Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 258 Teaching

Chapter 258 Teaching
Yuan Chen didn't care what Huya said, just hugged it and headed towards the yard. What Yuan Chen wanted Huya to practice was spiritual energy. In this world, only Yuan Chen's family had no other branches, so he had to bring Huya to his own shop. Go in the yard, because only there is black land, and only there is aura, we do not produce aura, we are just porters of nature!

Yuan Chen brought Huya to the yard, and Xiao Jiji also had black-winged carvings here. When Xiao Jiji saw Huya being carried back by Yuan Chen, she smiled very humanely, as if to say that this fish pond was I contracted it... No, it should be so big that I still need to be hugged, so I'm ashamed!
And when he saw Xiao Jiji's bewildered smile, Huya immediately broke free from Yuan Chen's hands, rushed over to throw Xiao Jiji on him, and just rode on Xiao Jiji's body, with a left uppercut and a right uppercut. My people are in danger... Anyway, they just slapped little Jiji's dog's face desperately with two paws!

Being thrown to the ground by Huya, little Jiji didn't have much strength to resist at all, and could only keep barking there. Looking at this pile of animals that were becoming more and more humane, Yuan Chen felt a little relieved, but also worried and relieved. The most important thing is that these animals can also communicate with human beings, and they can also become good friends of human beings, but the most worrying thing is what the government will say when they find out. Now Yuan Chen knows that there are supernatural beings in this world!
Although they may not necessarily work for the government, but if the government pays a high price, someone will definitely come to make trouble for me. Although I am not afraid, there is a good saying, don’t steam steamed buns to win, no, the saying goes that two fists are hard to beat Four hands, although I have strong martial arts, but if someone really wants to beat me, I still have a hard time!

But why do you say that you are like a person who has committed a felony? What supernatural beings and rewards have come out. I just keep a few smarter pets. As long as I don’t let them show in front of strangers, Then nothing will happen!

Sometimes Yuan Chen also admires his own imagination. If he writes a novel by himself, it will definitely be better than that little zombie squatting in "Different Dimension Cleaner". If I become famous in the future, what should my fans call me?Chen-bo?Forget it, novels are not suitable for me!

After watching Huya beat up little Jiji, Yuan Chen took it to this area of ​​the Black Earth, which is the most suitable area for cultivation, because this place is also the place with the most aura. Lin Qi used to practice here often before, but now that he switched to inner strength, he rarely came to this place to absorb spiritual energy!
I just occasionally come here to absorb a little bit of spiritual energy, as long as I miss the taste of my hometown, and the other main spiritual energy is obtained by eating Hantan white fish, because now the spiritual energy is only playing an auxiliary role, now Lin Qi The major is internal strength!
Yuan Chen brought Huya to this area, felt the aura here, and nodded with satisfaction. The aura here is strong enough, which is very suitable for Huya to grow and practice, so Yuan Chen sat down cross-legged on the spot, and Huya But they stayed by Yuan Chen's side!
Although Huya can also feel that this place is unusual, it doesn't know the aura of this place, nor what the so-called aura is. It just feels that the air here is fresher, and it feels more comfortable when staying here. That's it at most, nothing special!

"Come, come here!"

Yuan Chen sat on the ground and hugged Huya in front of him. He still has some things to do, otherwise Huya might not be able to practice!
Waiting for Huya to sit in front of him... After laying down, Yuan Chen put a finger on Huya's head. Anyone who has read fantasy novels will be familiar with this action. As long as the master or something The expert put his finger on the protagonist's forehead, that is, what kind of skills and skills are he going to teach the protagonist?
But Yuan Chen didn't have this ability. He pointed with his fingers mainly to act like an abalone, pretending to be aggressive. In fact, he was just using his mental strength to detect Huya's body!

Huya's body tensed up immediately after coming into contact with Yuan Chen's mental power, because it was very familiar with this scene. Yuan Chen often used mental power to attack him before, but then he realized that he was wrong. Yes, because Yuan Chen didn't attack him this time, because what he felt was a soft force!
Indeed, now Yuan Chen doesn't want to compete with Huya in terms of mental strength. The previous competition with Yuan Chen was just to test his own mental strength. At this time, Yuan Chen naturally wouldn't have the mood to test his own mental strength. , but it doesn't matter if you test it, ahem, it's still important to get down to business!

Yuan Chen's main purpose this time is to detect Huya's meridians, because the cultivation of spiritual power also needs to pass through the meridians in the body, so Yuan Chen needs to find out Huya's meridians, and then he can properly adjust the cultivation path. Huya practiced well, otherwise, if he practiced like a normal person, Yuan Chen really didn't know what would happen then!
After the mental power entered Huya's body, Yuan Chen began to search for Huya's meridians according to the method Lin Qi taught him to absorb spiritual energy. To be honest, it was really troublesome to find these meridians, because Huya is a tiger. No matter how much you mutate, it is impossible to mutate your own meridians into human meridians, so Yuan Chen can only check and test one by one to see if he can run the aura!

And Huya seemed to know what Yuan Chen was going to do, so he quietly let Yuan Chen manipulate him. As time passed by every minute, Huya also waited quietly. Yuan Chen was very patient, because it was related to Huya, so he is also very careful!
Finally, after an hour, Yuan Chen finally figured out Huya's meridians, and then spent more than an hour to revise the practice plan, and then taught it to Huya, and Huya is also very easy to learn, good Well, this is no longer a question of whether you want to learn or not!

Because Yuan Chen found that he was talking to Huya, and after Huya felt the meridians with his mental power in its body, Huya had already learned it. What a terrifying talent it takes to learn it so easily. When Lin Qi taught me, it took me half a day to figure out where the meridians are!
Huya's amazing talent really made Yuan Chen feel ashamed!
The above is today's update, no recommendation, no monthly pass, just ask for a reward (kowtow manually)!

 I am very grateful to Yanhuang Yeshao, fengyu12138, Xuanyuan Danqing, "Looking for it in the crowd", better than a god, Yishan and water, Hua Xiaofeng Wuchen for their rewards, thank you thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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