Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 143 Shangguan Yun

Chapter 143 Shangguan Yun

"Hurry up, the real game begins!"

"Hmm, I don't know which zoo will win the championship this time. The performance of the tiger in the championship last time was really wonderful!"

"Yeah, I still remember that tiger is from Yunya Amusement Park, I wonder what kind of performance they will prepare this time!"

Soon, the prelude to the big stage in the middle kicked off, and those who came to watch began to crowd towards this side, and the real competition was about to begin. The most anticipated by the audience, this is also a real competition of all zoos!

"How? Are you ready?" Zhou Mingxia asked. Her goal this time is not to win the championship. Her goal is to defeat Hongbo Zoo!

"There's nothing wrong with it, I'll watch Yuan Chen's main program!" Lin Hao said, pointing at Yuan Chen!
Yuan Chen nodded with a smile, indicating that there is nothing wrong with him. Xiaohua has been resting since just now, and Yuan Chen secretly fed it a small piece of monster meat to keep it in the best condition. , because Yuan Chen knew that this competition was very important to Zhou Mingxia, and it was also very important to himself!

Because if Xiaguang Zoo is suppressed by Hongbo, the animals I will cultivate in the future will be greatly reduced, and this time the show is trained by myself, and I also feed a lot of monster meat. If this is the case, I will lose to If it's Hongbo Zoo, what face do I have to raise small animals?

"Well, then let's go backstage too!" Seeing Yuan Chen nodding his head affirmatively, Zhou Mingxia felt relieved, she had an inexplicable confidence in Yuan Chen, so she also chose to trust Yuan Chen completely!
After that, Zhou Mingxia, Yuan Chen, and Lin Hao walked backstage with the electronic organ and Xiaohua, while the other two employees stayed on this small stage to take care of the other five animals. The cat turned into a big tiger now!

When I came to the backstage of the big stage, a large number of zoo representatives gathered here, as well as their animals. Most of them were large animals, and they walked in directly by leading them. Of course, there were also a few of them in cages. , but they are all big cages, and it is extremely rare for people like Yuan Chen and the others to come in with cages!

"That's the director of Hongbo Zoo!" Zhou Mingxia pointed to a middle-aged man not far away while Yuan Chen was looking around, and said to Yuan Chen!
Yuan Chen looked in the direction Zhou Mingxia pointed, and saw a middle-aged man followed by a man and a woman who looked like employees. The male employee was holding a small elephant in his hand. This is the animal they are going to compete in this time!
"Who is that person?" Yuan Chen was not interested in the director of Hongbo Zoo, on the contrary, a woman in the backstage attracted Yuan Chen's attention!

It's not that this woman is so beautiful, but that this woman is alone without any staff, or she is an employee, and the most important thing is that she only has a small birdcage in her hand, and Yuan Chen is in the bird cage. I felt a familiar feeling on the cage!

"What? Did you fall in love with him?" Seeing that Yuan Chen didn't care about the Hongbo Zoo, but instead paid attention to the single woman, Zhou Mingxia said with a half-smile!

"Ahem, do I look like that kind of person?" Yuan Chen said with a light cough!
"It's not like, you are!" Lin Hao who was next to him heard Yuan Chen's words, and quietly opened the way!
"Haha!" Seeing Yuan Chen's more resentful eyes, Zhou Mingxia burst into laughter!
"Okay, I'm not kidding you, that woman's name is Shangguan Yun, don't look at her as a woman, but she is a very powerful animal trainer and the director of Yunya Amusement Park!" Zhou Mingxia laughed for a while before finally Slow down and speak seriously!
"Oh, that looks a lot like you!" Hearing Zhou Mingxia's introduction, Yuan Chen felt that this Shangguan Yun was quite similar to Zhou Mingxia herself!

"Then you are flattering me too much. Although we are both women, animal trainers, and garden directors, the tiger she trained won the prize at the last animal exhibition. But the tiger I trained is No.9, how can I compare with her?" Hearing Yuan Chen say that she was compared with Shangguan Yun, Zhou Mingxia could only smile helplessly!
"Tsk, I didn't expect this Shangguan Yun to be so powerful!" Yuan Chen also couldn't imagine that this seemingly young woman would have such abilities!

"I don't know what animal she brought to participate in the competition this time. The cage looks like a bird cage. I didn't expect that she would bring a bird to participate in the exhibition this time!" Zhou Mingxia looked at the cage in Shangguan Yun's hand , frowned and said!
"Hey, no matter what animal she brought, we will be the champion this time!" Yuan Chen said confidently, this raccoon cat was bred from monster meat, and others don't have such a good thing, if it can't compare Go on, if you can't win the championship, then the Warcraft meat will not be so special!

While Yuan Chen and the others were discussing, Shangguan Yun also looked at this side, paused for a moment on Yuan Chen, and then turned his gaze away!
And at this moment, the lottery results of the competition came out. The order of each exhibition is arranged, and then the animals in each zoo will have 5 minutes to perform. After all, the zoos participating in the exhibition are too big. There are many, there are dozens of zoos in the entire Eastern Guangdong Province that are eligible to participate!
Yuan Chen looked at the results of the lottery. There are 49 zoos and amusement parks participating in the exhibition this time, and Xiaguang Zoo is ranked No. 20, which is considered to be in the middle, while Hongbo Zoo is No. 13. No. 20 appearance, and that Yunya Amusement Park actually ranked No. [-], just behind Xia Guang!
Seeing the ranking, the director of Hongbo Zoo also looked at Zhou Mingxia with disdain in his eyes. When he saw the small cage in Lin Hao's hand, the disdain in his eyes deepened!
"What is so proud of a person who buys animals from outside the province to participate in the competition!" Seeing the disdainful gaze, Lin Hao said angrily!
"Since there is no rule in the conference that purchased animals cannot be used to participate, and to put it this way, don't we also rely on the animals cultivated by Yuan Chen to participate in the competition?" Zhou Mingxia said after hearing Lin Hao's words, since Xiaguang also relied on If you use animals cultivated by others to participate in the competition, then you are not qualified to say that people buy animals to participate!

"But that guy is really annoying!" Yuan Chen said after hearing Zhou Mingxia and the two of them!
At this time, there was a burst of warm applause outside, and the real competition began!

 Two changes will be resumed today, the two changes owed will be made up, and the one change of the monthly ticket will also be made up

(End of this chapter)

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