Take the game to the city

Chapter 155 The Sound of Killing

Chapter 155 The Sound of Killing

At this time, the host has already started the second curtain call.

But Yang Fan still didn't show up.

Now, no matter how stupid the people present were, they knew something was wrong.

The school leaders in the front row frowned into pimples!
You know, Xia Rou, the queen of Asia, is present today, and there are so many reporters!
It was originally a matter of embarrassing the school, but this is a good thing, I am afraid I will be ashamed!

When Ji Xinyue heard the second announcement, she turned her attention to Yang Fan.

Backstage, exclusive to Xia Rou's dressing room.

When Xia Rou heard that Yang Fan was also going to play, she raised her head and asked the people accompanying the school next to her, how many people named Yang Fan were there in the whole school.

The accompanying person replied that there was only one.

Hearing this answer, she blinked her eyes, and she began to urge the makeup artist to hurry up.

At the same time, let the assistant next to him communicate with the school leader about one thing.

When the host announced the curtain for the second time, Xia Rou knew that there seemed to be an accident, and at the same time urged the makeup artist again. Although the makeup artist was puzzled, she could only speed up.

Fortunately, the styling and makeup have been done before, and now it is just touch-ups.

Seeing that it was done, Xia Rou got up and walked out quickly, making everyone around her a little confused.

At this time, the school leaders were preparing to ask people to rest first, and wait for Xia Rou to perform the finale directly after putting on makeup.

Anyway, this time it's just a recording and broadcasting, just let the reporter cut this section at that time.

But no matter what, this time it was absolutely embarrassing and thrown outside.

At this time, Assistant Xia Rou came over and said a few words to him, which also made the school leaders frowned slightly.

At the same time, he also caught a glimpse of the long-awaited Yang Fan finally walking out of the backstage with steady steps.

Seeing that Yang Fan finally came out, the school leader snorted dissatisfiedly, but did not speak, but his impression of Yang Fan was even worse.

After all, Yang Fan is also a man of influence, as a school leader, how could he not pay attention, and he is naturally aware of Yang Fan's "bad deeds" of always asking for leave.

This time it took me a long time to come out on such an occasion, and I already gave the school leaders a bad impression of being "arrogant of talent" and "pretentious".

The students in the audience couldn't help but widen their eyes when they saw Yang Fan came on stage, and then they all started whispering.

When the school leader sitting in the front row saw what Yang Fan was holding, his brows that had just stretched out tightened again!

What is this Yang Fan doing?
Isn't it singing? Then why is this thing on stage?

I have never heard that he can play the piano!
The school leaders are really speechless, feeling that they will be tricked by this Yang Fan today!
What Yang Fan had in his hand was a guqin!
If someone looked carefully, they would find that it was the one Ji Xinyue used just now!
Yang Fan didn't want to take out the two guqins in the portable space, after all, even the quality of the heavenly guqin rewarded by the task is too high!

This time, Ji Xinyue happened to have it, so he borrowed it by the way.

Of course, in the end Ji Xinyue's strange eyes were ignored by him.


The audience saw that Yang Fan sat down and arranged the piano leisurely, groping on the piano with both hands, as if preparing to play, and the discussion became louder.

"Damn it! Brother Fan is so good at it, even Guqin?"

"Oh! He looks like he must be pretending. It's easy to say that he can play Go or basketball. One depends on talent and brain power, and the other depends on physical coordination. , popping up is a bunch of noise!"

Some knowledgeable people began to object.

"That's right, Go and basketball take up a lot of his time, so there's still time to learn it? Besides, I haven't heard of him being unfamiliar with things before, does he really think he's a genius?!"

Someone catered to them and showed disdain.

"Hehe, our brother Fan is really a genius! Who knew he could go before? And basketball, so many people watching, they all know that Brother Fan learned it on the spot!"


Some people believed it, some people didn't believe it, and the scene was a bit chaotic for a while!

But overall, the majority still supported Yang Fan, because Yang Fan was too calm.

At this time, Zhang Qiang also looked at Yang Fan in surprise.

Although he didn't agree that Yang Fan was such a genius, there seemed to be a voice in his heart telling him that Yang Fan was really a genius!

This gave Zhang Qiang a bad feeling.

After all, Yang Fan on stage was really calm!

On the stage.

The noisy discussion did not affect Yang Fan at all.

The moment his hands touched the guqin, all sounds seemed to be blocked, and his whole state of mind became calm.

Yang Fan knew that the situation just now, in the eyes of ordinary people, seemed to be unfavorable to him no matter how he looked at it.

Because no matter whether he is on stage or not, he will definitely make a fool of himself!
He dared to plot against him even though he had been intimidated before. I believe he was not just a small fish or shrimp!
With the purpose of making himself look ugly, the other party will naturally not allow him to step down smoothly.

Therefore, Yang Fan chose to go on stage.

For some unscrupulous people, if you give in, it will only make the other party gain an inch!
Therefore, you only have to slap them hard in the face and step on them hard until they cast a shadow for life, and when they see themselves, they are as afraid as a mouse or a cat, in order to eliminate troubles!

Therefore, Yang Fan's choice to go on stage was a forced counterattack and a declaration of war!

"Qin Xin!"

Yang Fan plucked the strings with one finger, and the high-pitched tone instantly resounded throughout the auditorium!
"Ambush from all sides, the sound of killing!"

In an instant, the audience's voice disappeared immediately!
They stared blankly at Yang Fan on the stage, and felt that Yang Fan was no longer wearing casual clothes, but shiny and mighty armor!
And the stage seemed to disappear, even they themselves were not in the auditorium, but in the fierce and vast ancient battlefield!
The sound of shouts and clashes of weapons came from all around, and the passionate shouts stimulated their nerves!
Looking at Yang Fan again, he is like a peerless general descended from the sky, with shiny armor, heroic, majestic and ruthless, commanding thousands of troops to surround and kill the enemy with every move!


The sound of the piano gradually faded away. Yang Fan stood up and bowed slightly towards the audience. Seeing that everyone was still in a daze, he didn't care and walked off the stage leisurely.

After a full 5 minutes, fragmentary sounds sounded, followed by extremely warm applause!

"Oh my god! It's so good, even if I don't know how to play the piano, I can feel that Brother Fan's guqin level is already against the sky!"

"Haha, yes! I seem to have arrived at an ancient battlefield just now! Nima, you are so passionate!"

"Brother Fan turned 6!!"


Everyone is so excited!
Using the "Qin Xin" talent, Yang Fan really put everyone into his artistic conception!
Facing the overwhelming praise, Yang Fan just smiled lightly.

Well, this forced 6, he is very satisfied with it.

"This is……"

Ji Xinyue looked at Yang Fan in shock.

At this moment, she already understood that Yang Fan not only knows Guqin, but also has a much higher level than her!
Of course, she has heard the ancient song "Ambush from Ten Daggers", but she has never seen anyone who can reach Yang Fan's deep appeal!

She was even surprised to find that Yang Fan had adapted the original ancient song!
The tone of the whole process became extremely passionate, even murderous!
(End of this chapter)

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