Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 127 Training the raccoon cat

Chapter 127 Training the raccoon cat

After arranging the dog guards, Yuan Chen took the previous ten dogs back to the villa. The things in the villa are much more important than the fish in the fishing ground, although the villa has more powerful pets such as tiger teeth and little Jiji. , but after the fish was stolen from the fishing ground, Yuan Chen also understood a truth, no matter how powerful a pet is, it cannot take care of everything!

No matter how powerful Huya Little Jiji is, if he is a caring person, he can definitely make a move to distract Huya Little Jiji and Black Winged Eagle. Basically, there is no big problem. Although Lin Qi is sometimes at home, he will also After the state of cultivation, it will be even more troublesome if the critical moment of cultivation is interrupted!

As for those lovesick birds, Yuan Chen is even more hopeless, it is okay to let them act as mobile cameras, as long as someone approaches them, they can detect them, but if they want to deal with introductory thieves, Yuan Chen might as well raise a cat more practically!
Moreover, the IQs of the little birds are relatively low. Although Yuan Chen can make them listen to him by relying on his mental power, and then learn several relatively difficult performances, those are all habits that they form through the control of mental power. , If you really want them to prevent theft independently, it is basically impossible!
To bring these ten dogs back, first, there are already 130 dogs patrolling the fishing ground, and for the 100-acre fishing ground, more than [-] dogs are enough to patrol; second, the villa is said to be big, It’s not too big, it’s just right for ten dogs to patrol here. This can prevent some thieves from taking care of them, and it’s also convenient for Yuan Chen to train these ten dogs: Third, the size of these ten dogs is smaller than Ordinary dogs are much bigger. Although they are nothing in the countryside, it is inevitable that people in the city or other dog lovers will find them. Just like Mr. Xu before, he only found Yuan Chen's dog because he liked Yuan Chen's dog. Morning!
So Yuan Chen took them back to the villa, so that he didn't have to worry too much about being discovered by others. Although this is in the city, it is in the suburbs, and it is still in the villa area. Generally, few people come, even if they are Some people also drive, and few people will go to see the dogs raised in other people's villas, unless they have ulterior motives!

After settling all the dogs down, Yuan Chen also started to idle, and in the next time, it seemed that he should train the raccoon cat properly. Because he was anxious to train the dogs guarding the fishing ground, Yuan Chen Chen also put it aside, after all, the fishing ground is more important, and there is still a month before the pet exhibition, this month is enough time for Yuan Chen to train this raccoon cat properly!

This raccoon cat is already good-looking, and it grows up and down like a misnomer, and its hair is also very smooth and beautiful, but after Yuan Chen's feeding for a week, this raccoon cat is even more beautiful, even if it is not With some training, you can also get a lot of praise, and this raccoon cat has grown up a lot now than when it was sent, and it has surpassed ordinary raccoon cats by a lot, but the trend is still growing!
Because the training of raccoon cats is not as good as training dog guards, raccoon cats have to perform when they die, so they need to train a lot of skills, while dog guards only need simple training. This is like training an artist, it takes a long time Only by training and teaching can we succeed, it cannot be achieved overnight!

In order to cultivate this raccoon cat, Yuan Chen also watched a lot of cat training videos, and also watched many cat performances, but in Yuan Chen's opinion, those performances were a bit too simple, even for ordinary cats. It can be done, and Yuan Chen raised this raccoon cat mainly to make it crush other zoo pets. If it is an online performance, it is easy to be crushed by other large pets!
No matter how good the performance of raccoon cats is, compared to the performances of large animals, people still prefer to watch performances such as tigers, lions and elephants. For small animals such as cats, dogs and birds, unless they really like them, otherwise, if the performances are ordinary , will not receive too much attention!

Just like Yuan Chen when he was a child, there are usually circus performances, and they always pull their father to say that they want to see tigers, but they don’t say they want to see kittens jump through hoops. This is the difference, everyone still prefers fierce Large animals, as for the cute little animals, girls probably prefer them!

And Yuan Chen's goal this time is to crush other animals with the raccoon cat. This crushing is not only crushing in terms of body shape and appearance, but also internally. It is not only to be cute and cute in performance to make girls happy , but also pretend to be forceful, so that those big guys who pick their feet will also like this little cat's performance!

However, after racking his brains, Yuan Chen couldn't come up with any more innovative performances. In the end, Yuan Chen chose a performance, which was inspired by the cat and mouse cartoon he watched when he was a child. Yuan Chen wanted to let this raccoon cat play Piano, but because the piano is too big and heavy, Yuan Chen later changed it into an electronic piano!
After buying the electronic piano, Yuan Chen was stunned, because he couldn't understand the music score, and he didn't know where to start. In the end, he could only make up for it for a day and a night. Now Yuan Chen's head has become special because of his spiritual cultivation. He is flexible, and his memory has also become particularly good, and remembering things is extremely laborious, so Yuan Chen spent a day and a night to memorize the general idea, at least now he can read the piano score, but it is a bit difficult for him to play the piano!

After all, being able to read the score does not mean that you will be able to play the piano. Playing the piano needs to be practiced over time to be successful. Otherwise, everyone can recite the score, and everyone can become a master by memorizing it. Then the pianist is worthless !
After understanding the basics, Yuan Chen also began to slowly train Xiaohua to play the electronic piano with mental strength. What Yuan Chen watched on the Internet was also the teaching of the electronic piano, so he was able to teach by hand, but because the cat's paws are not like human The five fingers of his body were spread out the same, which brought a lot of difficulties to Yuan Chen's training!

Later, Yuan Chen could only learn by himself, so he searched for information on the Internet and simplified the piano score by himself. Although this was a bit difficult for Yuan Chen who had no musical knowledge, under Yuan Chen's super brain, he gradually Changed it to a score that is more suitable for Xiaohua!
And this score does not need so many fingers to cooperate at the same time than before, but it pays more attention to speed than before, so Yuan Chen also needs to train Xiaohua's hand speed, so that he can play this piece very well!

 The plot needs it, if someone who understands music thinks what the little zombie said is unreasonable, please do not spray it, please please /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~
(End of this chapter)

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