Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 182 Happy Birthday

Chapter 182 Happy Birthday
Although Yuan Chen has a very good impression of the Xianni Dimension, and it is also the holy place for cultivating immortals that he yearns for, but each dimension has good people and bad people, good people and evil people, so Yuan Chen has a very good impression of the Xianni Dimension. Okay, but I don't have a good impression of that manager. Yuan Chen really doesn't have a good impression of a person who carelessly ignores human life!
Looking at the No. 65, Yuan Chen felt an urge to kick him out, but Yuan Chen couldn't do that, because Lin Qi would have the chance to return to her own world only if the manager of the No. 65 continent existed. Go, if he is kicked out, Yuan Chen doesn't know how to get Lin Qi back to the world of Xianni, so no matter how much Yuan Chen hates the manager of the 65th continent, he can't do it!

And at this time, a bunch of continents in the group began to bubble up, probably because the red envelopes issued by the 65th continent were indeed a lot. Yuan Chen directly snatched [-] points of experience. The previous two red envelopes for apology added up It's only [-]:[-], the gap is too big!
Continent No. [-]: The master came out to give out red envelopes again. I saw that this time I made a lot of money. I collected a lot of rubbish!
310 [-] Continent No. [-]: I guess today is the day for the master to collect experience. It seems that the people under his group have handed in a lot of experience!


Yuan Chen looked at the continents that hadn't bubbled up before, and looked at what they said. Yuan Chen didn't say much, just watched silently. He didn't know the functions of this QQ group very well, so he didn't say anything. Find out what you don't know about!

"What's the matter with collecting experience?" Yuan Chen said to himself. He had never heard of such a thing as collecting experience before, and the manager of this continent 65 also had his own QQ group. What the hell is going on? What's going on?

Yuan Chen couldn't figure it out, so he continued to watch!

NO.30 Dalu: I guess so, but the number 65 group should already have more than [-] small dimensions. It's really amazing. If you add it up, your income is much better than that of the group leader!
NO.80 Continental: Well, that's true, they are almost catching up with me, and I have to work hard!


Looking at their chat, Yuan Chen was a little speechless. There are many continents in his feelings that are more than his own jurisdiction. No wonder the previous continent said that several continents in this group are very proud. It seems that they Arrogance also has their arrogance, even if they really offend themselves and kick them out, they don't worry, their income is much better than their own!
Perhaps the level of managers in some continents is higher than their own level. Maybe it is just because they were in the range of receiving garbage before, so they were pulled into this three thousand world management group together. In fact, they are completely There is no need to be afraid of yourself!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen was puzzled for a while. Originally, he thought that his level had risen, so he would be able to manage those managers in the mainland. Originally, Yuan Chen planned to go directly to the manager of the Xianni Dimension and order him to let Lin Qi directly Going back to the Xianni Dimension, it seems that this matter will not work, at least in Yuan Chen's view, it will not work now, and it can only be temporarily delayed!

As long as my level rises, I can surpass the manager of the Immortal Inverse Dimension, and it will not be difficult for Lin Qi to return to her own world. If her level is not raised fast enough, then she can only wait for Lin Qi herself Practiced!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen looked at the continents that were gradually diving, and the management group of Three Thousand Worlds gradually calmed down. Yuan Chen checked that no one was sending red envelopes, and closed the group interface to see that Yuan Xuan had gone offline. Morning is also ready to sleep!

Three days passed quickly, and Yuan Chen came to Jiangnan City, the city where his parents lived, as promised. These parents came here to work, and now they are considered small managers in the factory, so they also It is not as busy as before. Originally, Yuan Chen planned to take his parents home for the elderly, because his younger sister Yuan Xuan had already told her parents about her situation, but her father said that she wanted to stay in this factory for a few more years to get used to it. Alright, stop not getting used to it!
Later, my mother secretly told herself that there was an election for the position of deputy factory director next year, and my father wanted to run for the position of deputy factory director. Swear, if you can't become the deputy factory director, you will have a son!
So Yuan Chen was silent, and then told his mother to let her support his father's election, even if he spent money, he would become the deputy director of the factory. Why did I swear that I would take the blame by myself? ?

When he came to Jiangnan City, Yuan Chen went straight to his parents' house, handed over the monster meat and fruit he brought to his mother, and brought some meat made from dead leaves from the world of Dionysus to his father. cigarettes, and Yuan Xuan was very disappointed when she saw what Yuan Chen brought!

"Brother, didn't I ask you to bring the beef from last time? Why did you only bring these fruits, fish and pork!" When Yuan Chen came, Yuan Xuan immediately opened the door to welcome him, and even helped Yuan Chen carry things, so that Yuan Chen Praise this sister for finally growing up and being sensible!
But when she saw what Yuan Chen brought, the joy on her face turned into anger, as if she was going to eat Yuan Chen, and she resolutely changed into the appearance of the little witch before!

"Uh, it's because the beef is gone!" Yuan Chen was speechless, these monster meats are much better than the previous ones, this little girl doesn't know what to buy!
"Are you going to bring these pork to perfuse me?" Yuan Xuan was furious. After eating that beef before, she felt that there was nothing more delicious in this world, and Yuan Chenrang brought back most of it. Into Yuan Xuan's belly!
"How do you know it's perfunctory if you don't try it?" Yuan Chen shook his head without explaining anything, because he knew that as soon as Yuan Xuan ate the monster meat, he would know how delicious the pork was!

Sure enough, when his mother brought out a plate of delicious pork at noon, Yuan Chen looked at Yuan Xuan's voracious appearance, and couldn't help laughing at her, "Who said I was being perfunctory just now!"

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooobro, this is the first time i think pork tastes better than beef!"


In the evening, Yuan Chen followed Yuan Xuan to the place where Rowling held her birthday party!
"Brother Yuan Chen, you are finally here!" Seeing Yuan Chen behind Yuan Xuan who pushed open the door, Luo Lin hurriedly got up from the sofa, went up to meet her, and called out sweetly!
"Happy birthday!"

 I can only wish you good wishes here, today is the birthday of Rowling's character archetype, I wish you a happy birthday!
(End of this chapter)

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