The Raiders of Quick Pass

Chapter 642 Cang Lin · Extra Story

Chapter 642 Cang Lin · Extra Story
The water was cold, freezing cold.

Ironically, he was sealed here by his own people.

Cang Lin didn't know how many years he had stayed here.

Open your eyes occasionally, but you can only see the sparkling water waves in the cold pool.Curled up in an egg, he muddles through in self-loathing.

until one day...

"Whoa, whoa-"

The sound of someone paddling the water.

It is very light, but it wakes up the dragon sealed in the egg.

The water seems to be contaminated with the other party's breath, it is a very sweet peach blossom fragrance, and there is an inexplicably familiar smell.

Cang Lin opened his eyes, the pupils were blood red.

Unable to see who was on the shore, he frowned impatiently, but he could sense that the other party was not malicious.

As time went by, he could feel that the seal was getting weaker and weaker, so it was understandable that someone would break in without knowing what to do.

The man just stood there for a while and then left. He didn't pay much attention, curled up his tail, closed his eyes and continued to sleep.

But for half a month after that, that person would come to the edge of the cold pool every day to look at the water, and a word or two from time to time let Cang Lin tell that she was a woman.

He flicked the dragon's tail irritably, a little puzzled.

She can't see herself, what's so interesting about this broken pond, she visits it every day, whether it's annoying or not.

That's what he thought at the time.

But she didn't come here for a few days after that, and her heart was filled with disappointment, a sense of grievance of being ignored, and a little bit of expectation.

With such complicated emotions in mind, I spent a few days half asleep and half awake.

When the woman appeared again, she said, "Goodbye."

The inexplicable sentence successfully made him feel uneasy.

So for the first time, he exposed himself in front of her, and it really caught her attention.

"I said Lord Egg, let me introduce myself first, my name is Qingwu, and I am a Peach Blossom Demon." The girl said these words with a smile, her voice soft and waxy.

green grass...

Huh, it turned out to be a little monster.

"Now that we know each other, why don't you hide from me next time?"

Hearing this, Cang Lin flicked the dragon's tail unhappily, and retorted silently: Who is hiding from you.

"I'm going to sleep, I'll see you next time." The girl at that time left behind these words.

Cang Lin thought that the next time she said would be the next day, so she waited boredly.

Day by day, month by month...

Time seems to have passed for a long time.

After a long time, the patience disappeared, and Cang Lin hit the shell of the egg with the dragon tail very violently in the egg, both angry and wronged.

fraud!I promised to come and see him!

Perhaps it was because there was too much noise, the girl finally appeared after a long time.

It was as if I suddenly remembered my own existence while I was busy, so I came over to check it out.

I don't care, so I completely ignore it.

This kind of mood that only he is expecting and caring is simply pretending to be affectionate.

Later, the girl jumped off the cold pool and took him away from the cold pool that imprisoned him for a long time.

I was free, but I didn't want to leave at all.

But being in the egg and not being able to see her face made him very upset.

After finally breaking the two layers of seals and breaking out of the shell, I searched around in the peach forest but did not see the girl.

She left again, like last time.

Once such thoughts arise, they cannot be suppressed.

Cang Lin held an eggshell as thin as cicada's wings but as hard as black iron, with her slender lips tightly pressed together, exuding low air pressure all over her body.

Immersed in the thoughts of being abandoned again, the girl's voice sounded ethereal: "Dragon egg?"

He froze, then turned around and looked, and said, "Cang Lin, my name is Cang Lin."


Qingwu: "Why are you always thinking about going back to Taolin?"

Cang Lin smiled slightly.

Because there, I first saw you.

——The peach blossoms, scorching its flowers; when the son returns home, it is suitable for his family.

(End of this chapter)

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