Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 236 The Long-lost Mainland News

Chapter 236 The Long-lost Mainland News

Afterwards, things were much simpler. There was no need for Yuan Chen to do anything at all. He just walked around according to the arrangements of the uncle and the others, and then he could directly enter the building. The ordinary employees Tao Qiong had hired before just moved some things into the building. Among them, some were cleaning the residue of firecrackers in front of the door, while those high-tech personnel invited by Huang Wei were discussing the research plan of the game helmet together!
Yuan Chen couldn't intervene in their discussion, so he could only listen silently from the sidelines. Huang Wei didn't tell everyone that the helmet was made by Yuan Chen. The problem, this is also the effect Yuan Chen needs!

If those people came to ask Yuan Chen any questions, Yuan Chen really couldn't answer them. Of course, Huang Wei also wondered why Yuan Chen didn't let him speak, but Yuan Chen did, because it was something he fiddled with, so I also don't know much about some things, and if I accidentally provide the wrong direction, it will be bad. Anyway, this is a future technology research company, so I can research things by myself in the future. If I don't have enough funds, I can find Tao Qiong!
After that, Huang Wei also asked a few questions, but they were all bypassed by Yuan Chen. Later, Huang Wei didn't ask any questions at all, and took his own team to study. Anyway, the helmet is in their hands. If I still can't figure out anything on this helmet, then I and others don't need to call themselves high-tech research experts!
Even the finished products that others fiddled with can't be studied for a reason, so my research and study abroad in the past few years can be considered in vain!
After that, Yuan Chen didn't have anything to do, but at this time, Tao Qiong found Yuan Chen and told Yuan Chen some of his thoughts. The idea was to ask Yuan Chen if he could breed more fish. At least one kind must be cultivated, otherwise, according to the feedback from those hotels, Hantan white fish has entered a stagnation stage, because I feel tired of eating too much, and many restaurants have even started to lower their prices!

Yuan Chen also nodded, there is no problem in cultivating one more species, as long as feeding some silkworm excrement is enough, so these are not particularly big problems for Yuan Chen!
Seeing Yuan Chen nodding, Tao Qiong also left with Huo Moyu. She only came here today because the building of Future Technology Research Co., Ltd. was completed. There are still a lot of things to do at Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd. Do, so she also has to leave early!

Seeing that everyone was leaving, Yuan Chen greeted his uncle and other elders, and then left after a few words of politeness. He went back to his home first, and there would be a banquet later, but Yuan Chen obviously didn't need to worry about these things. With his uncle, Yuan Chen just asked the staff of Hantan Fishery to bring some Hantan white fish over later, and he had nothing to do. He still had some things to deal with at home!
After that, Yuan Chen ordered [-] dogs from Hantan Fishery to take them away, and then walked slowly on the way home. When he arrived at the house, he found that the door of the house had been opened, but Yuan Chen obviously As expected, I first scanned the surroundings with mental strength, and found that there was no one before walking in leisurely!

When he came to the yard, Yuan Chen saw a cut rope under an old tree in the yard. He had tied the person who stole the fish last night here before, and then left him alone, but now the person obviously It has been rescued by others, leaving only a severed rope!

Yuan Chen walked over to check it out, then put away the piece of rope, and with a small arc of his mouth, he took the thirty puppies to the small fish box in the backyard, and gave thirty puppies The dogs each arranged a place to guard!
Now that this place has been discovered, Yuan Chen is not sure whether more people will discover this place in the future, although he is not worried about others stealing his fish, because these fish cannot be copied, and only in the To give birth to a little offspring with this aura, Yuan Chen doesn't have many fish here, only a few dozen, even if all of them are stolen, at most it will only produce some fish, and nothing else!
But since there is a danger of being discovered, Yuan Chen simply dragged [-] dogs here to guard the place, otherwise, if all the fish generations raised in the future are stolen, then it is really not a problem at all. , but Yuan Chen also ordered these dogs, just scare someone when they come, and don't chase them if they are not scared away, so as not to get hurt!
Although these dogs are already very large dogs after being fed with monster meat, there is really nothing comparable to human IQ or swords and guns. Thirty dogs here are definitely no match for one. Humans with guns, so Yuan Chen repeatedly emphasized, just scare, don't chase after him!
However, Yuan Chen didn't know if those dogs could understand those orders. Although they all ate monster meat, they didn't eat that much, so I don't know if they could understand such complicated words. Able to understand human words, but it is not necessary to understand and execute them. This is what Yuan Chen is worried about. Those fish can be stolen, but these dogs cannot be hurt!

This is also a question that Yuan Chen has been puzzled by. Although his mental power can command and control animals, and those animals that eat monster meat can also understand what Yuan Chen said and execute them, but those are simple. Because Yuan Chen couldn't understand their words, he could only guess about them based on his behavior. Although he could guess right most of the time, Yuan Chen still didn't feel at ease if they were asked to perform those more dangerous tasks!
But there is no way, let alone myself, there is no one in this world who can understand the language of all animals in the world, even if some can understand the thoughts of animals, they can only be distinguished from their body movements. If he doesn't really understand the words of animals, Yuan Chen has nothing to do with them!
After setting up all the dogs, Yuan Chen was ready to go back to the house to take a rest. At this moment, the QQ group notification sounded on his mobile phone. This sound was very familiar to Yuan Chen. It was the management group of Three Thousand Worlds. news!
So Yuan Chen didn't have time to go back to the room to read it slowly, and quickly took out his mobile phone to check, because whether it was a manager from a mainland in the group who offered a job or a red envelope for experience, or even a mainland who uploaded garbage, it was all for Yuan Chen. Say something exciting!
 Haha, the children's shoes for the college entrance examination are finally on holiday. Congratulations to Coca-Cola. Think about this time three years ago, the little zombie was also a member of the college entrance examination. Now they are almost graduating from college.

(End of this chapter)

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