Take the game to the city

Chapter 197 Do You Want To Live Longer?

Chapter 197 Do You Want To Live Longer?

Yang Fan is already planning to look for some talents.

But that's a matter of the future, it's unreliable to rely on these mobs at present, Yang Fan can only rely on himself.

Although the market for "Beauty Pill" is still very large, it cannot be supported by itself. Even tens of millions of dollars a day can't stop the huge consumption of "Wang Ting". Easy to cause confusion!
They are used to idleness, and now it is difficult to teach and train them, and it will take time!
It can be said that now is the most difficult period for "Wang Ting"!
The release of "longevity medicine" is imperative!
Regarding the mission, Yang Fan naturally asked Huahua for information about the mission.

"I... the specific goal of this mission is triggered immediately, that is to say, the reminder will only be generated when it happens within a certain range around you!"

"In addition, most of the tasks released by the task function are triggered, so the host should be ready at any time!"

Huahua said playfully.

"What are the consequences of refusing to complete the task?"

Yang Fan looked at Huahua.

"I...except for the main mission, there is no consequence for refusing other missions, but there will be corresponding rewards for completing the missions. Do you really want to refuse?"

Huahua blinked her eyes.

Yang Fan actually wanted to say that he could buy what he wanted in the store, but when he thought of those sky-high prices and his current situation, he could only keep silent.

"Host, if you refuse the main task, you will be punished by deduction of attributes, but if you complete it, the rewards are also very rich!"

Huahua obviously sees through Yang Fan's lazy character and keeps seducing him.

"The host is good at everything, but a little lazy!"

Huahua sighed helplessly in her heart.

Since the task could not be done on his own initiative, Yang Fan decided to go to Longshou first.

After all, the elder brother had already urged him several times, and Yang Fan always refused to go because there were too many things to do, but it seemed that it was not good to refuse too many times.

Baroque Cafe.

This is a world chain coffee shop, very famous!

Yang Fan actually doesn't understand people who drink coffee. After all, the taste is really weird, it's not as good as tea!
Taking a sip of the so-called Blue Mountain coffee, Yang Fan shook his head lightly. The taste is just the same, but it's still expensive!
Long Shou also took a sip, looked up to see Yang Fan's appearance, put down the cup, smiled and said, "Are you used to drinking?"

"Compared to my plain boiled water, it tastes better!"

Yang Fan is very honest.

Indeed, since drinking the spiritual spring water in the game, Yang Fan has basically stopped drinking outside water, even the tap water provided!

Long Shou shook his head with a smile and said nothing, obviously thinking that Yang Fan was just joking.

Then, with a serious face, he looked at Yang Fan and said in a deep voice, "Yang Fan, your uncle is dead!"

Yang Fan slightly raised his eyelids to glance at the dragon head, and replied lightly, "Oh."

Long Shou frowned, obviously dissatisfied with Yang Fan's reaction.

"Shouldn't you be surprised?"

Longshou said.

"What a surprise, scum!"

Yang Fan's tone was flat,

Long Shou took a deep breath and said: "Your uncle's death is extremely miserable, as if he died of torture. The forensic examination revealed a sudden myocardial infarction, but we, Longwei, don't think so!"

After Long Shou finished speaking, he stared at Yang Fan closely, as if he wanted to see something from his face.

But Yang Fan always acted extremely dull, causing the dragon head to return without success.

"Hey, it's okay to find you today. In fact, the most curious thing is, how did you beat an earth-level supernatural power into such a miserable appearance by relying on supernatural powers that don't even reach the Xuan level!"

Longshou looked deeply at Yang Fan. Of course he can do it, but he is a sky-level supernatural being. If he is also at the earth level, even if he can kill the opponent, he will have to pay the corresponding price!

At least it is impossible to look like a normal person like Yang Fan!

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Yang Fan's mouth.

"Stinky boy!"

Hearing Yang Fan's answer, Longshou gave Yang Fan a blank look.

As the head of the "Xuanyuan Dragon Guard", no one dared to talk to him like this for a long time!
In this way, the dragon head is curious while being angry!

This young man seemed to be so confident forever, it seemed that no matter who he was facing, it was impossible for him to lower his proud head!
Being so proud and confident, Longshou even had the illusion of seeing himself back then!
Whose youth is not proud, whose youth is not arrogant!
In the end, Longshou swallowed back many questions he wanted to ask, and only returned to the headquarters of "Longwei" to have a look when he had time. left.

Of course, the account was paid by Long.

