Chapter 443 Promotion

Jiang Lin, as usual, lied and did not write drafts.

Although a group of team members understood something, they all decided to pretend that they didn't hear it, and tried their best to bury their heads in their teacups.

Fu Jiuye simply walked to the corner and looked out the window boredly.

Jiang Lin's words were true or false, Gu Leng was startled by Jiang Lin's words "the zombies are all running to the base", and didn't think about anything else for a moment.

"The zombies have indeed left, but you said they went to encircle the base, is that true?" Gu Leng pressed his hands on the table, staring at Jiang Lin seriously.

"I saw it with my own eyes." Jiang Lin put down her teacup, stood up and looked at Gu Leng, "Do you want to go back?"

"Yeah." Gu Leng didn't say much, so he straightened up and began to command his subordinates, "You go to inform the other teams and return to the base immediately for support. You go and notify the people below to prepare."

"Also," Gu Leng pointed at Jiang Lin and said to everyone in the room, "From now on, Jiang Lin will take over as the deputy team leader. If I die in the line of duty or I'm not here, Jiang Lin will be directly promoted to the captain."

Whoa-! ! !
Everyone in the room was taken aback.Although for his subordinates, the chief captain has the right to promote and dismiss the following positions, but it is a bit of a joke to suddenly let this little girl who has just become the team leader take over as the deputy team? ?The leaders and high-level officials wouldn't agree so easily, would they?

"Boss Ao was very optimistic about her at the beginning. I believe in the vision of Chief Ao. Now the situation is delicate. The previous deputy has just died and needs a replacement. I think she is enough to lead you."

Gu Leng glanced at Jiang Lin, and unexpectedly found that there was no surprise on Jiang Lin's face.

Jiang Lin raised her eyebrows. She had been a leader before, so this did not surprise her.She tapped her chin, vaguely remembering what Gu Leng said about the previous deputy, who seemed to be on her previous killer list.

He must have been seen through by Gu Leng and killed him. Poor, he actually played lurking in front of Gu Leng. Does anyone know that Gu Leng's lurking ability is at the actor level?

When she regained her senses, Jiang Lin was not surprised to see that someone started to oppose her openly.

Someone raised his hand: "Commander, even if Chief Ao likes her, but she doesn't have any qualifications, I still oppose her..."

However, before this man finished speaking, Gu Leng raised his gun and pierced this man's head.


The corpse fell to the ground with a clang, shocking many people.

Fu Jiuye, who was looking out of the window, also turned around in shock.

True or false, he shot his head at a disagreement, this personality is a bit like his own team leader.

However, what everyone present didn't know was that the person on the killer list collected by Yinying was the one Gu Leng took this opportunity to kill just now.

For this kind of person who lurks in search of a chance to kill Ao Chen's subordinates, Gu Leng will not be soft-hearted.

"The base is facing the threat of zombies, now is not the time to argue," Gu Leng said, walking out of the teahouse slowly, the lingering sound echoed in everyone's ears, "If you have any objections, find a chance to kill her, otherwise, you will be old." Honestly call the deputy team."


Fu Jiuye looked at Jiang Lin suddenly, and saw her playing with her bangs, her eyes were full of fear.

That Gu Leng, what do you mean by picking out the murderous spirit of my team leader!

Jiang Lin restrained her murderous aura in the next moment, and said with a bright smile: "So that's it, although I don't like being a vice captain, but I don't want to see other people take my position just like that, so I want to Come on, grab the position, don't be killed by me."

This scene always feels familiar.

Fu Jiu dragged his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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