Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 130 Live Streaming

Chapter 130 Live Streaming
"What method?" Everyone asked, obviously curious about what kind of good method Liu Ke would have!

"It's very simple! You only need to take those silkworm excrement to test and you can know whether those silkworm excrement contains hormones, and you can also directly take those fish to test, so the rumors can be self-defeating?" Liu Ke said!
"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Yuan Chen said, as long as the fish and some silkworm excrement are sent to the testing agency, as long as the test results come out, those rumors will be self-defeating, and Yuan Chen doesn't have to worry at all. The aura contained in those silkworm excrement or fish will be detected, so there is no problem at all in this case!

"It's not that simple. If you post the test results on the Internet, I guarantee that it won't be long before another rumor comes out, saying that your silkworm excrement and fish are all prepared. It must be cheating. Although these are all Rumors, but the power of those naval forces will make those rumors true!" Liu Yuxuan said, he has been out of this society for a long time, so he has come into contact with more things than Yuan Chen and Liu Ke There are many, so he can see a drawback of this method at once!

"Yeah, that's right, it is indeed possible to do this!" Song Wei nodded, and after listening to Liu Yuxuan's analysis, he also felt that it made sense. Since those people can use one method to create rumors, they can also Once again, just hiring a small number of sailors is enough, and then there will be a lot of people who don't think it's a big deal to join them, just like this time!
"No, I think Mr. Liu Ke's proposal is good, but it's just one more thing to do!" Just when everyone frowned and couldn't think of a good way, Tao Qiong said!
"Oh, what's the matter?" Everyone was immediately attracted by Tao Qiong's words, including Liu Ke. Liu Yuxuan had already found out the shortcomings of this matter before, and doing so would only achieve a temporary effect. There will be bigger rumors!

"We only need to use the webcast!" Tao Qiong said mysteriously!

"Internet live broadcast?" Everyone knows that online live broadcast can be used to watch videos on different communication platforms at the same time through the network system. Videos are mainly divided into real-time live broadcast games, movies, or TV dramas, etc., but this is not the same as Hantan What does fish matter?

"Yes, we only need to broadcast live fish farming!" Tao Qiong continued!
"Live fish farming?" Liu Ke said, he watched a lot of live games, and spent a lot of money on the female anchors above, but this is the first time he heard of live fish farming, so will anyone watch it?
"Well, Mr. Yuan, didn't you say that it takes only fifteen days for your fish to mature?" Tao Qiong remembered that Yuan Chen said before that it only takes fifteen days for Hantan fish to reach maturity. The biggest trump card of Tan Fishery is that no company can produce fish so quickly and efficiently!
"Yes!" This matter is no longer a secret. The restaurants that cooperate with Yuan Chen all know that the fish in Hantan Fishery is cooked every [-] days, so they don't have to worry that Yuan Chen's fish will run out of stock!
"In this case, we will open a live webcast, from the detection of silkworm excrement, and then directly purchase fry from fishermen, and then the whole process of fish farming, [-] days of uninterrupted live broadcast, and then we can also test the fish In this way, the rumors will be self-defeating!" Tao Qiong said, this is a more effective method that she came up with after hearing the method Liu Ke said!

"Yes, we can live broadcast the process of raising fish!" Yuan Chen said. Anyway, no one else has those silkworm excrement, so it can be broadcasted live for others to watch. As for the silkworm excrement being stolen, there is no need to worry at all. Those people can step into their yard, Yuan Chen can definitely let them walk in and go out lying down!

"Yeah, this method is good, and we can directly book the location of the live broadcast in Chenxuan Building. In this way, we can make a big publicity for Hantanyu and Chenxuan Building!" Liu Yuxuan thought for a while, and also felt that This method is feasible, so I nodded and said!

The method was decided, the location was chosen, and Yuan Chen was handed over to Tao Qiong for the execution. She would do this kind of thing better than Yuan Chen, so Yuan Chen could feel relieved if she was handed over to her!

And on the second day, Chenxuan Building announced the suspension of business, which undoubtedly gave a bigger argument to those who targeted Hantan Fishery Company. Why did Chenxuan Building fall out with Hantan Fishery? The reason for Hantan Fish was closed. Chenxuan Building was ordered to close due to the fact that there was something wrong with Hantan Fish. The most outrageous thing is that the boss of Chenxuan Building colluded with the boss of Hantan Fishery. Now that something happened, the owner of Chenxuan Building ran away with the money, leaving the owner of Hantan Fishery alone to bear the responsibility!

When Yuan Chen saw the news, there was a row of black lines on the back of his head. He co-authored it to frame him, and he ran away with the money and left himself to bear the responsibility alone. His identity was not revealed - the identity of the owner of Luchenxuan Building, so it can be said that the outside world does not know of his existence, and only a few people know about it. Even those cooperative hotels have never seen Yuan Chen!

And as soon as these news came out, some restaurants couldn't sit still. They were all restaurants that had a cooperative relationship with Yuan Chen. If Hantanyu had any problems, their reputation would be damaged, and Some of the more impulsive ones already called Tao Qiong to ask about the specific situation!

And some medium-sized hotels don’t know if they were bought by Xie Yunpeng, but they even publicly apologized on the Internet, saying that they were cheated by Hantan Company to sell these hormone fish. Now the hotel is considering suing Hantan Fishery company!

Seeing the attitudes of these companies, Yuan Chen had no good impression of them before. Yuan Chen asked Tao Qiong to write down the names of these restaurants. As long as the contract expires, Yuan Chen will never have anything to do with them again. Cooperation, and for several restaurants that are still supporting Hantan Fishery on the Internet, Yuan Chen also asked Tao Qiong to register them. It seems that the cooperation between these restaurants can be closer in the future!

And while everyone was still discussing the closure of Chenxuan Restaurant, Hantan Fishery Company, the central figure in the incident this afternoon, also announced that they would conduct Hantan fish testing at Chenxuan Restaurant, and they would also directly The whole process of fish farming is broadcast live on the Internet!

And this undoubtedly caused an uproar on the Internet. In an instant, many people were talking about this matter, with all kinds of opinions, but Yuan Chen ignored them, because all rumors would be broadcast during the fifteen days. Disappear!
 Thank you for time lapse cg, Milky Space for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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