On the way back alone, Yang Fan finally got an instant task!
"Please note that the target of the mission has been found, and the location is 100 meters away from you. Please go to the destination immediately to save the target! If the target loses track, is violated, or dies, the mission will be judged as failure!"

An inexplicable message appeared in his mind, and Yang Fan immediately looked around!

Sure enough, Yang Fan soon heard a scream on his left side!
"Ah! Let me go, what are you doing, I don't know you!"

This is a girl. At this time, she was dragged by a vicious-looking man and roughly pulled into a van next to her!

The girl's bag was pulled down, and all kinds of things were scattered all over the place.

Seeing someone pointing around, the man glared fiercely and shouted, "What are you looking at! It's just a conflict between my father and my wife!"

The people eating melons around them immediately backed away in fright.

There are so many people, but no one is willing to help!
"I'm not his wife, I don't know him at all! Help me!"

The girl screamed with excitement.



Seeing this, the man immediately slapped the girl!

"Go! Ma De, tell you to steal a man!"

The people around immediately showed a clear look, it turned out that they were stealing a man!

Of course, no one cares if it's true, even if it's fake, this man looks so fierce, if he gets beaten up, it will be a disaster!

If it is true, well, there is no place to cry after being beaten!

The girl was already struggling helplessly, with a look of despair on her face!
At this moment, a slender hand grabbed the wrist of the vicious man pulling the girl's hand!
The man was taken aback for a moment, and then immediately cursed at Yang Fan viciously: "Little bastard, you dare to meddle in my affairs, you don't want to live anymore!"

Yang Fan said without changing his expression: "The habit of beating women is not good!"

Then, as soon as Yang Fan exerted force on his hand, the man immediately felt a terrifying force coming from his wrist, and at the same time a sharp pain erupted!
"Ah, it hurts!"

The man couldn't help but let go of the girl's arm, knelt on the ground and shouted in pain!

Yang Fan slapped the man on the ground with his backhand, knocking the man to the ground, even knocking out a few teeth.

"This is for knocking out this girl!"

Yang Fan said coldly.

The man could only stare at Yang Fan viciously, gritted his teeth and remained silent.

However, no matter how carefully the man looked, he couldn't see Yang Fan's face clearly.

The melon-eating people around were surprised to find that Yang Fan's face seemed to have a mosaic after they took this video or photo and went home. Neither the video nor the photo could clearly capture Yang Fan's face!

After Yang Fan helped the girl up, he took a closer look at the girl.

The girl has shawls and long hair, fair skin, wearing white short sleeves and denim shorts, her white thighs in the air make the eyes of many people around me feel a little hurt!

This girl can be considered beautiful, at least she can be considered a flower-like existence in school!
Yang Fan remembered the information about the girl on the student ID card of the girl who fell on the ground.

"Economic management major! Wang Jie."

After a while, I will go to the school to recruit people!

After all, Yang Fan has also heard that although college students lack practical experience, they never lack energy and passion!
At this time, looking at the task again, the number on the degree of completion has changed from 100 to 99.

It is not easy to complete the task, do I have to run around by myself?
Yang Fan complained in his heart.

"Thank you!"

The girl Wang Jie kept bowing to Yang Fan excitedly, obviously she was frightened just now!
"OK OK!"

Yang Fan stopped the girl from continuing to bow.

The surrounding people are also very excited!
Grab it, pinch it, and slap it again, domineering, relieved!

The people who eat melons expressed their desire to give applause!
After all, judging by the man's appearance, he might be messing around in a certain hall, and if you offend him, maybe revenge will come the next moment!

We are all ordinary people, in modern society, family trivialities such as wives and children are enough to polish a person's spirit!

Yang Fan is not too angry about this situation, because the "Wang Ting" is too big, and it is normal that there are gaps in many places!

As long as it is rectified in time!
"If you want to thank me, then treat me to dinner!"

Yang Fan comforted softly.

Under the comfort, the girl's mood gradually stabilized.

The girl took the initiative to chat with Yang Fan along the way.

From the girl's mouth, I learned that she is now a senior and is considering looking for a job, and the most important thing is that the girl is taking the postgraduate entrance examination. If it goes well, she will be able to get a master's degree next month!
This is an awesome academic master!

Yang Fan sighed in his heart, then Yang Fan's heart moved, and he said to Wang Jie: "Sister Wang Jie, maybe I can help you find a job!"

"Oh? Really? What job?"

Wang Jie asked two questions in a row.

"Yes, I have a friend who happens to be the director of Zhonglin Health Care Center! If you are willing, I can ask that friend for help!"

