Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 213 Don't Pierce

Chapter 213 Don't Pierce

After discussing some specific matters with Chen Jiayuan, Chen Jiayuan gave it to her partner, that is, her classmate who was a little bit unemployed like her, because Yuan Chen wanted to directly invest 300 million in their own brand, and Chen Jiayuan's classmate They are still running around to borrow money, because even if the two of them want to cooperate to open a store, they need a lot of funds, and the two of them add up to only 5 yuan!
That's why they split up to raise money everywhere. Chen Jiayuan's parents are ordinary workers, and her relatives and friends are not rich people. There are a few rich people who have nothing to do with her family. Well, after all, this kind of thing has been seen too much, many people are like this, if you have money, you are relatives, if you don't have money, it doesn't matter!
That's why Chen Jiayuan found Yuan Chen later. Although she knew that Huo Moyu's family was also rich and powerful, it was their family's business, not the two of them's business. They borrow money!

Before Chen Jiayuan had a car accident, she didn't borrow money from them. It wasn't that she didn't want to borrow money from them, but... how could Chen Jiayuan borrow money when she was dizzy!

Cough cough, let's talk again!
And it's the same this time, Chen Jiayuan never thought of borrowing money from Huo Moyu and the others, because she and Huo Moyu are just best friends, if Chen Jiayuan asks, she believes that the Huo family sisters will definitely help her, but she really doesn't want to trouble others, although 20 is just pocket money for a month or two for them!
But why did she choose to borrow money from Yuan Chen?Because the relationship between her and Yuan Chen is a bit special, not only did she and Yuan Chen know each other since they were young, but the relationship with Yuan Chen is also a bit unclear, say they are a couple, they haven't reached that point yet, although they both like each other, But no one pierced the membrane between them!

What should I do if I accidentally get pregnant?Hurry up and use it... Uh, it seems that the advertisement is not for this!

Cough cough, if the relationship between the two is not a couple, then it is definitely not a couple, but the relationship between the two is rather ambiguous, even if it is Huo Moyu, Huo Yumo and the two sisters can tell that Chen Jiayuan has feelings for Yuan Chen, And it's not just friendship, but it's obvious that Yuan Chen also has a little bit of interest in Chen Jiayuan... well, more than a little bit!
And Chen Jiayuan obviously knew this too, but she felt that the two of them were not yet married, after all, they were not married yet... Cough cough, doing friends like this is the best choice for the two of them now, that's it, Chen Jiayuan Come to Yuan Chen to borrow money!

Of course, she originally wanted to borrow 20 yuan from Yuan Chen. First, she would start a clothing store, and then develop it step by step. In the end, Chen Jiayuan also had the confidence to create her own brand. Of course, it would take a long time. , but Chen Jiayuan feels that she is still young, and this kind of thing can be done slowly!

But it's different now, because Yuan Chen wants to invest in himself now. Although he has nothing now, he has done several months of research. Although he dare not say that he has figured out the clothing industry, but I still have a little confidence in this industry, but Chen Jiayuan is really a little scared when Yuan Chen's 300 million is dropped!
"Hey, Jiayuan, wait a minute, I'm about to borrow money from here, and it's 15!" Chen Jiayuan's phone was connected, and a female voice came from the opposite side, but she obviously had some scruples, probably because of relatives Or borrow money from a friend's house, so keep your voice down!

"you do not……"

"Well, you can guess this, there is no way, I really don't know who to borrow money from except him!" The female voice on the other end of the phone was obviously a little depressed, a little forced to feel calm!

"Ah, you really asked him to borrow money, can he lend you?" Chen Jiayuan was a little surprised, and Yuan Chen didn't say much while listening!
"Well, I just want to agree to his request, although it's not too much, but..." The other end of the phone was a little hesitant, obviously borrowing money might be possible, but it's obviously not that easy for that person to lend money!

"Lili, no matter what the request is, refuse him directly!" Chen Jiayuan said with a smile, without the slightest hesitation, that is, what else can she hesitate, here is 300 million, and just now Yuan Chen directly called Give it to her!

"Ah, but he is willing to borrow 15 yuan, plus our previous 15 yuan. Even if we can't borrow any more money, it can be barely enough for us to open a store, but there is no way to buy too much!" Although the other end of the phone was a little unhappy, But she is still unwilling to give up the [-] yuan. This money is what they need to relieve their immediate needs. If they give up, they really don't know how to borrow this money until the year of the monkey!

"Then don't worry about it, we won't open a clothing store anymore!" Chen Jiayuan said!

"Don't open a clothing store? Jiayuan, why are you going back on your word at this time? Didn't we already agree to start a clothing store together? The money is almost in hand, don't worry, his request is not too much!" Sun Wenli said anxiously!

"Lili, listen to me, we won't be a clothing store anymore, we can build our clothing brand!" Chen Jiayuan said mysteriously to the phone, regardless of Yuan Chen being nearby!
"What? Jiayuan, you didn't lie to me, right? I'm about to settle the deal here. It costs 100 million yuan to make a brand, and even if you ask for a bank loan, it's not that much!" Yes, the two of them are just about to enter Two young people in society, it is not that they have not thought about finding a bank loan before, but even if it is a small loan, they may not be able to apply for it!

Yes, why do people want to give them loans, just because they have no experience, are not professionals, and only have a few investigation reports?The people in the bank are not fools, how could they just give them a loan like this!

"Hey, I didn't lie to you, the money has already been on my card, and it's not 100 million, it's 300 million, enough for us to show our talents!" Chen Jiayuan laughed, she was really happy today, that's 300 million, Besides, Yuan Chen said that it was not a loan to her, but a shareholding, which means that in the future, they don't have to pay for losses, and they will get dividends if they make profits!

"What? How much did you say? Three... 300 million?" Sun Wenli couldn't believe her ears, it was 300 million, but she knew that Chen Jiayuan would not lie to her!


After hanging up the phone in a daze, Sun Wenli returned to her seat. This was in a coffee shop, and there was a man who looked a little, uh, weird sitting opposite her seat!

"How about it? Lili, as long as you agree to be my girlfriend, I'll transfer the money to your card right away!" Said the man who looked a little strange!

"No need!" Sun Wenli said lightly, but the strange man opposite was stunned!
(End of this chapter)

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