Doomsday Unlimited

Chapter 93 Formation

Chapter 93 Formation
"I like the woods, and I like the complex terrain, so my ability can really be used."

In the woods, Wang Cheng stood on a tall tree, hiding his figure among the flourishing branches and leaves, with his eyes closed, his thoughts and distracted souls were scattered around, and the distracted souls hidden in other people's bodies also What they saw was transmitted to Wang Cheng's mind in an endless stream.

There is a three-dimensional map in Wang Cheng's consciousness, and all the conditions in the southern part of the forest are reflected in it, whether it is trees, stones, fallen leaves, as well as soldiers and enemies in his village, they can be seen one by one, it is like playing a game When using God's perspective with the map fully open, even an ordinary person knows how terrifying this ability is on the battlefield.

"Lin Yu, there is a group of enemies approaching at nine o'clock. There are ten humans and ten ghost soldiers. You take people to deal with them."

"Lao Li, there is a tiger above the fourth rank over there, don't go there anymore, leave."

"Daniu, a large team of hundreds of ghosts has spotted you. You run to the back and lead them into an ambush point."

"Brother Luo, you lead people to ambush near the crooked neck tree, waiting for the enemy to enter the urn."


The orders were conveyed to his subordinates in the village through Wang Cheng's divided soul, or through Lin Yu's communication bead back then. It was like cheating to allow his team to avoid danger and eliminate the enemy, but this time it was led into an ambush Hundreds of enemies are no exception, being surrounded by Luo Wei and Daniel.

"The sky is dead, and the yellow sky will stand."

Luo Wei, who took the lead, roared immediately after rushing out. This is not a slogan. With his roar, a faint yellow light appeared on him and the ghost soldiers of the Yellow Turban camp, and the fighting power of all the ghost soldiers instantly increased by about [-]% , Wang Cheng asked Niu Jian, this is called a formation, and Luo Wei used the Yellow Turban formation unique to the Yellow Turban camp.

"According to what those ghosts said, this yellow scarf array is not simple. If there are only ten people, it can only increase the strength by 10%. If there are a hundred people, it will be [-]%. If there are a thousand people, it will be [-]%. For [-] people, it will be [-]%. Sixty percent people, the more people, the stronger the strength, and this formation can be used in other ways, for example, everyone's strength can be concentrated on the main general, so that the main general's strength can be greatly increased in a short period of time, etc. "

"Those ghosts say that we can use this formation, but we must train together to form a tacit understanding, and we must believe in General Tiangong, that is, the old Taoist Zhang Jiao. You know that I am a party member and an atheist. Of course I can't believe it. Although others I also want to use this formation to increase my strength, but either I can't bear the training, or I can't form a belief, so far no one can use this formation."

"This formation seems to be related to the soul. I feel that their soul fluctuations become consistent when the formation is used."

Ever since he knew this formation, Wang Cheng has been paying close attention to it, and even created conditions for Luo Wei to use the formation. His eyes were full of greed: "This formation is a good thing. I must get it, but I can't get it through the Yellow Turban Army." Huh, believe in General Tiangong, don’t say you can’t believe it, even if you really believe it, that person is useless, and you have to get it through other methods.”

"The big man is mighty."

Not only the Yellow Turban Army has formations, but also the Shu Army on Liao Hua's side. With the long shouts from the leader, red lights appeared on everyone's bodies, representing the fire virtue of the Han Dynasty, and then the two sides began to fight hard, just fighting The result was doomed early on, because the all-knowing Wang Cheng was in control of everything.

"It's just that I can't find anything out of this kind of observation. I still need to catch a ghost general and study it carefully. The Yellow Turban camp can't move here, so I can only move the Liao Hua camp over there. Eh, someone actually broke my idea? "

While meditating, Wang Cheng suddenly sensed that an idea was broken about a thousand meters away on the left. He sneered, stretched his hands to grab the branches, and moved quickly between the trees like a monkey. At the same time, a nearby ghost quickly Go to the location where the thought was broken, and continue to monitor.

The sub-soul itself is very concealable. If it is attached to the big tree and integrated with the big tree, it will not be discovered, but the idea is composed of spiritual power, which will fluctuate. Generally speaking, the spiritual power is the same as Wang Cheng's. Anyone who is equal or stronger can detect the existence of thoughts.

Wang Cheng is only a half-soul now, and only half of his spirit is left. Although after a night of devouring, the spirit of this half-soul has reached about 30 points, but it is not too high. Ability users with mental equipment will have higher spirits than him, so it's not too unexpected to be broken.

A middle-aged man who broke Wang Cheng's thoughts, at this time, he was respectfully reporting to the head of the Liao Hua camp: "Master the head of the village, just now someone was watching us with spiritual power, and I have already broken it."

"Then can you find out where that person is?"

The head of the village frowned and asked coldly. Although he is the head of the village, there are only more than 50 people and ghosts here, and the others are scattered around. It is the same action pattern as Wang Cheng's village.

The middle-aged man who wanted to show his merits was suddenly a little embarrassed, he said: "No, I can't know where he is, but it shouldn't be too far away."

"It's really useless. This kind of detection method can play an amazing role in such a terrain. It must be killed as soon as possible. You can't find him?"

The head of the village reprimanded displeasedly, the middle-aged man dared not say anything. In fact, the attitude of ghosts towards humans has never been good. There are even quite a few ghosts who have an inexplicable hatred for humans and even treat humans as human beings. Slavery, like Wang Cheng, is a special case. One is that Luo Wei, a yellow-turban wrestler, is good to humans, and the other is that he has shown his strength, so General Du treats him kindly, and now he is the head of the village. Except for a few ghost generals, other ghosts are not qualified to show him face.

After reprimanding the middle-aged man for a while, the head of the village ordered: "Several corporal leaders lead the people to disperse, and find them for me."

"Don't worry about it, I'm here."

Accompanied by a loud laugh, a figure swung over from a distance as if on a swing, and then rolled and landed flexibly in the air, stirring up a burst of fallen leaves.

The ghosts raised their weapons at the same time in a posture of guard. Humans have also experienced many battles, and their reactions were not slow. However, after seeing the person coming, many of them were subconsciously stunned, and exclaimed: "This is... the road. fly……"

"In the name of my Wang Cheng.D. Lu Fei, be angry, scream, and fight."

Wang Cheng's evil heart arose, he raised his head high, drew a half circle in front of his right hand, and said in a high-pitched voice, it seemed that following his voice, there was a surge of excitement in the hearts of both people and ghosts present. He was extremely angry, and then raised the weapon in his hand with red eyes and stabbed at the body of the companion next to him, and screams rang out one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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