Chapter 180

"Stop talking nonsense, let's fight!"

He has never fought against a supernatural being!
Of course, Bai Zhi, that black-grade parallel importer's silly girl, doesn't count.

"Hehe, impatient young man!"

Long Shou smiled calmly.

Then, his expression changed, and he just stood there quietly.

Then, Yang Fan felt that the originally calm wind suddenly blew up!

Rows of trees around were blown left and right.

Yang Fan squinted his eyes, feeling the increasingly strong wind around him.

A superhuman?

This is the real thing, calling the wind and calling the rain...

There was a flash of light in Yang Fan's eyes, and his fighting spirit was boiling instantly!
I am still unwilling to be ordinary...

Yang Fan clenched his fists gradually, feeling a certain impulse in his heart!

Everyone is contradictory, even if you think you are firm about something now, but when a certain opportunity comes, you will find that this is the most long-awaited desire in your heart!
The wind was blowing violently, and even the face of the dragon's head not far away became somewhat blurred in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, without seeing any movement from him, more than a dozen half-moon-shaped wind blades the size of bowls appeared in front of him out of thin air!
At this time, Longshou's plain voice came.

"Wind blade, although it is only a primary attack method for wind-type supernatural beings, its power and lethality can be multiplied several times in my hands! You have to be careful!"

Longshou didn't know whether Yang Fan had any experience in fighting against supernatural beings, so he explained a little by the way.

Even after some distance, Yang Fan can still feel the danger of these wind blades!

Sure enough, it is worthy of being a sky-level power user, even if it is reduced to the earth-level power, it should not be underestimated!
Yang Fan doesn't know the combat power classification of each level of supernatural beings in the real world, but judging from the "primary attack method" mentioned by Longshou, it seems that the power is not very powerful at first.

But at this time, the wind blade made by the dragon head can make Yang Fan feel a little threatened!
You must know that the compatibility between Yang Fan and the "body of the devil" has increased a lot compared to before!

Although the data didn't show it, Yang Fan could feel that his physique was much stronger than when he first got the "Devil King's Ring"!

Yang Fan has no experience in fighting against supernatural beings, let alone a top supernatural being at the heavenly level even though he is only at the earth level!
Although it is a life-and-death struggle, Yang Fan can still slap him to death with "one claw".

Generally speaking, long-range attacks are the nemesis of melee combat. After all, flying a kite is indeed a disgusting method.

"This time, let me see the gap between my current strength and the top supernatural beings in the real world..."

Yang Fan murmured.

"Skills" are probably similar in form to abilities in some cases!

Yang Fan's face was calm, and he flipped his right hand. The next moment, small purple strange symbols appeared in Yang Fan's palm out of thin air!

I saw these strange symbols formed a small circular circle covering Yang Fan's palm, and then, purple lightning lights began to flash around Yang Fan's palm!

The destructive breath spread instantly!

Long Shou's eyes froze.

"Thunder type ability!"

"Thunder type ability?!"

Outside the space of the "Boundary Stone", Elder Li also murmured out!
Although the space of the "Boundary Stone" is extremely strong, it is difficult for even a person with supernatural powers at the sky level to find it, let alone break it!
But in the eyes of some top superpowers or "space system" superpowers, it is very easy for them to discover the space aura of the "enchantment stone"!

Because some top supernatural beings will more or less comprehend some spatial perception abilities!

At this time, Mr. Li is standing one step away from this space, as long as he wants, he can enter at any time!
He came a little late, when the dragon head started releasing abilities, which made him very angry!
Not to mention trapping my student with the "Boundary Stone", I'm actually planning to bully him with supernatural powers! ?
But he thought about it again, the dragon head would not attack ordinary people, even people with supernatural abilities, especially after his supernatural moves were formed, he even waited for a long time!

This is a little weird!

And after discovering the aura of the lightning power, Mr. Li instantly understood!
"The lightning ability is the most lethal of all the systems, hehe, I didn't expect to find a genius!"

Old Li murmured with his hands behind his back and a smile.

Then, he took a step forward and disappeared on the road in an instant.

Fortunately, there is no one around now, otherwise I would be paralyzed with fright!
Inside the "Boundary Stone".

Soon, the strange purple symbol in Yang Fan's palm turned into a purple thunderbolt as thick as chopsticks, shooting out instantly!

"Palm Thunder!"

Although Longshou was lamenting that what Yang Fan possessed was a very rare and very lethal lightning power, but seeing Yang Fan's attack, he was not slow to react.

A dozen half-moon-shaped wind blades in front of them also met the thunder with a fierce momentum!
Without any obstruction, the thunder in the palm instantly penetrated the wind blade combination of the dragon head and continued to shoot at the dragon head!

Longshou saw the purple thunder coming, his face remained unchanged, his back was behind his hands, he didn't see any movement, and he saw a vortex of wind suddenly appeared in front of him, directly blocking the thunder!
The thunder struck the vortex without any ripples.

On Yang Fan's side, the thunder in the palm only pierced through a few winds, and the remaining dozen wind blades still shot at him.

"Eye of Delusion!"

With a heartbeat, Yang Fan activated his skills!
A faint black mist filled his eyes, and Yang Fan's eyes were as deep as an abyss looking at these wind blades.

The wind blade is energy. As energy, the natural overall distribution will not be uniform.

Yang Fan's "Eye of Delusion Breaking" saw the gap between the energy fluctuations in the split blade!

The "Nameless Carving Knife" appeared out of thin air and stood in Yang Fan's hands!

The next moment, Yang Fan swung the saber lightly, the slender saber aura streaked across, and all the wind blades disintegrated in an instant!
Long Shou, who was watching from a distance, took a deep breath!

"Eye abilities!"

"And this sword energy is the release of internal strength, a master warrior!"

"Plus his lightning ability..."

"Two kinds of abilities! Plus martial arts master!"

Longshou clenched his fist, this time he really found a treasure!

Elder Li, who was hiding in the corner and watching, was also shocked!
Ordinary people with supernatural powers are considered talented if they have one special ability, but this boy actually has two special and powerful abilities!

You must know that eye abilities are only in legends. It is said that people with eye abilities can see through objects, people's hearts, and even see the past and future!

Adding the Lightning Element, and the Martial Dao Grandmaster...

What a seedling!

The more Mr. Li looked at Yang Fan, the more he liked him!

"Very good! I didn't expect that you not only have two special and powerful abilities, but also a master of martial arts!"

Longshou was happy in his heart, a genius like Yang Fan is the hope of China's future!

Yang Fan was noncommittal, there was no need to explain this kind of thing.

"Are you still fighting?"

Yang Fan asked calmly.

"Your talent is beyond my expectations, but then you have to pay attention, I will not have any reservations, if you can persist in this situation for 10 minutes, I will revoke your punishment!"

 This can be regarded as a transitional chapter, after all, some things are not explained clearly in the early stage, and it will be troublesome to explain later

(End of this chapter)

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