Chapter 51 Boss Jiang Lin~
A chair smashed the fifth Yingying and solved a lot of troubles. After Jiang Lin asked the zombie brother to fight the fifth Yingying away, her follower was about to fight Jiang Lin desperately!
"Where are you going to take Yingying! Let me tell you, what do you want to do to her, the base will not let you go! I..."

Jiang Lin glanced over leisurely, the maliciousness and banter in her eyes made the other party feel cold all over with fright.

"You, what do you want to do!" The other party seemed to have finally recovered. Jiang Lin didn't seem to be afraid of the base at all. Do it yourself!

"What do I want to do, what do I not want to do, of course, if you want to sit with me, I welcome it!" Jiang Lin stretched out her arms as a gesture of welcome.

Several other attendants hurriedly stopped the person who was talking to Jiang Lin, and whispered, "We can't be restrained by her anymore, let's not make it too stiff! Don't look at her on the surface, she is not afraid of the base, but I will definitely weigh the threat of the existence of the base in my heart. I think that woman will not take action against Yingying for the time being considering the existence of the base. It's okay if we don't do anything. I'm afraid that if we continue to provoke her, maybe she will be angry Yingying is about to be killed, and it will be difficult for us to go back to the base!"

"It seems to make sense..."

"That's right, so we have to buy some desserts here to coax Yingying, so that she won't blame us when she sees herself in such a mess when she comes back this time..."

"It's reasonable and reasonable."

"Then like this..."

"Then do this..."

After the discussion, several people immediately showed embarrassing smiles in front of Jiang Lin as if flipping through a book, and said very flatteringly.

"I just said those angry words. Don't take it to heart if you have a lot of adults. Yingying is very important to us. We said that in a hurry because we were afraid that something would happen to her... Well, you put She took her away, and we can't explain it when we go back. If you ask someone you want, you probably won't give it this time... Then you see, can you...give her back to us when you feel relieved? We I apologize to you here!"

Immediately, several people bowed and apologized generously to Jiang Lin.

"No, I can't bear it," Jiang Lin said lazily, tilting her head, "I can't move my mouth, I'm starting to reason, right? Okay, I'm also reasonable, as long as Fifth Yingying apologizes to me, I'll let you go right away, okay?"

Hearing what Jiang Lin said, several people looked bitter.The fifth Yingying is a high-class daughter who grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth. She has an arrogant personality. She may have never said "I'm sorry" to anyone in her life. Saying these three words is harder than killing her...

"Okay, let's just say that it's settled. Please follow my rules here. Just don't see you making trouble again when I want to let you go." Jiang Lin's bangs were covered with a shadow, looking Said a little gloomyly.

"No, no, no!" Several people hurriedly waved their hands and said, "If you have something to do, go and do it first!"

Jiang Lin suddenly smiled with bright eyes, and glanced at the people around, giving people a warm illusion: "Everyone, please follow the replacement conditions to replace the items, that's it."

After finishing speaking, she was not in a hurry to see where the zombie brother took Wu Yingying, but went to several other stores to see the situation of other stores.

Of course, manpower is needed to open a store. These manpower were drawn from all around by Jiang Lin before opening the store.

Just thinking about this, Jiang Lin didn't expect that just as she walked to the doomsday boutique weapon shop, she saw the shop attendant explaining the use of knives to a person, and with the other hand secretly holding a delicate pocket knife and stuffing it into the pocket of his trousers.


At the same time, a prompt appeared on the system side.


Tip: The yellow-quality folding knife "Hatsune" in the weapon shop was stolen without any transaction.The system will automatically recover after 10 minutes without intervention.

Jiang Lin would not let the system automatically recycle, she walked quietly into the store, and before the waiter could react, she grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand with the knife.

"Drink! Boss!" The waiter was taken aback. He didn't expect that the boss was still arguing with others just now, so he came here so quickly this time!
At the same time, the guests here also put down the goods in their hands and looked over.Like those people outside, they didn't expect the boss here to be a girl!

"Like this knife very much?" A trace of indifference flashed in Jiang Lin's eyes, and a smile gradually rose from the corner of her mouth.

That smile, in the eyes of the waitress, was like the smile before the storm, which was frightening, "I'm sorry, the store manager, I just... I just want to put it in my pocket and take a closer look over there, wait a minute I'll return it... I'm just, curious, curious, how could I steal from the boss, boss, I worked very hard, don't fire me!"

The boss is mysterious and unpredictable, and the supplies are also very strange. Let’s just talk about this knife. The waiter just tried it on the customer. This knife is exactly as explained in the above information. It can cut even other metals. It is also very labor-saving!The waiter felt that he managed to sneak into the team of this mysterious boss and rewarded himself by not engaging in some mystery. He was really sorry for the opportunity, so he planned to take the knife for himself while the boss was arguing over there.However... no, she absolutely cannot let this boss fire herself.

Immediately, the waiter squeezed out some snot and tears, knelt on the ground and cried to Jiang Lin: "I'm not stealing, boss, I promise to do a good job, don't be angry..."

Jiang Lin hugged her shoulders and said, "Angry, I'm not angry. Isn't the knife still here? Why should I be angry? It's just you... I don't really want you to be near here, near this street, do you understand?"

"Boss!!" The waiter panicked when she heard that, and without taking her to continue explaining, Jiang Lin said to the shoppers in various costumes: "Our shop is recruiting a new clerk, and the requirements are efficient, sincere and down-to-earth. The treatment On the one hand, in addition to providing accommodation, three meals and personal safety guarantees, the points I issued can be exchanged for things in other stores. In addition, this knife in my hand..."

As she said that, Jiang Lin inserted the knife into the metal display counter next to her, "I also gave it to the new clerk as a welcome gift."

Wow -!There was a discussion among the crowd.

Jiang Lin smiled, "Originally there were some things that shouldn't be said, it was used as an easter egg for the buyer to surprise the buyer, but now, I have to explain that all the weapons I have here, including this knife, are in the Inside, it can not only chop, poke and chop, but also hides many hidden abilities, such as the knife on the stage, it is called Hatsune, and it can make a sound..."

As she spoke, Jiang Lin grabbed the knife, held it, and gently read the name of the knife. At this moment, the knife suddenly heard a gentle sound like a warm wind.

All heard.

"The person holding the knife is equivalent to possessing a special superpower," Jiang Lin said, "That's why this knife is so expensive and requires more exchanges."

After Jiang Lin finished speaking, everyone in the room became noisy, and many people clamored to become Jiang Lin's clerk.

Just kidding, let's not talk about whether the knife will give people superpowers is true or not, just take care of three meals and ensure safety, they all want to come here to work as shop assistants.Three meals, depending on the conditions here, the three meals must be good!Not to mention safety, there is not a single zombie here, it's really safe!

"I'll come, I'll come, boss, I have experience as a shopping guide! There's nothing wrong with being a waiter!"

"Go away, you don't look like a good person with your ugly appearance like a monkey cheek! It's okay if you don't scare the guests to death!"

"Boss, choose me. I used to be the president of a bank, and I have a good reputation!"

"Damn it, who will grab it from me!!!"

"..." This time it was Jiang Lin's turn to have a headache, which human should she choose?

But he didn't want to, at this moment, the waiter who was holding onto Jiang Lin's thigh was picked up by a man and thrown outside the shop.

Then the man forced himself to separate from the crowd, came to Jiang Lin, and said in a low voice to Jiang Lin, "I want to apply too!"

 I think after reading this chapter, you will complain about the name of the knife.Hahaha, yes, that's only half of it...

(End of this chapter)

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