Apocalyptic zombie queen demon descends

Chapter 416 Who is the murderer?

Chapter 416 Who is the murderer?
Yinying thought she might be crazy.

Otherwise, how can I explain that I actually saw Li Yuanfeng's body.

Yes, it's definitely my eyesight...

Or maybe it's just a dream.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and opened them again.

The corpse is still there!

Damn it, who killed Li Yuanfeng? !
He was called by Chief Feng just now, but Ao Chen had an accident again, and this guy actually took Xiao Fu away without telling everyone.

You said it's fine to take it away, but it's just at this juncture.The one surnamed Feng was already angry, but now it's all right, it can be said that he was so angry that he immediately asked himself to catch Ao Chen back, and even hinted that it would be fine even if he brought back the corpse, Feng Shaoren wanted obedient subordinates, no It doesn't matter if you are obedient and kill them.

Yinying was a little disheartened by his stimulation. She wanted to come back and talk to Li Yuanfeng about the current situation, and see if he could save that bastard Ao Chen. Outside the cage!
You said it’s okay to die inside, why are you outside?Still being stabbed in the back!Isn't it obvious that the murderer is someone who can get the key and is relatively close to Li Yuanfeng!
The person closest to Li Yuanfeng, Yinying can think of is his assistant.For this assistant, it is not difficult to get a key.It's just that he and Li Yuanfeng shouldn't have a death feud, and, does he have the ability to avoid guards and kill people?

Yin Ying suddenly had a bad feeling.Because a thought flashed through his mind at this moment - this, couldn't it be Gu Leng who did it?

Before Yinying thought about it, Feng Shaoren had already learned about the situation here.

Starting from the magic lamp girl, everything seems to be messed up, Li Yuanfeng's betrayal, the prophet's sudden death, Ao Chen was out of control and did not obey orders to save Xiaofu, and then Li Yuanfeng was killed...

Feng Shaoren suddenly had a feeling of imminent disaster, but soon, this feeling was thrown to the back of his mind.Living in the last days is already considered a catastrophe, so what if there is more danger, is he going to cry like a child?

He immediately ordered people to arrest Ao Chen, continue to search for the magic lamp girl, and asked Yinying to continue to investigate who the murderer was behind these recent incidents.

For three days, they should eat and drink. Although the surroundings were in disarray, Jiang Lin and Si Dao still looked like that.

That night, Jiang Lin was hugging the duck, and the three of them were playing poker, when suddenly they heard a messy sound coming from outside.

Jiang Lin didn't say anything, and looked at the person next to Si Dao, who put down his poker, walked quickly into the bedroom and hid.At this time, the voices outside were getting closer, and soon, someone knocked on the door.

Jiang Lin put the card in her hand into Si Dao's hand next to her, stood up and walked to the door and opened it.

Outside the door, a young and beautiful girl quickly walked in and closed the door and said to Jiang Lin: "It's not good, Boss Ao has been arrested, and this time Boss Feng is being imprisoned in the garage."

This girl is someone that Jiang Lin met in the training camp recently. Like Jiang Lin, she was chosen by Ao Chen to prepare for special training together. Who knows that before this started, Ao Chen had an accident.

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, then asked again: "What about Master Gu?"

"Lord Gu told us not to act rashly, and didn't let us talk about the leader, saying that it would not harm Chi Yu."

Jiang Lin felt a little strange, pulled the girl over and asked carefully: "I heard that Chief Ao and Chief Feng are both leaders of the base. Why did Chief Ao have an accident so easily?"

The girl pursed her lips, glanced outside vigilantly, and whispered to Jiang Lin:

"Just listen to the gossip. It is said that Ao Chen trusts Chief Feng so much that his subordinates never accumulate power, and the people he trains are broken up and handed over to Chief Feng. Only then can Chief Feng be the number one leader today. On the contrary However, Chief Ao is the weakest of the four chiefs, so it is not surprising that something happened all of a sudden..."

Jiang Lin listened and looked back at Si Dao.

(End of this chapter)

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