Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 446 The Intuitive Nephew

Chapter 446 The Intuitive Nephew

The closer she got to the base, Jiang Lin found that there were more zombies, which was nothing. She could only lament the attraction of "nuclear" to zombies.

The only thing that worries me is Si Dao.

With so many zombies, it would be bad if they were caught.She is not interested in dating a three-no zombie.

"Deputy team, the convoy in front has stopped, there is the sound of firefighting!"

Jiang Lin came back to her senses, and said to Fu Jiuye: "Stop the car and get your weapons. Remember, a group doesn't need weaklings. If you don't want to die, try to kill two more zombies."

Fu Jiuye closed the car door and walked down, smiling lazily at Jiang Lin, "Ah, I didn't expect you to say something encouraging to the deputy team."

Are these words of encouragement?Jiang Lin raised her eyebrows, noncommittal.

"That's why the deputy team said that," Fu Jiuye said with a smile to the people around him, "You all heard clearly, right?"


The immature voice mixed in it made Jiang Lin turn her head and glance.

"Fu Jiuye."

"Huh? What's the matter with the deputy team?"

"That nephew of yours..."

Speaking of his nephew, Fu Jiuye's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he smiled at Jiang Lin: "I understand what you think, but what he said probably doesn't matter."

Jiang Lin turned her eyes to the boy in surprise.

The boy seemed to be about 13 years old, and his figure was as slender as hers, but judging from the exposed arms, he still had some muscles.

It is worth mentioning that the boy's eyes are very bright, completely different from this guy with zero desire to survive.

"Actually, he wasn't with me all the time, but he only found me a few days ago. I didn't know there was such a nephew until then. His intuition is very strong. If it wasn't like this, I don't think he could find me either. That's it." Fu Jiuyi said.

Fu Jiuye seemed to be hesitant to say anything clearly, but Jiang Lin already understood by hinting.

The boy awakened the power, or the power of the sixth sense, subtle intuition.

Although this ability has no attack power at all, it is the best life-saving ability, and it can also be used as an auxiliary ability, so it is easy to find anything.Maybe even delicate topics like "Where will there be more zombies gathering tomorrow", "Am I a zombie", "Who do I like", "Where did your uncle hide the chili sauce and bread", he can give you answers.

Jiang Lin smiled, no wonder Fu Jiuye's face was complicated, he didn't tell himself about it directly but hinted at it.

Thinking about it deeply, this ability is faintly dangerous.

Jiang Lin suddenly became interested in having fun, and raised her hand to call Fu Yanxi.

"Hey, Xiaoxi, come here."

Fu Jiuye secretly felt something was wrong.

Fu Yanxi ran over with a gun, opened her eyes and asked Jiang Lin curiously: "Deputy team, what do you want from me?"

Jiang Lin didn't talk nonsense, and said directly: "How do you feel?"

"?" Fu Yanxi had a question mark on her face, and then she looked at her uncle Fu Jiuye, "Uncle, if you are going to be unlucky, you'd better stay away."

Fu Jiuye was baffled, but according to Fu Yanxi's ability, this kind of thing would not be groundless, and it would be better to leave.

Unexpectedly, the corner of the clothes was grabbed by Jiang Lin all of a sudden.

"Ha, don't go yet, Fu Jiuye," Jiang Lin became interested in Yan Xi's words, so she pointed to Fu Jiuye and asked the boy, "Come on, have a feel, is your uncle a bad guy or a good guy?"

Fu Yanxi gave Jiang Lin a weird look, then turned to her uncle and said bluntly: "My uncle is a scum. In the last days, he doesn't feel nervous, and every time he faces life and death, he doesn't care if he If I die, I will have no relatives!"

"Hey, hey, is it really okay to say that my uncle is okay?" Fu Jiuye held his forehead with a headache.

Jiang Lin smiled, and asked the boy with a doting tone: "Then I'll beat your uncle to make your uncle realize his mistake, okay?"

Fu Jiuye was stunned suddenly: "Hey, hey, zombies are about to attack, silly deputy, what kind of crazy idea are you playing!"

I heard Fu Yanxi think seriously: "My feeling tells me that a beating is definitely not enough."

(End of this chapter)

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