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Chapter 311 My sister is not from the Dong family?

Chapter 311 My sister is not from the Dong family?
"I know a secret about your sister Dong Xin!"

The man said in a deep voice.

Yang Fan raised his eyelids to stare at him, and faintly uttered a word: "Say!"

Looking at Yang Fan's indifferent eyes, the person in casual clothes trembled, and instantly felt his scalp tingling as if he was blocking a natural enemy!
He gritted his teeth, and then summoned up his courage and said, "I only have one request, that is, after I tell my lord this secret, please let us go!"

Yang Fan still stared at him indifferently, and said slowly: "You have no choice!"

The man in casual clothes froze, and his face flushed a little, as if he wanted to be angry but didn't dare to be humiliated.

After a while, he finally spoke up.

"My lord, I once overheard the head of the Dong family saying that your sister is not related by blood to the Dong family..."


Yang Fan suddenly raised his head and started staring at him closely!

A powerful evil spirit instantly rushed towards the man in casual clothes!
The man in casual clothes often felt as if the surrounding air had become frozen, and this terrifying aura made him kneel instantly, and at the same time made him almost out of breath!
Hearing what the man in casual clothes said, Dong Yuan and a person in the crowd turned pale instantly!

He... As a collateral child, he dared to eavesdrop on the Patriarch's speech!
What is his purpose?How many times has he overheard?What secrets do you know?
Could it be that he already had the intention of rebelling against the family?

Thinking of this, Dong Yuan looked at the man in casual clothes with killing intent in his eyes!
The man in casual clothes naturally felt the killing intent from the sky-level supernatural being behind him. Although his spine was a little chilled, he had already fought it!

If I don't sell them, I'm afraid I won't be able to go out with them today!

And if you tell the secret, there may still be some hope of survival!

The rest of the Dong family obviously didn't know some of the secrets, and they all looked at Dong Yuan and the man in casual clothes in surprise.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Of course Dong Xin is from the Dong family, what is your intention to spread rumors here?!"

A direct descendant of the Dong family stood up and angrily scolded the man in casual clothes.

They are not fools, knowing that if Yang Fan's sister is really not from the Dong family, how much Yang Fan's anger will they have to bear? !

You must know that marrying Dong Xin to Zhou's family had made Yang Fan so furious, and if Yang Fan thought that their Dong family had become a marriage purely using Dong Xin, then the Dong family would really suffer a catastrophe!
By the way, Dong Xin is by Yang Fan's side now!
Now that Dong Xin has been brought back, the Zhou family...

What happened to the Zhou family, and everyone in the Dong family didn't dare to think badly about it!
Facing the rebuttal and questioning of the direct descendant, the man in casual clothes didn't care at all.

Although he was about to collapse due to the terrifying aura exuded by his predecessor Yang Fan, he still faced Yang Fan and said with difficulty: "My lord...you only need to go to the hospital for an appraisal to see if your sister is of Dong family blood!"

Yang Fan looked at the younger sister beside him, and saw that she was also in a daze, looking a little confused.

Yang Fan moved his left hand and held his sister's hand.

Some cold.

Yang Keke was held by Yang Fan, and subconsciously looked at Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled softly at her, and said softly, "Everything is up to me!"

Yang Keke blinked his eyes, felt warm in his heart, nodded slightly, and finally showed a smile.

Afterwards, Yang Fan looked at the man in casual clothes and said lightly, "Tell me everything you know!"

"Yes, my lord! That day..."

The man in casual clothes slowly spoke out what he had heard that day.

It turned out that not long after Yang Keke arrived at the Dong family, when he was undergoing a physical examination, the senior members of the Dong family already knew that Yang Keke was not their Dong family!

Of course, the Patriarch of the Dong family did have an illegitimate daughter who was living outside, otherwise the Dong family would not have come to pick up Yang Keke in person in such a pretentious manner.

However, when they learned that Yang Keke was not from the blood of the Dong family, the Zhou family quickly came to force the marriage!
Under such circumstances, the Dong family naturally chose to send Yang Keke to the Zhou family!

After all, he is just an outsider.

When Yang Fan heard this, his eyes were already icy cold!
He looked at Dong Yuan indifferently, and said without emotion: "What else do you have to say!"

At this time, Yang Fan looked extremely terrifying!
Although there is no endless evil spirit emanating from his body, it can still put endless pressure on Dong Yuan!
Although Dong Yuan was a little frightened, he still maintained a certain level of composure.

"My lord, what this collateral child is not telling the truth, our Dong family must admit that we were wrong to marry Dong Xin into the Zhou family, but we definitely did not intend to take advantage of her!"

"Although the Zhou family is persecuting us, why don't we think about Dong Xin's happiness? As for whether Dong Xin is from the blood of our Dong family, we are not sure now. After all, when Dong Xin came here, he was accompanied by the young master of the Zhou family. The inspection report It was also given to us by the young master of the Zhou family, and I never thought about whether the young master of the Zhou family would make a fake, because there is no need!"

"Heh! Old fox, you're so sneaky about throwing the pot away. Do you dare to swear to God that you don't know about all this?"

The man in casual clothes said to Dong Yuan with a sneer.

"Of course I dare!"

Dong Yuan answered righteously.


The man in casual clothes felt that Dong Yuan was really shameless, and instantly became angry!
"My lord, now I feel that this collateral child has bad intentions and is trying to sow discord, please allow me to clean up the family!"

Yang Fan looked at this scene indifferently. To him, it was the dog of the Dong family who bit the dog.

As for which of them lied, Yang Fan also has a way to identify!

"Old fox, you forced me! My lord, I also know that there was another woman present at the time, and she was Zhang Li, your sister's nominal mother!"

The man in casual clothes leaned forward and said to Yang Fan!

Yang Fan could feel that when the other party said these words, he obviously felt that his sister's hand tightened instantly!

Yang Fan's face became more and more gloomy. He looked at the crowd of Dong's family and said indifferently, "Zhang Li, why don't you come out?"

At this time, a woman who still had charm walked out from the crowd, her face was pale at this time, she lowered her head and dared not look at Yang Fan.

"Is what he said true?"

Yang Fan's voice was low and not loud, but it still surprised Zhang Li!
"Yes Yes……"

Zhang Li still lowered her head, waiting for Ai Ai's answer, because of fear, even her body was shaking!
At this moment, Yang Fan could feel his sister's hand tightening!
Yang Fan knew that his sister had always longed for caring and family affection. The Dong family used to give her everything she wanted, but now the Dong family personally killed her!

Yang Fan's eyes became extremely cold, he disappeared instantly, and then appeared in front of Dong Yuan, his eyes shining like needles of silver light!

Dong Yuan looked at Yang Fan's silver eyes, and was instantly drawn in!

(End of this chapter)

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