at the tubes, and the place where those tubes connect is a bit like those nutrition cabins in the movie!
Yuan Chen frowned, could there be someone inside? This was the thought that flashed through Yuan Chen's head, and then he used his mental power to detect, but found that his mental power was blocked, or in other words, he couldn't enter. Inside this thing!
There was no other way, Yuan Chen could only check it carefully, and found that there was a button on it, Yuan Chen hesitated and then pressed it, he always believed in his intuition, and the moment he pressed it, the thing really When the thing was opened, Yuan Chen and Li Xiao, who had been on guard, were stunned!
The door opened, and there was a person lying inside, a nude girl!
(End of this chapter)

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