Take the game to the city

Chapter 222 You want to live with me?

Chapter 222 You want to live with me?
"Are you going to live with me?"

Yang Fan looked at Zhu Yi, a little confused about what the girl was thinking.

Does this girl know what is the difference between men and women?
"Brother Fan, I'm serious. I once said that I would be your sharp sword. At that time, I was not capable enough, but now I have enough strength!"

Zhu Yi said to Yang Fan seriously.

Khan, isn't this girl watching too many anime?Why is the breath so heavy in the second class...

However, Yang Fan also knew that this was his own fault. When the charisma attribute broke out, the girls who were in close contact with him were naturally greatly affected!
"You should have your own life. You know my strength, so you don't need to make a sharp sword. What age is it now? How can there be so many people fighting and killing? You should be thinking more about what to do. Use abilities to make your life better!"

Yang Fan tried to get Zhu Yi to dispel this idea.

"I know that Brother Fan thinks that I am not strong enough now, and I will work harder in the future until Brother Fan agrees that I can be your sharp sword!"

What Yang Fan said was useless, Zhu Yi's eyes shone with determination, and his stubborn personality broke out again, which gave Yang Fan a headache!
How do you get married after this...

Yang Fan secretly sighed.

Lonely men and widows living in the same room will inevitably cause a lot of inconvenience. In fact, Yang Fan doesn't care. He is not a so-called gentleman, let alone the legendary Liu Xiahui. Go hold!
It's just that Zhu Yi was influenced by his charisma after all, and Yang Fan was really not used to taking advantage of others.

In the end, Yang Fan still couldn't dispel Zhu Yi's idea of ​​living together.

After returning home and opening the door, Xiaoyuan, a cute and cute monkey, stood guard at the door as always. When she saw Yang Fan, she screamed excitedly and jumped into Yang Fan's arms.

Before Yang Fan went out, he usually didn't take Xiaoyuan out, because although Xiaoyuan looked cute, but as a heavenly beast, his combat power was terrifying!
Besides, except for Yang Keke, strangers should not be close to each other. Yang Fan was afraid that Xiaoyuan would be slapped to death by its claws if he brought it outside!

But that was before, and now that Yang Fan has purchased the "Beast Master" in the mall, it has become very easy to restrict Madoka!
After stroking Xiaoyuan's extremely soft hair, Yang Fan fed Xiaoyuan a few biscuits.

At this time, a beam of light emerged from Yang Fan's palm, and the small figure of the system elf Huahua appeared in the air.

As soon as she came out, she looked at Xiaoyuan, her eyes sparkled, and then wandered around Xiaoyuan playfully.

However, except for Yang Fan, Huahua is invisible to any other creatures.

Obviously any woman can't resist the cute Madoka, even the system elves are no exception.

Flower Garland looked at the cold room, turned to Yang Fan and said, "Host, it's too deserted here!"

Yang Fan smiled indifferently and said, "It's fine if there is Madoka and you!"

Yang Fan's words narrowed Huahua's happy eyes, but then she said seriously to Yang Fan: "Host, you are destined to be surrounded by beauties and heroes. You are really uncomfortable now. it is good……"

What the hell is Cheng Tianming?Yang Fan said that it was too fantasy, and he could not understand it.

Seeing the disapproval on Yang Fan's face, Huahua's small face was serious, and she continued: "Huahua knows that the host is dedicated, but you will be the king of the world in the future, and three wives and four concubines are inevitable. Fate has been tied to you, no matter how you escape, it will not change their only heart for you! Therefore, if the host wants to compensate them, it is the best policy to enter the harem!"

The system elf obviously knew Yang Fan and the reason for his resistance and escape.

Yang Fan looked at Huahua's serious face and touched his nose.

Is this brainwashing...

"Let's talk about this later!"

Yang Fan waved his hand.

Yang Fan put Xiaoyuan on his shoulder, went to the room, and turned on the computer.

Counting it, he has not paid attention to the latest situation after the release of "Longevity Pill" for several days.

Open the webpage, and at a glance, it is a big push message.

The results of the volunteer testers who "take the longevity pill" are released! "

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows, it turned out that the test had already started.

This is an article, which lists various relevant data of the subjects in detail, accompanied by text explanations.

The final conclusion is that the subject is really one year younger!
The credibility of this article is very high, and relevant certification materials and inspection agencies are attached at the end of the page!
And this was written by an Internet celebrity, so it goes without saying how popular it is.

The article comment area is naturally a lot of "666"

This article is just an introduction. The confirmed miraculous effect makes everyone have no doubts about the "Longevity Pill". Of course, some people or institutions, especially foreign ones, are naturally more jealous!

Somewhere in the neighboring province of H province.

"Master Bishop, my subordinates don't understand why our main force wants to withdraw from Province H!"

The life-span-extending magic pill has very high research value and economic value, so how can he not be envious!

The bishop glanced at the elder lightly and spoke slowly.

"Do you know that a few idiots tried to enter the "Zhonglin Health Care" company to obtain the formula, but they never showed up again! Immediately after that, a man in silver armor killed dozens of high-level supernatural beings from other countries ! This strength is too strong, so H province is now designated as a restricted area for foreign supernatural beings!"

"That's why the Archbishop ordered our Holy Cult to temporarily withdraw from Province H! Of course, the most important thing is that China will change a lot in the near future. By then, these things will naturally be available to our Holy Cult!"


Beijing, Forbidden City.

Standing in front of the Holy Emperor, the dragon head presented a white porcelain bottle to the Holy Emperor.

"what is this?"

Saint Emperor asked.

"Longevity Pill!"

Long Shou said solemnly.

The Holy Emperor smiled faintly and shook his head.

"This is my destiny, and I am doomed to fall. Although this elixir that can increase the lifespan of ordinary people is miraculous, it is a mortal medicine after all!"

The dragon's head and the dragon's head are silent.


Two days passed in a blink of an eye.

Yang Fan also took Zhu Yi to participate in the exchange meeting of supernatural beings.

Zhang Yi at the headquarters of the "Wang Ting" also knew about it, and she expressed strong dissatisfaction about it, and she was not included in such a fun event!
Unlike Yang Fan and Zhu Yi, Zhang Yi has been a supernatural being for a long time, so she naturally knows about the supernatural beings exchange conference and many interesting activities.

However, "Wang Ting" was too busy with many things, and she couldn't spare time at all, so she could only angrily accuse Yang Fan of favoring one another.

As Zhang Yi, the president of "Wang Ting", Yang Fan naturally had to coax him well, otherwise the other party would pick someone up and quit in a fit of anger, who would he find instead?How to enjoy a leisurely life?
After Yang Fan made a promise to take her out to play next time, Zhang Yi became happy.

Yang Fan didn't notice that when he coaxed Zhang Yi, Zhu Yi's face was a bit sad.

"It's another girl, it seems that the relationship is very close..."

(End of this chapter)

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