Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 285 Sharp eyes

Chapter 285 Sharp eyes
Seeing Huya standing next to the gate, Yuan Chen probably understood what was going on. These days, through self-cultivation, Huya has grown in size. Although it is not as good as the usual adult tigers, but The current appearance is by no means the raccoon cat in the past!

Now Huya’s appearance is similar to that of an ordinary dog, but it is enough to see that it belongs to a tiger. No matter who sees it, they will no longer treat it as a kitten, because although the current Huya is not big , but it is very mighty!
So Yuan Chen guessed that Huya ran out for some reason, and happened to be seen by people nearby. It is afternoon, today is Sunday, and the weather is cloudy, so there are more people walking around!

And if there is a tiger nearby, the person who finds it will definitely choose to call the police immediately. Although this is a suburb, it is still in the city after all. It is strange if a tiger suddenly appears. It didn't seem like a big deal, everyone surrounded them, so more and more people gathered here, until now, the door of Yuan Chen's house was completely surrounded!
"Have you found this family yet?"

Yuan Chen's car drove nearby, and because of his good hearing, he overheard a conversation between an old policeman in the crowd and another policeman!

"Yeah, I haven't been in touch yet, should I deal with this tiger first, and if this continues, there will be more people watching!"

The young policeman who was questioned replied that he was looking for the owner of this single-family villa just now, but no one came out after shouting for a long time, because the tiger was at the door, and the young policeman did not dare to approach it. Ring the doorbell, so I haven't been in touch until now!
"Wait a little longer, the zoo has already sent someone here, they have anesthesia guns there, and I don't know which zoo the tiger escaped from!"

The old policeman frowned and thought about it, then said to the young policeman!
"Yeah, yes, I didn't even receive an alarm from the zoo. Could it be that this little tiger is still wild!"

The young policeman nodded when he heard the old policeman say that, then looked at Huya and said!

But just when the young policeman's voice fell, Huya, who had been standing just now, yelled at him, and the young policeman's legs trembled in fright, and he almost sat down on the ground!

"Why are you yelling, believe it or not, labor and capital shot you dead?"

I was taken aback by Huya, and the little policeman was also embarrassed. Many colleagues saw it just now, and you yelled at me, embarrassing labor and management!

"It scolds you for being a bastard!"

Just when the young policeman was furious, a voice rang in his ear, which made him tremble again, and almost drew his gun, but when he saw clearly that there was a person behind him, his face turned even redder. I don't know whether to be annoyed or ashamed!
"Who are you, what are you talking about?"

The young policeman came close to swearing and was startled twice in a few minutes, both in front of his colleagues, which made him feel very humiliated!
"Me? The owner of this house, I would like to ask you, what are you doing around my house?"

Yuan Chen stared into the eyes of the young policeman, and said calmly, he didn't talk nonsense, others couldn't understand, but Yuan Chen understood just now, Huya just said that sentence!

"It turns out that you are the owner of this house. Do you know that a tiger ran in front of your house. We are contacting talents to deal with it. You don't have to be grateful to us, let alone send any pennants. We are for the people, it is us the obligation of..."

The policeman heard that Yuan Chen was the owner of this villa, and after looking at it, he said calmly, he has seen people like Yuan Chen a lot, and the victim of an incident that does not know the truth will only be known after they resolve the matter Feel it, and then give them a pennant or something!

"That tiger was raised by me!"

Yuan Chen directly interrupted him, the policeman's thinking is very right, when did he say thank you, and when did he say that he would send a pennant!

"Don't give it away, we won't... What, you said you raised this tiger?"

The young policeman wanted to continue talking, but he was stunned when he realized it!

"Yes, that's right, I raised this tiger!"

Yuan Chen said again, looking at the policeman, the policeman trembled from his stare, this man's eyes are so scary!
"You said you raised this tiger, and you know that raising a tiger requires..."

Although he was startled by Yuan Chen, the policeman was also young and energetic, and he spoke to Yuan Chen with an air of preaching, but in the middle of his speech, Yuan Chen saw something in his hand raised, It's the breeding license I just got from Zhou Mingxia!


The young policeman was also taken aback, what is this, a breeding license?If there is such a thing, why do you carry it with you?

"what happened?"

At this time, the old policeman also saw what happened here, and came over to ask!
"This man said that he is the owner of this house, and this little tiger is also raised by him!"

Seeing the old policeman approaching, the young policeman also quickly said, he always thought Yuan Chen's eyes were so scary, who the hell is this man, how could he have such eyes!

"This is the tiger you raised, do you have a breeding license?"

The old policeman obviously had much more experience than the young policeman. He nodded to Yuan Chen first, and then asked politely!
"Well, here's the license!"

The old policeman's attitude was good, and Yuan Chen's attitude was also much better. He handed the things in his hands to the old policeman and said softly!

"Well, that's right, it's a breeding license. You actually raised this tiger and it didn't hurt anyone. You can take it back, but it must be locked tightly in the future. Don't let it escape, or if it hurts anyone It's such a big deal!"

The old policeman glanced at the permit, then nodded, and said to Yuan Chen, Yuan Chen also nodded, but he didn't take it seriously, if Huya really wants to hurt someone, who cares? You have to live!

"That's right, let me tell you, if it wasn't for us this time..."

Hearing that old policeman teach Yuan Chen a lesson, the young policeman couldn't bear it anymore. Just now he was afraid of Yuan Chen's eyes, so he didn't dare to say too much, but now that the old policeman is around, he couldn't help but say something, But as soon as he said the words, he saw Yuan Chen's cold eyes looking at him again, which scared him so much that he swallowed his words!
"Sharp eyes, who is this young man?"

The old policeman also saw Yuan Chen's eyes, and he was stunned and secretly shocked. He also saw this kind of eyes once in the past. It was when he was still in the army, and he saw it on the man known as the King of Soldiers. Yes, I didn't expect to see it again in the eyes of this young man now!
"If it's okay, let's leave, I still have things to do!"

Seeing the young policeman shut up, Yuan Chen also said casually, his tone a bit arrogant, but he really still has something to do, the junk files in his phone are still waiting for him to download!

 Thank you for the rewards of Yanhuang Yeshao, Milky White Space, Shadow Bamboo, Zero Point Idol, Than God, "Looking for it in the crowd", this month, the little zombie will work hard to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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