Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 122 What a good idea

Chapter 122 What a good idea

Yuan Chen took out his mobile phone, and it showed the news of Continent 65. Yuan Chen remembered that this was the Xianni Dimension, which was the continent that Lin Qi was in before. When Lin Qi found Yuan Chen, she hoped that Yuan Chen could Help him return to the world of Xianni, because Lin Qi's family is there, and Yuan Chen also sent a message to ask the manager of Xianni world in order to allow Lin Qi to return to his own world!
But what I received now is not an email, but a message. Although it is not an email, Yuan Chen is still very excited, because the news over there proves that there may be hope for Lin Qi to return to the Xianni world. Get along with Lin Qi After so long, Yuan Chen is also very familiar with Lin Qi. Lin Qi's nature is not bad, and he also hopes to return to his own world, so Yuan Chen has always been looking forward to the manager of Xianni World to pass on Get a message and tell yourself how to get Lin Qi back!
So Yuan Chen quickly put down what he was doing, and clicked on the jumping head portrait, but looking at the words on it, Yuan Chen frowned, because there were only four words on it, and it was indeed a reply to Yuan Chen's question, But it is not to teach Yuan Chen how to beat Lin Qi, but a way to solve this problem!

"Oh, what a good idea!" Yuan Chen shook his head with a smile, and then continued to do the work at hand, opening the cages of those dogs, because there are 130 dogs, even Xia Guang doesn't have that many cages, so many dogs are packed in one big cage!

Yuan Chen released those dogs, and those dogs didn't run around. With Yuan Chen's mental strength now, it couldn't be easier to control these dogs to stay in place quietly, and Yuan Chen now All you have to do is sort them into categories!

Yuan Chen's main task is to divide those dogs into grades, to separate the strong ones from the weaker ones, because these dogs were all bought from dog dealers, so there are more types, and Yuan Chen wants to train them If you become a dog guard, you have to go through different trainings, and you have to feed different amounts of monster meat!

Now Yuan Chen mainly wants to train them to be patrol guard dogs for the fishing ground of Hantan Fishery Co., Ltd., so Yuan Chen does not intend to feed a large amount of monster meat like training those ten dogs. It is enough to be strong, and those dogs that are stronger now can make them extraordinary by feeding a small amount of monster meat, while those dogs that are thinner or disabled need to be fed more monster meat!
After sorting, Yuan Chen went into the room and took out the prepared monster meat. Now Yuan Chen already had the monster meat, and the monster meat tasted even more delicious than the monster meat, so Yuan Chen simply used the previous monster meat to feed his pets, but only Huya, Xiao Jiji, and Black Winged Eagle fed monster meat, and these three guys also kept their mouths in their mouths, and now Yuan Chen occasionally feeds them Warcraft meat, they are still a little unhappy!
But Yuan Chen knew that it was probably not because of the taste that they didn't eat monster meat, but because the energy carried by monster meat was better for their bodies than the energy carried by monster meat, so Yuan Chen didn't. Be stingy with monster meat, feed them monster meat every day!

And after such a long period of feeding, not only the little Jiji and the black-winged eagle have grown up, but even the tiger tooth, which has never grown up, has grown up a bit. Obviously, this is the same as the effect of the black land on the spirit of vegetation. The energy of animal meat is more than that of Warcraft meat, which also gives Huya enough energy, so it will grow!

Seeing that Huya can grow up, Yuan Chen is also very pleased, because in his opinion, the power of Huya cannot be underestimated, at least it is at the level of a lord, maybe its strength cannot compare to the previous one. Demonic beasts can't compare to the current demonic beast, but to make it grow up, the power contained in the flesh of these two beasts is far from enough!

However, Yuan Chen has no plans to let Huya grow to the lord level for the time being, because Yuan Chen's current strength is still very weak, and he can't control Huya. If Huya really grows to the lord level, then its intelligence will definitely be qualitative. At that time, they may not recognize Yuan Chen as a "relative" and get rid of Yuan Chen's control. At that time, no one in this world will be its opponent, and no one will be able to control it, and devour the starry sky world The scene may happen on the earth now!

Divide the monster meat into 130 parts. Ever since he gained mental strength, Yuan Chen found that it is much easier to do some things than before. For example, dividing the monster meat into 130 parts now, Yuan Chen probably would have cut it quite well in the past. It's annoying, but for Yuan Chen now, it is the most convenient ability to control the knife with mental power and also control the size of the cut with mental power!

When Yuan Chen handed the assigned monster meat to each dog, the dogs who had been very obedient and quiet suddenly became agitated and began to eat the monster meat in front of them. Stop it, because he knows that as long as they eat these monster meat, these dogs will not be able to drive them away even if Yuan Chen wants to drive them away. Even Huya can't get rid of the temptation of monster meat. Chinese dog!

After swallowing the monster meat in front of them, some of the dogs that had been a bit sluggish also regained some of their spirits, and the dogs that were already in good spirits were even more energetic, but they didn't understand why they looked better than those old, weak and sick They are more majestic, but they get less delicious meat than them!
Of course, they will not snatch other dogs' meat, because when they think about it, an idea will appear in their minds, telling themselves that as long as they eat other dogs' food, they will never eat it again. Can't get enough of such good food!
These are the thoughts that Yuan Chen just forcibly instilled in their minds with his mental power to tame the beasts. This is also to prevent them from robbing each other and causing internal struggles. What Yuan Chen wants is a strong dog guard team , not a group of wild dogs robbing each other!

After feeding the dogs, Yuan Chen turned his attention to a delicate cage, inside which lay a raccoon cat, although it was a raccoon cat, but the hair looked extremely beautiful, and the pair of eyes were actually They are two eyes of different colors, and they look very spiritual, revealing a sense of intelligence. It seems that Zhou Mingxia has carefully selected them, otherwise she would not have sent a raccoon cat here. Other cats are better than this one. There are many beautiful varieties of cihuamao, and there are many in Xiaguang, but I am afraid that there are not many that are more spiritual than this cihuamao!
"Nice cat, let's call you Xiao Hua from now on!" Yuan Chen said as he released Xiao Hua from the cage, and then Xiao Hua poked her head outside, because there were more than 100 dogs outside. After some danger, he came out and circled around Yuan Chen's feet!

"Hey, that's right, you're so smart and spiritual without eating monster meat, and you'll definitely become even more extraordinary after eating monster meat!" Looking at the little flower walking around at his feet, Yuan Chen smiled. Nodding his head, he didn't control Xiaohua with mental power, all of this was Xiaohua's own actions!

Afterwards, Yuan Chen handed a piece of monster meat to Xiao Hua. Although Xiao Hua had not weak intelligence, she still couldn't get rid of the temptation of the monster meat, so she ate it slowly with the monster meat in her mouth!

In the evening, Yuan Chen told Lin Qixian that there was news from the World Against the World. When Lin Qi heard the news, she was much more excited than eating a generation fish with aura, but when Yuan Chen handed the phone to him, Lin Qi, who was originally full of excitement, felt as if someone had poured a basin of cold water on her face. She lost all energy. She even walked out alone without even touching his favorite spiritual fish!
There is no other reason. The manager of Xianni World sent a very simple method to deal with Lin Qi, four words without a trace of emotion: kill it!
(End of this chapter)

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