Yang Fan replied calmly.

In the end, although the girl was very grateful to Yang Fan for saving her, she still had some doubts about what Yang Fan introduced. Obviously, the previous incident almost became a shadow in her heart!
She didn't agree, but she didn't object either!

On Zhu Yi's side, Yang Fan gave her a elixir that can cleanse tendons and cut marrow!

There are also a few powerful talismans!
To a certain extent, Zhu Yi's combat power could already rival those with mysterious abilities!

In fact, to put it bluntly, Zhu Yi, who signed an "equal contract" with Yang Fan, was the first girl to know some of Yang Fan's secrets!

So there is no need for Yang Fan to hide many things from Zhu Yi, and there is no need to explain many things.

Yang Fan taught Zhu Yi the method of using talismans. As for the use of the medicine for washing tendons and cutting marrow, Yang Fan was a bit uncomfortable for Zhu Yi to use!
Because this thing is actually dangerous. After all, washing the tendons and cutting the marrow is a process of cleaning up excess toxins and impurities in the human body, and has transformed the human body to a certain extent!

"Brother Fan, I want to become stronger, so I don't care too much about these privacy!"

Zhu Yi said, but there was a slight shyness flashing in his eyes.

Washing tendons and cutting marrow needs to get rid of unnecessary external interference. After all, although Zhu Yi is a master, he is still dangerous because of the problem of pills.

It is safer to be honest with each other and let someone care for your hair, which is why Yang Fan hesitated.

But seeing that Zhu Yi was so determined, Yang Fan no longer hesitated.

Zhu Yi's home.

Zhu Yi lived in a remoter place than Yang Fan. Before being framed, Zhu Yi's father died, and Zhu Yi's living conditions plummeted. Now the room looks very simple, or rather crude.

Yang Fan wanted to help Zhu Yi before, but Zhu Yi refused.

Fortunately, Zhu Yi was considered wealthy before, so there is still a bathtub in the room.

This elixir for washing tendons and cutting marrow is placed in water, and people sit in it to slowly absorb the power of the medicine.

Fill the bathtub with water, and Yang Fan put the medicine into the water.

Seeing that the medicine melted, Zhu Yi bit his lip with his back turned to Yang Fan, and then decisively began to undress.

She is wearing a long red dress today, and it seems that she likes this warm color very much.

The long skirt was taken off, and the white and slender long legs were exposed to the air.

Her legs are in excellent shape, round and slender, without a trace of excess fat, which is the result of long-term exercise!

The top was dragged off, leaving only the same red underwear and pants.

Zhu Yi took off here, paused for a while, and continued to remove the remaining protection covering the most secret area.

Although Yang Fan was not far from Zhu Yi, he didn't look at Zhu Yi at all.

His mind is too firm, and this little temptation can't affect him at all.

Turning around, Zhu Yi had already buried his whole body in the bathtub, leaving only one head.

I don't know if it was because of the hot water, but Zhu Yi's cheeks were flushed, tender and attractive.

The effect of the medicine started quickly, and Zhu Yi started to feel addicted to ants after taking it in the bathtub for less than 30 seconds, and then felt like being pricked by needles...

After an unknown period of time, Zhu Yi felt the surroundings of her body became calm, and she finally got over it!
Thinking of the pain before, Zhu Yi still has lingering fears. The pain is enough to make anyone who is not determined refuse to come for the second time!

Zhu Yi has greatly improved his physical fitness after washing his tendons and cutting his marrow!
He even exaggeratedly awakened his abilities!
This made Yang Fan a little confused...

After solving Zhu Yi's problem, Yang Fan decided to start the pre-sale of Longevity Pill!

After buying some high-end goods for Zhu Yi, Yang Fan really didn't have much left.

"Zhonglin Healthcare" official website forum.

"Zhonglin Health Care" has a very high daily traffic because of "Beauty Pill"!

It has become a daily habit of many netizens to come here for a dip every day!

On this day, many netizens excitedly discovered the update of the "Zhonglin Health Care" advertisement, and after seeing the updated words, all netizens had a strong premonition.

"Zhonglin Healthcare" is going to be popular again this time!

The explosive news almost stunned most people!
"Longevity Pill is about to start pre-sale!"

The information disseminated at the maximum speed caused an uproar among all netizens!
Netizens are crazy!

The media went crazy!

The whole society is even crazier!
Because of a short slogan, "Longevity Pill" and "Zhonglin Health Care" became popular all over the country again!
"Do you want... to live a long life?"

(End of this chapter)

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