Chapter 86

Jiang Lin was a little angry.Although she threw all those "ideas" out of the commercial street just now and didn't allow them to step in again, but her anger still didn't calm down.Because of this accident, the progress of her task was slowed down.Her family property, which was already in negative balance, has now fallen below the skyline, and the system plans not to treat her any more.

What's even more depressing is that she can only stay in the room and direct the clerk at the moment, and she can't go downstairs to "stare" at Si Dao!
At this time, when the door of the room opened, Lou Qianrao and Jing Buhui walked in.

After entering, the two heaved a sigh of relief when they saw Jiang Lin standing there with her arms around her shoulders safe and sound.

They thought something happened to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin turned around and glanced at the two of them without energy, "Come on, where did that one go?"

"Who?" The two said in unison.

"Xixi." Jiang Lin said.

As soon as the words fell, there was a burst of pure laughter at the door, like red wine flowing.

"I'm here."

Lou Qianrao and Jing Buhui suddenly turned around in surprise, and found that the woman in the white robe appeared behind them at some point.

Then I saw the woman in the white robe lifted her robe, revealing a refreshing staff uniform and a dazzling elegant smile.

"This, how is it possible..." Jing Buhui looked at Cecilia dumbly.

If it was her, Jing Buhui believed that he could detect it, but he felt as if he was dead, he didn't notice the other party's identity at all, and looked at the other party like a stranger he had never seen before!


"It's a supernatural power."

Jing Buhui turned to look at Jiang Lin who was speaking.

Jiang Lin didn't want these people to be entangled in this problem, so she explained to them with her own conjecture, "Sixi is a sensory supernatural being, and she should not only be able to improve her five and sixth senses several times, but also affect to other people, to sharpen or... dull their senses."

Jiang Lin looked at Cecilia.

Seeing Jiang Lin looking over, Cecilia narrowed her long black eyelashes, and the elegant smile on the corner of her mouth seemed to widen, "That's right, in order to make the interpretation more interesting, I erased your feelings, But don’t worry, it’s only temporary and it will recover soon.”

"So. Should you go out? Jing Buhui's classmate, Lou Qianrao, are you going to throw away your shop?" Jiang Lin laughed, but that smile was so sinister and strange no matter how you looked at it.

Tsk, she doesn't seem to be in a very beautiful mood.

"I'm sorry." Jing Buhui hastily left, at this time, it's better to finish the store first.

Seeing that Jing Bugui had run away, Lou Qianrao took a step behind secretly and hurriedly chased him out.

"Hey, Xixi, don't leave yet." Jiang Lin stopped her, and said helplessly, "Go back to the base first, if you leave for too long, if people from there come to find you, I don't have the time to deal with them."

"That's right, it's time to go..." Cecilia didn't look very happy either.Ah, really, it would be great if he was just a clerk, strange things always happen in this place, who are those guys who just appeared (referring to Si Dao and Lin Minyi) seem to be very interesting look like...

"Wait!" Seeing that Cecilia was about to leave again, Jiang Lin stopped her again, "You don't want to leave in shop clothes, do you?"

Cecilia shook her fingertips, "No, I'll find a place to replace it later, but this set... please don't take it back, I like the color very much, can you keep it for my collection?"

Jiang Lin: "..." Are you a blue-green serious patient?How obsessive-compulsive are you?It's just a set of store clothes. Hey, do you still want to cosplay? ? ?
Cecilia frowned over there, "I seem to feel that you are crazily complaining about me in your heart?"

Jiang Lin smiled on the surface: "You must feel that something is wrong. Remember to say hello to your cousin when you go back."

"Oh? I miss her..." Cecilia paused, then said with a smile, "I must be very happy. Goodbye."

Jiang Lin smiled and waved her claws: "Goodbye."


The door was closed by Xixi.

Bang! ! !
This is the sound of someone smashing a window with the novice equipment stick X1.

"Oh goddamn Lin Meiyi, don't show up again if you have the guts!!! Aww—"


Jiang Lin raised her head.

heights of the Himalayas.

Someone sneezed wildly.

"Hiss—cold, perfect."

(End of this chapter)

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